
Lost You Forever Chapter 39: The Bitterness of Longing For You — 42 Comments

  1. Happy Chinese new year @koala, tq for keeps translate, it just like I receive my Hong pau, wakakakakak, i’m curious is a nian going to be one of zhuan’s consort?

  2. Happy Chinese New Year Miss Koala! Thank you for the update, it’s always a lovely surprise to get a chapter. They’re so far and few between now … but I’m always very very grateful. I love this novel so much. I hope they turn it into drama soon!!

  3. I feel bad for XZ, however, still he chose it.
    This episode is tugging at my heart. No matter how screw up grand emperor was, he loved XY so much and would do even the worst to spare her more pain.

  4. Happy New Year!
    Thank you so much for the translations!
    I wonder whether Ah Nian ever finds out that the one whom Zhuan Xu truly loves is Xiao Yao and what she’ll do if she does find out….

  5. Thank you Koala for your hard work 🙂 I wonder what it was that Zhuan Xu wanted to say but held back. What is it that Xiao Yao once said to him in Cao Yuan Court on Xuan Yuan Mountain?

    This chapter makes me feel particularly sad for Zhuan Xu, more than usual, but this is the choice he made, and I personally don’t think he would choose do any different if he could go back in time. Life seems to sometimes still fit together nicely, albeit in a strange way since it’s undeniable that ZX would make the best emperor out of all the possible contenders in LYF.

    Being a good emperor is an endlessly lonely job. The personal sacrifices necessary for the good of the people really requires one to hold a deep love for the country and people. I think ZX possesses a kind inner heart towards his people, strength of character and smarts; traits so integral to being a good emperor, and so rarely seen combined in an individual (being realistic here!). More importantly, he is also able to put aside his emotions and harden his heart sometimes when the situation demands it and do what is for the greater good.

    These things considered, I think ZX is absolutely amazing amazing amazing but my heart also breaks for him for the same reasons.

    • Forgot to mention, speaking of amazing people, Jin Xuan displays amazing strength of character here. Xiao Yao is right in that not many women would be able to make (and keep) such a decision!

  6. Happy New year Ms K! Thanks for translating another chapter of this novel! Out of the three parts of this novel, this third one paints ZX in the most sympathetic light. I must confess that I never liked him and always preferred XL and Jing. But in this chapter, I do feel for him – having always to put noble duty as emperor over and above his heart. It must have been so hard for him to witness the love between Jing and XY and although he always supported their wedding, it’s hard for him not to feel jealous to see XY openly expressing her love for Jing.

  7. I think Ah Nian will be Zhuan Xu’s achilles heel. My guess is that she will do a lot of harm towards Zhuan Xu, probably even assassinate him. A hint of that was stated when Ah Nian thought about her weapon, the mulberry rope that she didn’t use yet despite being very near with Zhuan Xu.

  8. Thanks for the lovely New Year’s present! Think everything might come full circle with ZX’s choices echoing Jin Xuan’s crossroads. When you love and are not loved in return, how do you choose?

    As for the Grand Emperor – he’s a very sympathetic character because of how much he loves his daughters. But he’s also made some very ruthless decisions over the course of his life so perhaps him not training a successor involves a redemption. That would be just and an ending that could benefit the world.

    Brotherhood seems to be as strong a theme as love; Feng Long and Jing are bros again – hurray! FL always thinking that Jing was magnanimous and noble and then feeling inadequate echoes Hou and FFYY but everyone seems to have come to gripes with this inadequacy so very differently.

    Can’t wait for how the story develops~

  9. First volume of LYF – XL vs Jing.
    Second volume of LYF – XZ vs XL
    Third volume of LYF – may be XZ vs XY +Jing . ?
    Will XZ find a way to XY be his queen.? What I think is LYF tries to highlight love and choice. Not fate.

  10. Happy New Year! Just get so involved into reading this that I forget what’s around me. Curious about Ah Nian’s future, maybe with Feng Long?
    @Nonnie, in the previous chapter, ZX thought back to the time XY said she would marry no one else but him. Thanks, ockoala for these goodies!

  11. I don’t feel bad for ZX at all and I’m really side eyeing him for his behavior toward Jing and Xiao Yao…the way he grabbed Xiao Yao and Jing’s bad feeling gives me negative implications

  12. Thanks to Koala for this Chinese New Year present. 🙂 Although I feel a bit sorry for ZX, I think this is the result of what he choose. If he has a second chance, I think he would make the same choice again.

  13. I am just sooo happy with all this reading. Thank you Koala.

    I fell a little for XZ in this chapter. For the first time, I feel sorry for him, for the conflict in his heart. The reason he does not have XY is not because he chose power over her. XY has never seen XZ as anything other than her GeGe. Had XZ not coveted power, he would still have her loyalty, but not her heart. He feels as though he lost her, but she was never his.

    What I love most about this book is the study in the many ways we can experience romantic love. It seems my heart can only accept one way. Reading other comments have enlightened me to other views. So thanks to everyone for your POV.

  14. I feel for Ah Nian in this chapter. To be torn between Gao Xing and Zhuan Xu, and to `lose’ her elder sister – poor girl!

  15. Hello, Koala! I seriously love your translations!
    If you dont mind, could you quickly let me know when to expect your next translation of this book?
    P.S. Thank You in advance!

  16. As always, thank you for the translations, and looking forward so much to the next drop, and hopefully XL’s return….

  17. Ahhhh thanks for another chapter! I believe there’s about 12 chapters left to go? I’ve been on this journey with you from the start even though this is my first time commenting, and even though there hasn’t been a post in a while, i’m going to keep the faith that you’ll finish translating this amazing novel, however long it takes you!

  18. Hope your summer is going well! Willing to wait however long it takes for the next chapter because you make it worth it. Thanks for your hard work

  19. Koala we are eternally yearning for your next chapter. You have done such a fabulous job of translating please continue the good job. Just hope not to Lost you forever after Chapter 39. Thank you!

  20. ZX tugs at my heartstrings constantly like time. It pains me to see that his biggest motivation in his life is Xiao Yao yet each step he makes brings her further away.

    He has a great heart, ceaseless in his love for XY that doesn’t lose to Jing & XL. I love our girl but she frustrates me to no end with how obtuse she is at times. The 3 male leads never fails to try, see and feel from her perspective yet because she wallows in her own pain, she turns blind & oblivious to their feelings. Can someone get her a 6th sense?

    ZX may have a legion of women at his side but he is exactly like his dad, XY is the only woman he will ever love romantically and its utterly tragic that XY is blind to his feelings.

    On a side note, I love Jing & Feng Long’s friendship, you really do need sth as pure as them to help cope with the all the feelings LYF brings.

  21. I think Zhuan Xu referenced the end of vol 1, chapter 17 when Xiao Yao asked that “Do things need to be so delineated between us?” and that she can have him repay for all the things she did for him later.

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