
You’re All Surrounded Episode 16 Baby Recap — 12 Comments

  1. Thank you for the recap. I am actually shocked there was actually a plot today. As you can tell they have been meandering around for weeks. This actually sounds like a police drama now.

  2. DG huged SS and asked her who her ideal type was. Their faces were this close, and with their OST playing as the background, I was so ready to witness their hot kissing. DG ya, you missed a great chance to kiss her passionately. And the hug at the end of this episode warmed my heart. 🙂

  3. Lol, Myung Woo hospital that hospital is awful cause patients are experiments. Love dae gu and soo sun P.S get lost Ji Gook

  4. 🙂 I like the ‘pls god don’t let it be Myung Woo Hospita..hahahah..don’t worry koala..park hoon is there and everyone who wants to kill their FATHERS..hahahah
    1 more week and the pain will end..I think that DS drama is about killing everyones father.. 🙂 🙂 🙂
    have a nice week end..

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