
Joseon Gunman Episode 8 Recap — 12 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap!

    I am riding the same roller coaster of feelings in this one. I yelped when he hit poor little sister, still stings, and cried when he was alone to think and rethink about it. I am so glad he got to hold her in the end. OY!

    The little bomb-maker that could is awesome. I loved how she was doing quick calculations with the recipee. Who can figure out 73% that quickly?

    Great moment and reveal with daughter reminding her father that SHE had been raped. Ugh, too real for me. What those women had to endure is hard for my 21st century brain to accept.

  2. hey! I am from India. I regularly visit your site for updates on K-Dramas… I have watched many K dramas, and I must say, it’s ADDICTIVE….. I have been checking many sites where i can watch the dramas ( I regularly watch them in Can u please suggest me any website for online K dramas? Also, suggest me if there are any worth watching dramas (not recent ones)…. Thank u

  3. I love Joseon Gunman! It has been awhile since I couldn’t wait for the next episode of a drama! Am I so relieved when Yoon Kang could finally hug his sister and reveal to her that he was indeed her `orabeoni’. What an awesome episode – heart-stopping action, heart-wrenching reconciliation, light/memorable conversations! I look forward to the reunion of Yoon Kang and Soo In.

  4. It was mentioned in one of the earlier episodes the reason why Merchant Choi became Leader Kim’s lackey. I believe it was revealed by Yoon Kang’s father whe he was investigating on the gunman. Merchant Choi sort of owes Leader Kim his life, well his family’s life actually. I think that’s the reason why his loyalty towards him goes beyond reason.

    Thanks for the recap! 🙂 I super love this drama ^^ one of the best historical dramas I’ve watched so far.

  5. I’m not judging Hye Won for reluctantly agreeing to the plan to send Yeon Ha to the old lech – she is literally the only person who points out how wrong it was, and the revelation that she had been a slave was a stunning one.

    She made a wrong choice, but the fact is she’s aware of it and it weighs very heavily on her conscience – she never lacked for depth, but I think this character is not going to be so easily written off as ‘bad’ in the future just because of this.

    • Also, people forget to take into account on how Hye Won personally doesn’t have emotional ties with the sister, therefore when you factor in her pragmatic personality, she naturally won’t oppose her father’s decisions with actions.

  6. Despite everything been said and been criticize about Soo In character, actually I like her a lots. Well…this is the first time a Saegeuk female that makin a ‘Bom’….use a binacular to try learning or let say maybe her descendant later will be a Corporates Spy ? he he he….so luuuuv it.
    Also the ‘Bat Cave ‘….qe qe qe, Lee Joon Gi love to have his own special ‘Cave’ like in Iljimae.
    I thought the writer doing a good joob and have a very great immagination to mesh up together Joon Gi past drama with Pd nim oast drama, cooked it together with some new flavour and special new ingridients….Voilla ‘ a new recipes were born’ and we all love the taste, coz they give us a ‘Buffet of all Kind Genres Taste’…..that melting in your mouth and leave a lingering feeling…

  7. well darn, I’m caught up already. I wanted to bank some eps but I can’t wait. LJK is so good, I can’t say it often enough. I am also impressed with Soon In. She is so curious and always wanted to learn new things. I just hope she doesn’t reveal that she made the smoke bomb to Hyewon.

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