
Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 12 Recap — 27 Comments

  1. Woah abt terry. The moment he appeared the acting was stellar. Those eyes! Although it was only a glimpse…I’m not so sure about it being another personality as it seems robin can control it. It’s obvious the 3 personalities were fixed from the start because of the title (it’s a great idea so I have no issue abt copycats debate. Plus perry is a hooot terry is well.. We don’t know for sure yet but I think he’s interestingly HAWT lol)
    I like the episode enough. It had quite a bit in 60mins. Yet the pace remains feeling slow. I’m gonna put my money that the problem is …u guessed it Hana. I’m sorry for those who like HJM but this has to be the worst written AND acted female lead for a while. Everytime screen pans to her, the drama slows down. Then we get hyun bin and YG on screen things get way better then it’s back to her and it slows down AGAIN. It’s like she sucks the energy and tension out of the show! *bang head* esp when people around her are acting good it’s a huge distraction.
    Seriously, I don’t care to be mean anymore, I really tried giving the character chances but that’s it, She sucks!!! I’m even hoping some first love will come by and win seojin’s or robin heart all over again. *face palm*
    What exactly is the issue? There’s no energy in her lines, no common sense in her reactions and worse absolutely no passion in the portrayal. Is she sick or too tired? I really don’t know but she’s making me tear my hairs out watching. Come on!

    Your bf has DID, both personalities u have feelings for. Yeah it’s bizarre, but ain’t it ridiculous too? Some emotions pls other than being troubled. And also that means he’s sick. You wanna help him, it’s not abt choosing one over the other. It’s loving the entire package. And it’s 2 (opps now 3) hyun bins! Grrrr I’ll pop a champagne, have a victory laugh ala cousin in the toilet and then think of how to help him. Whatever, anything but HER reaction which is basically walking with a blank expression.
    Completely unacceptable

      • The writer for this drama didn’t follow any thing from the webtoon. So, it’s not even an adaptation of the webtoon. Word has it that the webtoon is waaay better than this crap drama.

  2. woah did not see terry coming at all!! part of me wants to see terry and tae joo battle it out!! that would be epic!! and glad to see robin getting more interesting now. thanks koala for recapping!! hope you don’t stop!! plus hyun bin is seriously doing a great job!! even though there are many things that annoy me about this drama, binnie’s performance makes me stay!

  3. Yikes!! I don’t have time to view the entire episode with subs right now. I actually didn’t think that the “me” was SJ. It should have been obvious from the start but I was distracted I guess. As much as I love Hana and would definitely defend her… her reaction to this whole DID thing across two episodes makes me want to shake some freaking sense into her. I would say, “I don’t understand you!” to her. Show something – some emotion, some energy please. All the other complaints, I can live with… but why did she have to go and do that for 2 freaking episodes. 1 fine, but 2 is really killing it. Her boyfriend is suffering from a serious mental illness!

    Sigh… I am sticking to the show until the bitter end, and who knows, maybe it will turn out to be the bitter end. I definitely want to see baddie baddie HB… bring it! Bad to the bone and not arrogant, annoying and mean bad. But terrorizing and equally disturbing bad like LSH/TJ – rival him. So at least, we can see SJ/Robin figure out a way to “defeat” him and also cure SJ.

    I made it through the likes of PCAP, PR and a few other horrible dramas and at least this one, HB’s acting is pretty darn stellar. I didn’t even have that in the other ones. So I will continue to enjoy this – minus the Hana issue in the last 2 episodes. Maybe she will get some spunk back. And the freak – where is my darn rom com?! I actually really did want to see HB in a rom-com drama that didn’t have him only being a pure arrogant rich jerk. Why must the drama writer suck the life out of Hana. I’m thinking she needs a much help as he does (well, not really but getting there…)

    • I am actually feeling the opposite about Ha Na’s reaction. I feel like she reacted like an actual adult. She didn’t run off on a bus somewhere with no one knowing where she went.

      She took the time and space she needed to think things through while letting everyone around her know that she was doing so. I do agree that she was really one dimensional this episode. She did need to get mad or sad at both of them. Holding her emotions in isn’t going to help anyone.

  4. *Raises hand*
    I’m also a survivor, silent lurker, but still watching and reading. Thank you to Miss Koala for sticking with this show and bringing us recaps! Hyun Bin sure does wonders and helps a lot.

    • I also want to call this drama Hyun Bin, Binnie, and Hot Damn That Bin! I will stand until the end, like Custer. Never fear I will jump ship, remember that I recapped Dr. Stranger until the very end. The. Very. End. This is nothing, Binnie is sooooooo awesome I savor every minute of him. Also love hearing from the faithful on the recaps. We’re like a select group – fully cognizant of the flaws of this drama and still loving it for Binnie~

      • omg… going through 20 episodes of dr. stranger was the worst! that script really went crazy with all that stupid shipping from fans ugh! and yay for those of us still watching the show!! it makes this journey less lonely! plus, binnie needs to rest after his drama! he looks exhausted from appearing in like every other scene! plus with live shooting…gosh he deserves much praise!

    • Yay!! Hello!!
      Yes I’m here to the End. Hyun bin is just so good in his act here. I can see why he took on this role, sad that not much of an audience for his performance.
      Off topic though, he’s incredibly hot. Esp that few seconds of terry LOL oh well much consolation for us.

  5. Me, too! I am here. But I am yelling at the screen more than I should. For Hana to use her vocal chords, to change her shift in focus, to look not zombie like.

    How about that sharp security guard who is there to investigate the strange noises? He should have politely asked to see the weight room. I know he doesn’t have a warrant, but if the resident refuses, wouldn’t a little red flag go up? Shouldn’t he be trained to spot strange behavior? Has he never read a book about serial killers?

    Meanwhile, cops, don’t actually ask the doc the name of her kidnapper at the scene of the crime where he probably still is. She needs to be rushed to the hospital or something.

    I am sad to say I am not a Robin fan and don’t care if he disappears. There is no emotional connection for me to him. I do want to see more of Terry, though.

    Tae Joo better have a secret hide-out somewhere because I am confident the cops will have him in jail faster than you can say record-of-purchase-for-gas-and-nozzles-combined-with-record-of-rental-for-hall” right?

  6. My god. Most of the episode itself was really slow but that bit in the end where Terry appeared, my heart was racing as his hands reached for Dr Kang’s throat. Hyun Bin looked so dangerous in that moment and as several others have mentioned above very hot!!! That intense stare. Wowzer.
    Finally the chase for Soo Hyun will be on now that Dr Kang is free although I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s had her undergo hyposis to forget his identity.
    Ultimately though, I’m watching for Seo Joon. To see how he can make it out in one piece in the end. The rest of the drama itself frustrates me to no end but ah well, we are in it for the long run I guess 🙂

  7. Am I the only one who thinks it wasn’t Robin but Seo Jin that woke up after almost strangling Dr. Kang. There were those few flashbacks that weren’t his memories but Robin’s (that same thing had been happening to Robin). Also Dr. Kang starts to mouth what looks to be “Seo….”. He also tells Ha Na that he wants to live. Which can be said by either personality. When he sees her in person. He wants to live as Robin who saves people and who Ha Na loves.

    I don’t feel like that Robin knows that Seo Jin has started to fall for Ha Na. So him hinting he wants to be Robin only because that’s who Ha Na loves has me believing that he is Seo Jin. Does anyone else see these things also or am I just cray cray like LSH?

    • No, you are not the only one. I did think that was Seo Jin too. And if we consider the order of 5 year-ago story: Seo Jin woke up after Terry disappeared, then maybe that really was Seo Jin.

  8. I wasn’t a survivor nor a fans but watch because this drama appear on my list 1st than any other drama and it is my watching time
    1. Terry is not a good name and that shocking as anyone saying that, this drama has suffer from low expectation when Hyde,Jekyll and 1st plot told he can be dangerous, and it just about time it happen but still the anticlimax feel hanging since YC already give the explanation, as a viewer audience, seeing rather than read or heard are best moment to capture a scene. HB is doing really good and looks so much better because the other can’t keep up their character as much as HB, so he is awesome but I personally see it’s not that stellar

    2. I agree how Hana is described here, and what I wanna said is, why don’t he googled about DID 1st she heard it from SJ, seriously, you are not a Psychiatrist, so there’s no way you can figured it out with everything you think that happen, (it is small but the way the writer drag her confusing and after TJ talk to her), one search is really make it better (or I miss this scene?)

    3. This drama also going to mystery/thriller expectation when the original to be romantic comedy and that make they can’t developed any other sub-character, because if they are will always irrelevant to what supposed to be

    4. The police scene is better removed or having a n impact, cause I just think that if they can track a cell activity near the place of kidnapping or is the area suspected, they can make a list of suspect,

    5. The DID that bound to be the core of the show is not fully to the term of why it should be there, why an alter called Terry and Robin appear to want to live when they are fall in love and feel threat when SJ wants to make them disappear because SJ is happen to have feeling also to the girl

    It mostly told that DID patient can’t live without making an alter, an alter is what make they still live, but Robin and maybe Terry have no leverage at all at SJ life, they never showed to have help him outside what happen to Hana,what I wanted to said that personality is what you define yourself and the reason of it should be your own mental state other than having another person as the trigger,

    I already comment a lot, I want to see how this end to make a proper overall judgment about the show and feel free to said I am wrong and put the believable explanation, I am just an audience that happen to feel every week, the string is loose in this show, it get better but it get uninteresting fast when you start to think about it

    • Robin was created as an alter after the kidnap so that SJ could live. He left his friend to die and had survivor guilt from the trauma. He tried to kill himself every night on the bridge for a year. So in order to live, nice hero robin who saves everyone was created.
      Terry was created by Robin because Robin wants to live after he went on a mission to have himself destroyed after the trauma of the first love leaving them. It’s an alter of an alter.
      So all alters have reasons to exist logically.
      The plot ain’t stellar but this part is quite nicely explained.

      • so..sorry for repeating it, SJ try to kill himself every night on the bridge
        then robin created to save everyone/lessen the burden of SJ’s guilt then RB wants to die because his 1st love is leaving him
        then terry is created because he doesn’t want robin dead

        if Terry was made by robin, he and robin is complete as one, so if robin save everyone, terry kills everyone? but terry is not related with SJ?
        okay I want to said they exist logically but didn’t nicely explain,for me it need to build up more about ro bin then take the turn to terry

        the strange vibe i get maybe because it is hard to relate and it more like superheroes in anime story when they can have diff way to get power up
        (what I get originally from the show is SJ need robin despite he doesn’t feel he is that needed so when he wants to die SJ created terry who is more powerful than him to make Robin still balance in his life
        it is in sense SJ is the main personality )

  9. I waited 5 years for Hyun Bin. He did a good job and did not disappoint. Too bad the writing and directing is bad. I will stick to the end for Binnie and Sung Joon. FIGHTING.

  10. Adding Terry just means this is definitely “The Tru-Bin Show”. I’m surprised that instead of developing Hana, the writer decided to throw in another alter. Way to throw the curve ball.

      • They completely missed the “romance-comedy” arc. Is it still too late for the comedy since the romance is weak? I’m still upset that they didn’t utilize the circus (that would be a fun element. All of the hijinks and stuffs). I bet KBS is probably laughing at SBS for their failed “Hyde, Jekyll, Me” since SBS boasts it was going to be a big hit like “You Who Came From Star” drama. KBS has “Blood” but even “Blood” has a slight higher ratings than this one.

    • @ Purple I actually think Blood is better than this mess. The acting’s not that bad, and pretty much any plotline is more interesting than watching 3 personalities “battling” one another for 20 eps.

  11. The writing is a train wreck and Han Ji Min needs a loud speaker the way she speaks is so dull but she is nice to look at.
    What’s with the two current leading ladies, her and Goo Hye Sun?

  12. I am wondering if it really was Terry that tried to kill Dr. Kang. Why did he have Robin’s memories if he were Terry? Maybe Tae Joo, just hypnotized him to kill Dr. Kang. They also said it took a lot of people to subdue Terry, but this time Robin easily controlled his desire to kill.Its just that the Terry character was again underdeveloped. Still watching because of Hyun Bin.

  13. If Robin is Seo Jin and Terry is Robin, is Seo Jin, Terry too?

    This is a worthwhile philosophical and scientific debate that makes the entire DID phenomenon a crafty concept for a drama. It is a shame that this aspect was merely utilized in the most superficial sense for a greater half of the show however. Now, we’re trickling down to the last 8 episodes, and though there is plenty of time to develop that particular conflict and its implications, I’m afraid that it becomes merely fodder and would likely remain a shadow to the other greater half premise which is romance; especially now that Robin and Seo Jin are actively pursuing their romantic interest. But I’ll remain optimistic and take whatever they could offer.

    Going back to that question, it would seem that Seo Jin have the belief that Terry is a complete aberration that is encapsulated within Robin, but following his own logic, one would surmise that he would think otherwise. And in some way he does feel guilty and take responsiblity for what have happened 5 years ago. It’s surprising however that he doesn’t acknowledge Terry’s existence at all. Of course this could have been just purely a case of a writer rewriting things and Terry could have all along not been in the orignal script the first place. However, again, I’ll take it for what is offered no matter how late it is. So in the process of healing and taking the reign back to his personality and eventually life, Terry is a part of Seo Jin which he needs to face too. The truth that Seo Jin can be violent and his anger for being abandoned and wanting to live is as real as his desire to save people because of his guilt, gives a very rich untapped narration value to Terry. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Terry is to be incorporated not merely as a plot device, but an actual personality with its own set of emotions? But again, the fact that Terry is only appearing now is troubling since no matter how interesting that personality can be, he has not have the screen time to flesh out the complexity of his existence. Again, I would be optimistic but have set my expectations at a realistic bar.

    I haven’t given the time of day to Kill Me, Heal Me, but from what I understood of it, it would seem that it have succeeded in ways that Hyde, Jekyll, and Me have gimped out all together, and thus not only making it a superior drama watch, but in fact a more honest adaptation of the DID theme. In that show, the main character have 7 personalities, and if you would make a direct comparison of personality, it would seem that the Alpha personality of KMHM would be the Terry of HJM, surprisingly though, both have an inverted value in character importance and focus for its respective shows. It’s not just about the romance, but I feel that had HJM approached its premise with more conviction, then it would be at the higher echelons of the present airing drama, ratings-wise and quality-wise. Hyun Bin can in no doubt portray more than just TWO characters, and the current set-up of three characters as the titular Hyde, Jekyll, and Me would have sufficed, and he doesn’t even need to wear lipstick to be praised for his performance, though he could no doubt act girly too if needed.

    It’s a shame that the script failed this drama. I’m not even going to criticize Han Ji Min because the truth of the matter is this is Hyun Bin’s show. The drama ought to have given him the microphone, the props, the choir, the special effects, the fireworks–the whole shebang–for him to own the performance. Just placing a spotlight on him would be not enough. This one’s on the production. I hope they can make it up for whatever limited life is left for this show, if not at least, for those who still remains to watch it (me, koala, and you guys).

  14. I just think the use of hypnosis is way too convenient.
    Binnie doing a good job. I’d say Sung Joon as well. I like Secretary Young Chan’s character and he’s adorable. They’re the only ones worth watching here.
    Ha Ji Min doesn’t seem to have a grasp of what her character is supposed to be here. She hasn’t given HaNa any personality at all. Given that she doesn’t have much to work on with the train wreck of a writing this drama has, but bad writing can be compensated with good acting. Binnie has clearly shown this. All his 3 personalities (although we only had a glimpse of the 3rd, but we all knew when that 3rd personality came out even for just a few seconds!) are so alive here. I remember Lie To Me which if not for the leads would have been a train wreck but I loved it simply because there’s chemistry, both leads have actually given life to their characters until I can only focus on them and not minded the bad writing.
    I’m watching this too till the end but only for Hyun Bin.

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