
My Lovely Girl Episode 5 Recap — 24 Comments

  1. I have strange feelings for this drama. I don’t love or hate it, but I’m still curious enough to skim through each episode.

  2. Set-up episode mostly for tomorrow. I’m curious how you’ll feel koala once the show starts on full steam jealousy ride with Hyun Wook and Se Na discovering their “feelings” for one another? I can see Se Na be jealous but Hyun Wook? It strikes me as if it’s inappropriate. He should totally get off his dead girlfriend’s past, otherwise I feel that him getting jealous as awkward, if not forced on his part.

  3. Shi Woo and the scene with his mother had some good acting on both parties. I almost teared. I wonder who the actress is? She seemed so homely and kind here. In fact, she seemed so homely and kind that I’m going to affectionately call her Mama Shi Woo until we know her actual name. I knew we were going to get more background on Shi Woo this episode and it delivered for the moment. Apparently Mama Shi Woo says he’s a good boy. And we’re also seeing traces of that in him as the episodes go on. The speculation that he’s Hyun Wook’s half brother (that son in the scandalous, secret family picture that Jae Shit sent to Hyun Wook) appears to have more basis now as well.

    I just love his character.

    I liked how L also emoted in his conversation with Ass Heon. At least the guy showed up to deliver the satisfaction of not really caring about Bitch Eum and likely dumping her, she’s another one I can’t stand. Maybe she’ll forget her and Ass Heon ever spoke one last time and how embarrassing it was to be used, throw away tissue. I guess that’s what happens when girls don’t like guys who like them, oops.

    I’m not going to even beat around the bush. I’m in full steam with Shi Woo/Se Na in this drama. Of course, it won’t happen, so I guess we’d just have to be pacified by the fact that there will be scenes with the two and Shi Woo throughout its run.

    I’m concerned they might ruin his character if it feels that it’s overshadowing the lead couple, but I’m still willing to give the benefit of the doubt to writers. Shi Woo is great and it’ll be a damned shame if they go to screw up just because their OTP’s chemistry isn’t working like they thought it would.

  4. Shi woo or Hyun Wook i love them both.
    no matter who’ll she end up with, both are good enough.
    Shi woo with his cute charm, and Hyun Wook for his calm-sort of-charm.
    Idk imo Shi Woo is someone who can make you blushed and your heart beats, but Hyun Wook is someone who can make you smile and comfort you.
    Aww~ love love this drama.

    Ps : anyone know the title of Se Na’s song for Shi Woo?? Already fell for it. ♡

  5. Mrs Koala, what cracks me up is how you seem to have fallen for L’s charming face and ‘do, when his lack of acting skills used to drive you ‘crazy’. 😀 That’s not contradictory, though. Looks-wise, he reminds me of Roy Chiu in the early episodes of “Office girls” and “Big” ‘s Shin Won-Ho.

  6. I can officially say that My Lovely Girl is my favorite watch as of recent. I love the simplicity and the and ease that this drama progresses with. I love the cinematography. The warm fluorescent backgrounds and accents of the MLG make it beautiful to watch. I feel like MLG is making its way to being a winner in my book. I like Hyun Wook, but that is about it. I feel like Hyun Wook is just this awesome guardian and family figure, but as love interest of Se Na? Not so much. I definitely agree that Hyun Wook holding onto So Eun is a huge reason as to why I can’t put Se Na and Hyun Wook together. Hyun Wook needs to completely let go of So Eun and her memories, in order to truly love Se Na and treat her as his other half rather than a little sister or a responsibility. On the other hand, I think it is a tad late for that seeing as Shi Woo has given mostly everybody, including me, “second male lead syndrome”. As the episodes progress Shi Woo begins to show his different layers. He is very interesting and he has a story. Shi Woo pretends to be strong and confident on the outside, yet he is afraid that the world is going to see that he isn’t all that he claims himself to be. For some reason that really reminded me of Cheon Song Yi when she hit rock bottom. Shi Woo just comes across as real in comparison to the perfect Hyun Wook whom is talented, good looking, rich, etc etc. With Se Na, I feel like I lose her when she is with Hyun Wook. As you said, Koala, it seems like Se Na is always trying to gain Hyun Wook’s approval and the difference in age plus the brother/sister relationship really shows when they are together. Se Na loses her spunk, her edge, and her fighting toughness when she is with Hyun Wook. Se Na and Shi Woo on the other hand are what people would call “an old married couple”. They argue and bicker, but they care about each other on the inside. They do these little things for each other that just make me smile like a fool. I guess they share a common struggle and a common attitude toward their life. I just love their interactions, and find myself in denial, hoping that Se Na and Shi Woo would end up together instead. Sight. The life of a K-Drama watcher can be so hard at times. On the bright side, Jae Young shows up less and less. Rae Heon needs a good old beating, at least he is required for some progression in both Shi Woo’s story and the overall plot. Ra Eum is…. well I don’t really know what she is. Why is she even in this drama or deserving of any screen time. She hasn’t done a single thing except say that she is a fashion icon? Is she supposed to be some popular model or something? I don’t know, but she remains annoying. Hae Yoon is growing on me, as she is becoming more sincere rather than annoying. Good for her. Overall am liking MLG more and more!!

    • I lol’d at your comment about Ra Eum. She really is annoying! Plus she keeps on complaining 99% of the time. I don’t know what her purpose is and I don’t know why her voice also sounds annoying. She better end up with Rae Heon and not with shi woo -_-

  7. I really adore this drama and now I even adore L to the extent that I can no longer see what is wrong with his acting… or maybe his acting has gotten better?

    • I think L’s acting has got better. Given more screen time like this in MLG, he’ll have more opportunities to hone his acting skills in expressing subtle emotions. I actually like what he delivered in Shut up Flower Boy Band, but not so much in Cunning Single Lady. I’ve never been very critical of his acting like many others see him. Perhaps I’m the one always against overacting more than being expressionless or emotionless. For me, L and Krystal deliver a fresh vibe by being “plain” compared with other veteran actors who sometimes are too tiring to watch because their acting never gets out of cliche and is so predictable.

      I tried to watch My Spring Days because of SNSD Sooyoung but couldn’t keep up after ep 1. That drama smells too heavy-burdened in the upcoming episodes. This drama is light in a good way. It’s all about entertaining after all. Why would I bother to stress myself out by going through struggles with the drama characters given I’ve already had a long day at work????

  8. I’m having a Last Song Syndrome with that song at the end of Ep 5, will someone please tell me the title of the song and put my ears out of their misery? 🙂 … glad to see Shi Woo and Se Na finally connecting.

  9. When this drama started, I really have doubts if it will satisfy me or not especially since I think Ms. Koala is the only one recapping this with passion. But I somehow find this enjoyable to watch and also becme interested in Shi Woo’s character that my friend and I sometimes call the drama, “my lovely shiwoo” I’m excited to see how the story unfolds L’s family secret and HW’s past to Sena.

    Will continue reading your recaps every week! Thank you!

  10. This drama is nice…it’s not fantastic but the relationship between Shi Woo and Se Na is cute and exciting. I thing I will be less motivated when the love story will be in Hyun Wook and Se Na… On the other side, I’m a little bit disapointed by the voice of Krystal. I don’t like when she sings (I know she’s a songwriter and not a singer but there are a lot of songwriter who can sing very weel !).

  11. I really want shi woo ends up with se na and hyun wook with hae yoon! And please I dont want the writer ruins this drama by making shi woo or hae yoon as a jealousy-driven or bad character just so that the se na and hyun wook will end up together.i hate it when the good characters get ruined by suddenly changed attitude. And surprisingly I like L as shiwoo a lot and perhaps shiwoo is kinda connected to L as an idol, that I overlook his acting and start to accept it as maybe this is L as shiwoo in real life,cold,trying to look good but vulnerable inside.i root for him and se na a lot!

  12. Thanks for recapping ms. Koala! I could relate to what you said that the shi woo and se na scenes are the ones you anticipate. Because of shi woo, I got my ailment back. The second lead syndrome. He literally made my heart beat to the point where I needed to gasp for air. L and Krystal have some really good chemistry. And even though se na is probably going to end with hyun wook (the drama poster says it all), I’m still going to root for shi woo! I hope that my ship sails though.

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