
Yoochun Narrates The Girl Who Sees Smells Comedic Oddness in Adorable Second Teaser — 20 Comments

    • Hahaha! I have to say the same thing! I was not a fan of his til now. And I got to say he really is looking good! With shin se-se-kyung at that! heh! <3 is in the air!!!

  1. I’m excited for this drama. It feels like I haven’t watched a good rom-com K-drama in a long time. Yoochun looks great and Shin Se Kyung actually looks upbeat and lively in this drama (which is a way than her usual no facial expression or emotion acting in melodramas).

  2. Yieeeeeeeeee it’s so cute.

    And he’s already saying that “Why do I want to see this girl” in the teaser. Drama, don’t tempt my heart like that. You’re supposed to do that around Episode 6 or 8!

  3. I agree… she looks very lively here! I am looking for a nice rom-com nowadays. I went back to some of my favorite twdramas just for the cute light rom-com feel. And when I watched them over again, I realized just how much I missed the genre.

    I didn’t watch YC’s last drama nor Seafog but I watched the 3 before that. So I may not follow this that closely but if it continues with its rom com feel then I will definitely marathon it. 🙂

    • Hi lovedramas
      Please tell me which are your fave twdramas.
      I am enjoying a rewatch of Down with Love for that very reason.

  4. I know why they courted SSK. She’s suitable for the role. Both looks so cute, the interaction is so lovely, and I just wait for chemistry after it air… like it.

  5. Thanks for subbing this preview! I’m looking forward to seeing SSK in something that might make sense. As opposed to Blade Man, which I watched in part because she was so likable. She could have made that particular character unbearably sweet (it’s a Candy role), but she was great at the comedy and the melo. I hope she has a great script here and gets to shine.

  6. I agree, this looks very sweet and light, not too deep in a good way like eating a fluffy cake. Yum! I can’t remember when was the last time I completely watched a rom com… Hoping for the best!!

  7. Her bad reputation stems from playing doormat characters in Fashion King and Man Who Loves. She’s actually hilarious in High Kick Though the Roof.

  8. Am I the only one who think YC look bloated in the teaser. He is handsome no doubt but somehow his face look rounder than before.

    • He gained + 7kgs for his movie, Sea Fog, last year & hasn’t able to lose it. I must say, he look less rounder now compares to last year when he did Three Days right after filming his movie. He was much rounder back than 😉

    • He is after all a singer. 😉

      I like what I’m seeing so far, from both teasers. I admit that this wasn’t really on my radar, esp. now that I got hooked with Angry Mom’s pilot episode, but I am willing to give it a try as long as they keep the cute and fluff going.

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