
Pinocchio Episode 17 Recap — 22 Comments

  1. Ms. k… Again you are so fast… I haven’t watched the drama, but I always waiting your recap (I’m a very curious person, can’t wait longer not to know the story, and you are one of my grateful savior.. Thanks)

    And true true true to your thought this drama is one drama that close to achieve it’s creative purpose, not like several dramas that being swayed in the middle and then bam back to the roots, thats what I like about pinocchio, the point is not the romance but the journalist, the true or wrong, that basic human behavior, wrap with beautiful family warm, little tragedy, and sweet romance..

    Sorry if I sound so random, I just got up and quickly refresh this page.. And smile smile… Thank you

  2. Thank you for the fast recap! Yes, for some this would probably be a boring episode since its mostly talking and just takes its time dealing with the moral issues. But im really happy to hear you appreciate pinocchio. Its certainly not a prefect drama there are flaws like how yoo rae’s character is so underdevelop, and the tension was lagging ever since hyungs arc ended, also i would have loved for more sweeter moments between out leads and i understand why most people are dissapointed especially in comparison to the IHYV. But despite all that pinocchio is big on life lessons.

  3. Wow!!Miss.Koala…I love reading your recap ,well datailed and I must say I enjoy reading it.You Must be a ‘journalist’..thank you ..Now I will watched Epsode 17 with filled information…

  4. Thx for the recap. This episode was so sweet, thoughtful and thought provoking. I felt so bad for almost every single person

  5. i was a bit frustrated with this episode though. it is ridiculous that turning in a piece of evidence would so completely destroy a reporter’s life. one would have thought that the reporter who reports a wrongdoing would be applauded for it. esp in this case where deaths were involved. it feels contrived this dilemma.

    other than that, the story is pretty watchable. i finally can bear park shin hye in a drama! a first for me.

    • Try reading up on what happens to whistleblowers. They are officially blacklisted. This drama is really good. Kudos to the writer,cast and crew.

      • But they committed crimes. Wouldn’t it be against the law too if one has evidence to prove wrongdoing and one didn’t reveal it?

      • This is a reply to Enz (below). Yes but nobody actually reported that there’s evidence.

    • I think it bears a since of realism though. Yes, its true people will applaud you for your bravery but not everyone thinks that way especially when your outing the flaws of your own company.Now when it comes to seeking new jobs, its like you have been marked already as one who betrayed your own company no matter what the cause. So its natural for other companies to think that what you did to your previous company you also did to them. For example in most job interviews it a known fact that you should never speak ill of your company because if you can speak ill of that company then you probably do the same to them. No company wants a employee whose like a loose canon who would turn their backs on backs. Its basic work ethics.

      • Sorry for the typo.
        But what i mean is no company would want an employee they cant control. No employer in their right mind would hire a loose canon who can practically turn their backs on them at any moment. In ha is basically backstabbing her company even if her cause is good. So just from that it could tarnish your reputation because company gives evaluation to workers and no company would hire you.

  6. It’s about time they explained the reason behind the parents’ divorce! This drama does a great job at tying lose ends so it gives me confidence that we’ll get closure in the finale. (NOOOOO) I just hate that they’re trying to redeem Cha Ok’s character. It’s already episode 17. Redemption should’ve occurred a long arsh time ago.

    • I dont really think it will be the kind of redemption with her grovelling to in ha and in ha forgiving and forgetting all she has done. I actually think its just more on the line of acknowledging her mistake, being responsible for it and apologozing from the heart and then that it.Just to show us that cha ok still has humane qualities in her.

  7. I *HATED* the handling of the whistleblower storyline. Absolutely HATED it. Every society NEEDS whistleblowers, people who are prepared to pay the price to expose the truth. Everything the Drama said about the fate of whistleblowers was totally correct of course, but that’s why I was so annoyed that the show celebrated cowardice and pragmatism over courage and self-sacrifice. Because this is a Drama, our hero may well “find another way”, but the message the entire episode sent to those who might be in a position to be whistleblowers was crystal clear: “DON’T. Don’t do it, it ain’t worth it. Just don’t” And that is a truly contemptible message to send.

    • I really dont think it was that way though. Its not that the show is encouraging cowardice by being scared of revealing anything.The whistleblowing thing is used to show how much dal po and in ha are willing to sacrifice for each other. Would dal po be willing to sacrifice in ha’s future just to satisfy his revenge? Would in ha be willing to give up her dream for dal po? Its shows how much consideration and care they have for each other that they are willing to find a middle ground instead of sacrificing the other. Its about them being in this together and finding a way hand in hand. I also think it would be unfair if in ha would be the one to suffer no matter how much she feels guilty about what her mother did.

      • It’s more than revenge. Something happened which caused the death of many, not once but twice! And there was a cover up! I can’t imagine that she would not be able to get reporting job elsewhere for her bravery esp when it is even against her own mom!, I don’t get it.

    • @ enz
      True the bravery should be commended. But in reality its not like that. That is why being a whistleblower is never easy because no matter how good your intentions are there are always those who will go against you and have doubts and say something bad.
      Companies value the loyalty of their employees.

  8. This episode was so aptly the scarlet letter. True once you become a whistblower there gonna me that mark on you that could never be erased.

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