
Hyde, Jekyll, Me Episode 17 Recap — 36 Comments

  1. You know the drama is super bad is when you stopped watching it, stopped reading the recaps, and only rely on the screencaps. Even then, these screencaps devoid the life out of me. Goodness gracious. What was the writer and director even thinking of giving this episode the green light. Heck, why did SBS even give this project to the writer in the first place? All of yall recappers, subbers, and loyal viewers who are watching it for the sake of your favorite actor/actress deserve the after-party for even sticking up to this crap. *You da real MVP*

    • OMG, I thought it’s only me, who stopped watching it, stopped reading the recaps and rely only on the screencaps… exactly in that same order….


  2. A drama where the second lead gets the girl is rare, so this could be this drama crowning achievement.

    3 episodes to go until hyun bin is free at last. Free at lastXD

  3. It’s gotten to the point where I’m honestly, for real, a little worried about Han Ji-Min. Did she suffer some traumatic event? Is there someone on the set who’s creeping her out to the point that she’s wasting all her energy on that? Is she mentally watching this drama cause her career to careen around the metaphorical toilet bowl while she recites her lines? It’s become a game for me to scroll through your screencaps for each episode and see if I can find one where her expression is different. Usually I lose.

      • And her face still has mobility, so it’s not a Nicole Kidman-Botox-gone-wrong situation, either. So weird.

    • Exactly my thought, I thought she’s a decent actress, isn’t she like a senior? been in the industry so long..
      I love her in Capital Scandal….
      But here..omg….what happen with her?
      Perhaps alien steal her talent…lol

      • LOL! Aliens are the only explanation. Next time during the opening credits I’m going to imagine the X-Files theme. I thought she was adorable in Rooftop Prince–the drama wasn’t perfect but she was good in it. So her performance here is pretty unexpected to me.

  4. I dropped this ridiculous drama a long time ago. Read recaps but now I don’t even want to anymore. It seems like the writer is stuck in a hole and doesn’t know how to get out. Hyun Bin probably is having nightmares and can’t wake up.

  5. Hyun bin needs a get out of jail card from this drama. And QUICK
    Thank the lords it’s going to be over
    I tolerate all kinds of plot nonsense but Hana is breaking the bank here. Let me say this: I totally detest her character and the acting.

    • i know right. is it that difficult for the writer to make ha na remotely interesting? even with a crappy character development, wished there was more life in the acting/performance. i much rather go back to ha na swinging down ropes or playing with bing bing! at least there was some life or something in her! i’m starting to think the confused look she gives every episode is from wondering whether she ended up in the wrong drama! -__- wouldn’t be surprised if it was true.

      • Lmao. +1

        Hana’s character is just completely lifeless. She has no personality at all. I find Han Ji Min a decent actress, but her character in here is so irritating. I like Han Ji Min in happier/comedic roles.

        I completely agree with you about how her confused expressions are probably her wondering what the heck she is doing in such a crappy written drama. Lol

  6. this drama seriously creeps me out……… I hate the lead actress and pull my hair our in frustration when I see her.

  7. okay this drama is just getting crappier now and it’s not even funny!!! *smashes head against the wall* ha na needs to read a book about DID and learn that her boyfriend is an ALTERNATE personality!!! actually, don’t bother, i just want her to leave. i’m sure the story will be unaffected since her character was hardly fleshed out! and what happened to TERRY? and are we going to have a white day performance (the one they started planning in ep 7)? and can woo jung have a more meaningful part in the story ugh?? ugh the story is soo poorly written where characters are just popping up and hardly having much development and then some just vanishing (like the mother). not to mention the plot is not only illogical now but also boring! my god, i’m sticking through this for binnie but to be honest i really want to stop! what sucks the most is that he probably won’t do another drama for a long time! hope he does another one so this drama doesn’t stick out too in his acting work! =(

  8. I’m really trying to stick with it to the end but it’s so hard because nothing ever happens. It’s the same thing over & over again with absolutely no development or momentum.
    I’m partially continuing to watch because my friend is watching although I skipped 4 episodes & feel like I missed nothing. I could pick ant episode & feel like it was the same almost like a scratched move that plays the same thing over & over again.
    It such a pitty that the writing & story have been so underwhelming. We are almost to the finish line.

  9. Even Kristen Stewart is better than Hana.
    Yeah she’s not psychiatrist, so she cant treat GSJ/Robin like ORJ treat SSG/CDH, but she can ask doctor, she can read some books, she can consul this with secretary, etc. she did nothing! she’s just there, hanging around with robin with blank expression even when she knew that she’s the root for his DID (Robin’s existence)

  10. Sigh… I’m just trying to go with the flow here. It’s better for me and better for my support of Binnie. I will enjoy the cute scenes with Binnie cause who knows when I will get to see that again on the small screen.

    At least SJ is making some sort of sense in his twisted world with Hana. But what in the world with her??? Everything here should have happened 8 episodes ago!!

    Only one more week left. I will be sad that I won’t get to see more of Binnie onscreen, but not sad to leave the pile of dirt behind.

    • I like that you said Hana should “stop hanging out with his body half the time”… haha!!! Love it. Well, at the very least, his body should get some action. Make it interesting aish! Too much yapping, not enough actions. I don’t need to see Hana’s thought process anymore cause I can’t understand it anyways.

  11. All I want to comment is-that Wonder Circus bunting. That’s all the circus there is for 17 episodes.

    My conclusion doesn’t make sense. But I make more sense than the writing. Haha. Ha.

  12. I feel bad for everyone in this drama, especially Binnie and Han Ji Min. This was such a badly written drama and it’s a shame it will go down in history as one of the worst dramas ever on these two actors’ resume. I truly tried my best to give this drama the benefit of the doubt, but it just never had enough substance to make it shine. There were little moments here and there, but just not enough to pull me in. Good luck to these two in their future projects. Crossing my fingers that it will be more successful than this train wreck.

    • At least most people acknowledge that it’s the crappy writing and not the actors. I think everyone feels sorry for the actors.

    • lol blame the stylist who keeps dressing binnie in turtlenecks! ughhh…. so much hotness wasted….just like the rest of the cast…. okay done venting! =)

  13. hmm, I watch again when I think something has changed, since they kidnap is over and now, we might scene some development in other area
    Idk why they make this drama,
    it’s like they use DID to make the drama plot
    even if they wanted to show how a personality have right to exist, but I never fully understand how he exist on 1st time or how he can make a better life for seo-jin,
    the drama try simplify the personality of an alters and maybe DID person should not being isolated? but it is a rare mental illness that nobody can understand and so many cope up with high dose or prescription
    so….like my comment on 8 ep, this can be normal drama with 2 sibling and remove the DID, just make the sibling totally diff and love with the same girl, and it would make hana look less dumb

    I actually care for sungjoon character because at least he try, and he has sucesfull life before
    and where’s the cure they’ve been looking for? is that how we supposed to end the drama with?
    don’t say it is love since Idk how only pure love can do that to DID patient,
    oh yeah, and where’s Terry? I do hope they actually copying KMHM in terms of having a dangerous personality that also have a screen time, or showing some similarity trait in the personality (the up and down hair confrontation)
    come on screen time for terry will make the story have an appeal after sung joon got berserk then suddenly being kind
    also Terry will face and defeated with sung joon help, bro-mance is not a bad thing

    I also things they just made up some scene for PPL, it is obvious

  14. I conclude
    My love for Binnine knows no bounds for me to endure this episode and survive to the end
    This is new as I like him enough in MNIKSS, friend, SG but never to fan girl status and do have other clear favorites. (Whether Eye candy or serious actors)
    But HJM have made me realize : darn I so do like him as an actor otherwise I wouldn’t be bothered with this crap!!
    This episode is pure crap other than the seojin Taejoo moment and seojin nice character growth.
    I repeat after every episode and its getting old
    Can’t wait for this to end. Put me out of my misery

  15. I jump through miss koala thiughts and comments without reading the recaps now. This writer is one of the worst with Hana as the most wth female lesd character of all time.

    HAn ji min is lovely and has a likable presence but she is like so lifeless here.. Her acting is so bland thst i’ve no word

  16. I’m not fan of the leads, and I dont intend to watch the show too, but I really enjoy reading Ms. Koala recaps and comments of this drama, I’m just silently lurking around this blog until this episode recap, I’m really amuse with these words: “I think Bing Bing the gorilla is really the screenwriter for this drama and therefore her presence in episode 1 was a cameo like how Stan Lee puts himself into every Marvel movie” gawd..I gonna die laughing, those are really funny

  17. “He laughs about Seo Jin never seen a movie as an adult and asking for recommendations.”

    That line just sums up the difference between HMKM and HJI: In HMKM the good guys (and I suppose a circus member is part of the good guys team…) never laugh about the main character problems….
    That SJ never saw a movie as an adult IS NOT funny. Meeting a guy in that situation would call for surprise and compassion NOT laughter.

  18. Currently in the middle of my post-KMHM slump (why did it have to end?) I couldn’t help crying my heart out for Shin Segi and wondering why we couldn’t simply have had Oh Rijin live happy ever after with both Dohyun and Segi, as irrational as it sounds (definitely the emotion talk, especially afte rthat goodbye scene) but reading this recap made me aware of just how badly that would have gone. In both cases, Segi and Robin are alters created due to trauma, that Segi is now living happily ever after with Rijin as an irreversible part of Dohyun (lie an ice-cube dropped into water, I like to think) makes me ridiculously happy as opposed to whatever is going on here. I’m honestly so curious as to whether this drama can even be wrapped up with some semblance of common sense. Ah well, thank you HJM for making me love KMHM even more.

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