
Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 4 Recap — 46 Comments

  1. Sigh. I am going o be honest and therefore may incur some fan bashing. The thing is right, one can’t even express an opinion these days for a drama without being accused of being bias against a certain actor. Why can’t people respect reading a different opinion and move on?

    I don’t know whether it’s the writing or directing but the drama has no zip. Seo Jin and Robin are both distinct and well acted right? The house and offices are luxurious. Then how come the episodes are so plodding?

    I was watching Rooftop Prince years ago and pretty much had to watch Ha Ji Min’s scenes several times while editing the subs. I am editing as well for this. She is the same. Pretty. Nice dental veneers. Great smile. Slim and ok acting.

    I am making the assumption that it’s the writing that makes her so forgettable. She just delivers the lines.Even when she gazes into Robin or Seo Jin’s eyes I don’t feel the intensity. Also the writer didn’t make her character really intelligent. It’s not to do with IQ. It’s just that she doesn’t behave like a shrewd circus manager or an intense tightrope artiste. Like-gimme me a reason to like the female lead please. She is so bland like white porridge cooked with no salt or pepper or seasoning. Just edible but not delicious. Although some people would argue plain porridge is delicious.

    And Hyun Bin? I feel like the director is taking advantage of HB being a marine to have so many action scenes. Have you guys noticed?

    Aish, unless some sparks fly can’t even be bothered with the OTP.

    And the plot and mystery? It’s so lame I can’t even be bothered to get excited. I will watch this to the end of course but am so disappointed with the 4 episodes

    • Omg exactly!!! everything is ok but somehow they dont work! it doesnt have that certain pull in it! By the way, please dont kill me hyun bin fans but i men come on, he is not that great…he is good but i dont think he is that amazing as an actor as people say! and i just cant help butt compare him to the work that ji sung does in KMHM ( dont bash me for mentioning KMHM, but they are at the same timeslot with the leads having the same condition) which is just out of this world! Im sorry people but thats the truth, at least my truth. as for han ji min taking all the crap for the 0 chemistry, well its just unfair… u need 2 people for chemistry, not only one!

      • I’m actually kind of a HB fan. Not a true fangirl, since I don’t watch everything he is in. Anyway, I don’t think that he’s carrying the show by himself; his acting is nothing spectacular. But these things happen really often. When dramas do well, fans get along. When the drama flops, they start blaming each other’s bias for poor ratings. The girls usually bear the brunt. Seriously, if a drama flops, it’s either because of a poor script or extremely strong competitors. You may have outstanding chemistry, but it’s only going to do so much in the ratings department. In HJM’s case, it’s because of a really really poor story. Of course, it doesn’t help that it is the worse of the two split personality dramas.

      • Kitai you just spoke my mind.
        A bad drama particularly THIS drama’s failings aren’t just the fault of the actress. This is due to poor writing, shoddy plot and very weird directing

    • You said a lot of what I was thinking. I also think the ridiculous setting of the show itself (amusement park, circus, gorilla, zip line, heart rate glasses) is off putting. I feel like I’m watching some sort of random mushrooms induced hallucination that I just can’t relate to whatsoever.

  2. I don’t care about other’s opinion about hji. All i know is i’m enjoying this drama so much. I love both Hyun Bin and Han Ji Min.

  3. I don’t know why Hyun Bin called her the most prettiest, maybe my eyes and my taste, she’s not that pretty that makes you want to stare for more than 1 second.
    Yes she suffered poor script, even if the task is given to Ha Ji Won, she still cannot save it, best example is in her latest movie Chronicles of Blood, she was so dull and unattractive too.
    For Hyun Bin’s act, still, not interesting either.

    Watching HJJ to see all the hype and the weaknesses.

    • It may be a poor script but I’m pretty sure there would be at least chemistry with HB and HJW.King 2 Hearts did’nt do well but at least you can see the chemistry between HJW and LSG.

  4. “I’m shipping Hyun Bin with himself” Same here! I am actually enjoying the dynamics between Robin and Seo Jin although the main OTP really doesn’t work out for me.

  5. Ohhh how I wish Robin and Seo Jin were twins so that I can see some bromance interactions! I will be so mad if this murder plot spans the entire drama like Birth of a Beauty. I hate being fooled into thinking a drama is fluffy cotton candy when it is not.

  6. I am still chugging along and waiting for the story to unfold more. The cohabitation better give us some good hijinks. Don’t waste the set up.

    I had little faith in the writer to begin with so I am not all that surprised. I am worried about just how SJ actually falls in love with Hana. What is it about her that is going to really attract him.

  7. As at episode 3 I wish it was not Han Ji Min. She has no sass. I’m thinking – maybe Shin Min Ah would have suited the character and been a little more spunky.

    • Not that you mentioned it. Yeah. Remember her with Lee Seung Gi? She was gorgeous, spunky, had a twinkle in her eyes. Now Seo Jin would have had a hard time resisting her.

      And then maybe Hyun Bin could get into a scandal with her at the same time. Bwuahaha.

      • Agreed!! I actually was thinking of her in both MGIG and of couse Arang – she wasw so cheekily menacing (I know, I know – very oxymoron-ish) and she could hold her own in fight scenes. Plus she just oozes charisma. I think she would get on famously with Binnie.

        Han Ji Min – I think she suits melo roles more – but that’s just the aura I get.

      • Is it my imagination or is there a plethora of screencaps in this recap?

        More than usual? I am not complaining!!! More Binnie can never be wrong.

        But I could barely pull through episode 3 cos although time was passing, not much was happening – not in an interesting way anyway – I don’t know how to explain it.

  8. Karma is digital! The low ratings and lack of chemistry between the 2 leads should teach Hyun Bin fans a lesson. Before the drama started, a drama thread was started at a popular forum.

    Some fans were throwing out names of different actresses that they wanted to see act with Hyun Bin. His fans kept hurling insulting words saying that they dont want Hyun Bin to be paired with a certain actress, because Hyun Bin is supposedly above her and because her latest dramas have not been doing good in terms of ratings, to make matters worse they also said that they want Han Ji Min to act with Hyun Bin since her dramas have been doing great and that they are on the same level….so now what?

    They have zero chemisrty and then they get spanked in ratings as well
    1) Kill Me Heal Me 11,5%
    2) The Kings Face 8,5%
    3) Hyde Jekyll and Me 6,6%

    His fans should be less arrogant next time cause these days you never know what the audience likes. Also, even the almighty Hyun Bin is not exempt from bad luck and bad plots that is beyond his control, just like the actress that his fans insulted who got unlucky with some dramas. His fans probably got arrogant thinking that he would garner huge ratings for his comeback drama but I guess karma brought them back to reality.

    • Are fans being arrogant for voicing whom they like for his co-partner and the reasons for their choices? Isnt how kdrama fandaom works, fans promoting their bias. Im also interested to know which actress got insulted since so many names were thrown around(as a side note, since a number of the actress’ projects did not turn out well, was this the result of her fans’ arrogant/unreasonable behavior for we are talking about karma)

      • No there is absolutely nothing wrong in voicing your preference,but for his fans to disrespect the fans of the actress just because they said that it would be nice to see their fave actress star opposite with Hyun Bin is not ok and for them to then proceed to bash the actress is just…. You have a bias too and when you see someone completely insult that bias, it may also peeve you in some ways.

    • I am not a rabid fan but I certainly had my bias. Why not? That’s the whole pleasure of being a fan right?

      Besides the cast only gets the script for the 1st couple of episodes and the rest is up to the writer, director and the fickle Korean public. The international fans certainly doesn’t do much for ratings.

      Wait till the series end and they can sell it to China. Then we will see the export prices.

      • I’m assuming we’re talking about the same forum, but I read one person simply state their opinions on miss yeh based on what knetz say and then some yeh fans unintentionally made it a bigger issue while being overly defensive for their queen. Seems to me like YEH fans are the ones over-reacting.
        Didn’t see negative comments on gong hyo jin tho and Master’s sun had good ratings/IOIL had decent ratings. 🙂

      • Huh? Gong Hyo Jin it’s not her either. Go Hye Sun is who I was reffering to. Fans of Hyun Bin and not just Hyun Bin fans but other actors as well just wont give her a break. I am sick and tired seeing then criticize her nonstop. She had hit dramas too Pure 19, BOF, so I dont understand why she needs to be bashed for her acting or blamed for some of her dramas that haven’t been doing well.

    • what make you so sure that its HB fans who hurl insults. Many fans of other actresses visited that site (if we are referring to the same site) and show their interest to have their favs included. The exchanges were mostly between the fans of different actresses, not necessarily coming from HB fans. So, you are now saying its his (HB’s)arrogance. Before pointing at others, are you certain fans of your bias have not uttered anything negative about some other actresses mentioned there or show an overbearing attitude. Ive followed those posts and find them civilized on the whole. I really do not see it worthy to be so worked up to the extent to bring in karma and what naught.

      • Have you been to DCDrama forum before the drama aired? it was Hyun Bin tards who bashed for sure and now that this drama is failing his fans are not only blaming the PD but also his leading lady. I guess she is no use to them now so they need someone to blame other than their bias.

    • When KMHM were dying hunted the casts, On Twitter/some sites, some said that no wonder some actors/actress turned down KMHM because it’s HB, maaaaaan! You will compete with HB’s drama, so you better running from KMHM. Those comments really stated that HB is really superior. They said KMHM will be a mess drama because 7personalities bla bla, wrecked train etc. They even laughed that JS-HJE are in for KMHM because they couldn’t make KMHM become a hit just like Secret in 2013! I’m not even HB/JS/HJE’s fan, but yes.. these days, no matter how good your casts are, your drama would be nothing without good script!
      I’m in a so so believe in karma & this drama is not even finish yet, but what’s happening right now ? Just watch out with what you want to say.

  9. Fairytale romance, but without a fairytale OTP. No wonder ratings took a nosedive. I think this story calls for a younger cast to sell the fairytale aspect. No offense to HB, he is doing a great job at showing the lovable Robin, and the chebol role he can sleepwalk through it. But something is wrong when I am cringing at scenes I am expecting to go all “aww” at.

  10. Nice recap Ms Koala.
    However I noticed that favoritism comes into play here. Any other drama you would have mentioned the dismal ratings this drama is getting.
    Face it, I’m so disappointed b y how terribly dull this drama is what a waste of Binnie

    • I agree…koala has recaped many crappy dramas, even crappier than this one and skipped better dramas…however one cant help but be biased…especially if she likes hyun bin so if shee still likes it or better yet likes some aspects of it let her do that…

  11. I actually liked the last two eps more than the first two.
    Watching the two Bins when they are together is my favorite part, too.

    Here is an idea:
    SJ seems to pay physically for every act of courage Robin does. He wakes up sore and bruised. There are no side effects for Robin, so he is never afraid of the consequences. They say Robin has no memory of the bad thing that happened five years ago. It could simply be that one of Robin’s amazing feats to help someone put SJ in the hospital for a long time. His family knows that normal SJ wouldn’t risk his own life, but that Robin has no brakes and could end up killing himself accidentally.

    Suicidal SJ didn’t go away – he just hid himself behind/inside Robin’s bravery.

  12. I agree, instead odf aaaw i feel so embarassed by this drama because of the absurdness and cheesy scenes with very long unneccessary BGM.

    But it’s true that it needs 2 people to create the spark. Both of the leads don’t have chemistry and did not put depths in their characters( i partly put the blame on the script too).
    At least Hyunbin loos more alive in this drama than han ji min. Idk what is she doing

  13. At this point, I would be way more invested in this show if it were just Robin and Seo Jin leaving messages for each other and dealing with the repercussions of the other’s actions.
    This whole romance angle is kind of a snoozefest. The two leads don’t have a whole lot of chemistry and nor does the script do a good job of giving compelling reasons of why she is the trigger, why she needs to stick around and why anyone needs to care about this circus. She keeps going on and on about the circus, wasting screen time talking about something that hardly anyone in the drama and watching the drama cares about.
    Now she’s moving in. I just hope this won’t turn into hours of watching supposedly hilarious, but actually horribly uninteresting, co-habitating hijinks.

  14. This drama was highly anticipated because of HB not because of the story by itself. That is a lesson, after all drama is all about story. And just rely on the leads won’t help much. I am sure many will thought that because HB is in the drama will have high rating, well?.

    Since the drama is yet to deliver better rating, people try to seek for scapegoat by pointing the lack of chemistry, poor acting by the lead actress, PD, etc but HB. I am sorry for his fan, but to me his acting ain’t any better than HJM. It is hard not to compare his acting with the other lead actor in the rivalry drama where he can give breath to all the alters he have. So, yeah if I have to compare HB’s acting is bland next to JS.

    I wish I can enjoy this drama (as I never care who the leads are, I watched some of JS drama, some not, same apply to HB) but seemed I just have to say sayonara.

  15. I’ll collectively answer here some queries thrown my way:

    1. I don’t blame Han Ji Min for the drama’s ratings fail, clearly the bigger problem is the poor writing and terrible directing. BUT, and that’s in all caps, she is also sucking big time in acting out what is already a bland character. It’s like doubling down on the bland. And no, I do not believe that anytime a drama chemistry fails the fail is always laid at the feet of the actress. I do lay the problem with Han Ji Min in this particular situation because her acting is so flat whereas Hyun Bin’s dynamic as both Seo Jin and Robin. It’s like one side is jumping and the other side sedentary, of course I’ll blame the sedentary side for the lack of chemistry.

    2. Binnie’s well known for being wildly inconsistent with bringing in drama ratings. I don’t think fans who love him do so because he’s some sort of ratings guarantor. At least I’m not. Newer drama viewers really need more understanding of his career before saying crap like karma or Binnie failing on this outing. I find his drama choices are not always tied ratings to quality. Let’s never forget the dismal ratings of The World They Live In, which had TWO A-Listers headlining in Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo. That drama averaged ratings from 7.% to 4.8% And that was six years ago when dramas still did 20% easily!

    Secret Garden happens to be his most recent drama and did really good ratings. And of course there is My Name is Kim Sam Soon and it’s 50% ratings phenom, which really I credit to Kim Sun Ah’s Sam Soon more than Binnie’s Jin Heon. But otherwise Binnie’s dramas are invariably low in the single digits. I love the man including even terrible duds like Snow Queen (so pretty!) and crazy inconsistent Ireland (I’m still confused), and of course there was criminally underrated masterpiece that is Friends, Our Legend. What I’m getting at is Binnie is not known for delivering on ratings so I’m not bugged by HJM’s low ratings (which are deserved) and am enjoying for his comeback acting which is delivering for me on both Seo Jin and Robin.

    • Very well said!! Just my thoughts exactly.

      I’m really surprised that people think that having HB should mean high ratings. In his career, he really hasn’t had that many ratings hits only MNIKKS and SG. I agree MNIKKS was definitely more because of Sunah’s character than his. And SG was a KES drama. It had a lot of other factors that made for the hit ratings, not just him.

      HJM – She is a little bland for me but I’m trying to roll with it. She just doesn’t really have that fiesty feel to her and she also doesn’t come across as particularly mean. So when Hanah threaten SJ, it’s kinda weak. I do think they have chemistry together but it’s being diluted somewhere. trying to stay positive 🙂

      • Ok I chanced abt this comment page and just have to comment:
        What’s the talk abt bias, this is her blog and if she recaps a drama based on her preference for hyun bin, is there a problem? In any case the recaps in my opinion have been fair and acknowledges both weaknesses and strengths of the drama

        And whoever says hyun bin dramas are supposed to get high? Like koala says if you follow his career you know he doesn’t have high ratings for all dramas. Or was it only secret garden that u guys watched? Give the man a break and his fans a break.
        I agree that Hyde j me hasn’t been shooting on all corners since broadcast but the hate it has generated is seriously wierd as the drama isn’t half bad. And I AM enjoying hyun bin’s performance.

        Let the people who enjoy the show enjoy the show. Shoo!!!

  16. BTS video of this drama is more interesting than the drama itself…. I found that HB and HJM have more chemistry outside the drama…lol

  17. I am not going to let all the negative trash talk spoil my enjoyment. I liked Big and Faith, both of which had many detractors. And note that the many witty references to past dramas in Fated to Love you were enjoyed while here people only seem to complain about too many Sega similarities. It makes me think there is a “hate” epidemic running amok.

    • Well, possibly because FTLY actually intended to make those references to inject comedic elements, but the show itself is totally unrelated to their leads’ previous works whereas HJM is similar because HB’s character is quite like his in SG. They are not even trying to be funny or anything. It’s just that they are sticking to the tried and tested fomula which is not working now.

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