
Beauty Inside with Han Hyo Joo and Star-studded Cast Release Color Saturated Posters and Teaser — 13 Comments

  1. It really does sound like an interesting idea. The fact that it’s based on a Clio award winning ad seems like a wonderfully apt nod to the importance of PPL in Korean media production. 🙂

  2. Interesting but this is the exact premise of David Levithan’s story “Every Day”. I hope they didn’t plagiarize it because it’s a really cool concept. :/

    • The concept sounds similar but not really. The guy here is more of a shape shifter while in Everyday, A is a drifter who occupies bodies around the same age for a day. So it’s really from A Beauty Inside of Intel and Toshiba.

  3. It’s so pretty and very touching…

    When Lee Bum Soo stared at her and smiled wistfully, I deyed. And that last body walking up to her hopefully and Han Hyo Joo just smiling at the “stranger”… awwwwwwwwww~

  4. I think YYS might be the ‘real’ Woo Jin just because he’s narrating. But anyway, this looks pretty fantastic – like a Movie version of Producers in terms of big names they involved. I love HHJ in anything so hopefully it will do well in the Box Office and help her recover her image.

  5. I like the idea and so many actors! but the concept is.. I just hope they give reason as to how it’s even possible. Is his soul traveling through bodies? Idk I’m curious..

  6. I’m in love with the posters! On a whole, very eye-catching. I was already excited about the concept of the movie but now even more so that Ueno Juri is on board. Super shocked to see her name on the list. I wonder how they’re going to play out her character.

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