
Written Preview for Episode 18 of In A Good Way — 5 Comments

  1. It seems like all the couples will have their ‘conflicts’ to deal with in this episode. I’m actually looking forward to it since it’s really part of growing up process. Yup plus the make up session that comes after is what it’ll make it worthwhile 🙂

  2. “the man can mint money with his brain if he wants to”

    I completely agree with this statement, which makes me think that his father really has no idea what kind of person his son is if he is so concerned about him having a “bright” future. If I could be as sure about my kids’ future, I would sleep really well every single night. However, he does not seem to know or really care to know the real Lui Chuan; no wonder his mother has decided to live on her own elsewhere. (I cannot believe the press is not having a field day with this in the plot here, but the story is not really about the parents, so I get it). The picture of Jia En and Lui Chuan in the library above is so adorable that I am ready for them to be made into stuffed animals.

      • I’m talking about the pic with Jia En in the light blue shirt holding the book and pretending that she is not touching LC while he, too, is looking adorably at the camera and making me not be able to complete my sent . . .

  3. Thanks, Ms. Koala, for the preview. Cannot wait to get home and watch it raw even though I don’t understand a jot of what they say LOL. This is how much I love this drama. And RW seriously needs to snap out of this phase he’s got going on. It’s seriously not doing much service to his personal growth.

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