
Medical Spy Drama Dr. Stranger Drops Character Stills and Bipolar Toned 3rd Teaser — 21 Comments

  1. Koala, YOU are interested in this? We are talking about Lee Jong Seok right? Kekeke. Anyway I find it extremely funny in the above embed video in your post. “This will cause your heart to stop temporarily…” and it shows a naked body which I presume belongs to Jong Seok, haha.

  2. ok. I don’t like Lee Jong Seok’s hair here. I am trying very hard to look beyond that but I could not see pass ‘it’. I did watch I hear your voice and was suitably impressed with his acting there. But… I hope this is just for the stills and ‘it’ will not appear in the real show…

    • He has JIW’s Scheduler look from 49 days, don’t he?

      I will hear what everyone else says on this one and jump on the bandwagon later. Feels like they are trying really really hard. Especially with the Conan singing in the trailer.

      • Oh, you r right. He is spotting JIW’s 49 days look! Anyways, looking at the teaser, he looks better in the shower scene (when the hair is wet). But screaming shower scene..That is a first I think. The superficial bits aside, I agree with u. From the looks of the teaser, show is trying too hard. Show has doppelgänger, medical drama, espionage, messy love quadrangle (what?), etc. What is the genre here? melo medical spy drama? My curiosity is piqued. Hopefully, it doesn’t kill me.

  3. Let me get this straight. You a re engaged to someone played by Park Hae Jin and your heart starts to waver? Good thing, she is in a hospital because she needs her head and eyes and heart examined.

  4. Phew..even if the plot is good but since i really cant stand looking at lee jeon suk face for too long so i m gonna pass this drama:(

  5. Wow – it doesn’t take that many years to become a heart surgeon eh? I know kdrama suspension of belief – just go with it, it’s a drama 🙂

    Anyhow, I may be interested in this but not until after it finishes so I can marathon it. Sounds interesting.

  6. fighting se yeon,,u deserve as a female lead,,we as ur fans always support ur career,,just be ur self and ignore rude/hate comment from others,,

  7. The story looks soooo complicated….. But thanks god it have a funny scene (i think)….
    I like kang sora in ugly alert….never watch park hae jin…but he is soo handsome ^^.
    I ‘ll give it a try….hope the story will be good….and have a happy ending

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