Marry Me or Not Episode 10 Teases Secondary Romance and How to Win Over Friends and Family for the OTP
I can’t believe Marry Me or Not is airing episode 10 this Sunday, it’s not just how fast time flies but how loath I am to let this perfect gem of a romance drama go soon. It’s so different from the first collaboration of Roy Qiu and Alice Ke in Office Girls that I never have the inkling to compare, both are now beloved TW-dramas of mine like one is an appetizer and the other is the main dish and both pair together into a satisfying meal. Now that Huan Huan and Justin have gotten back together for good, and dating for real, the preview stills for the next episode show both the sweet when Huan Huan impresses Justin’s hilarious buddies thanks to her skillz in pool, but also the bitter when Justin’s meddling harpy of a mother tries to break them up by throwing a girl her son’s way. I have no worries it will cause any substantive damage, but I’m not looking forward to Kimi Hsia’s guest starring turn as the interloper since it takes time away from OTP cuteness. On the other side, calculating second male lead Jian Qian Yao seems ready to make his moves on clueless-on-guys Sheng Nan, I wish this secondary romance had something I could root for beyond the couple being very pretty to look at together.
Can’t wait for Ep 10!
With 6 episodes to go, let’s hope there wouldn’t be too much conflicts involving our OTP, or even if there are, they might as well be those which are easier to patch up.
Hope the coming episodes we will see QY true colors and why he used HH before (tho it’s apparent he want to protect sheng nan fromn his brother but still..he’s so shady. it’s hard to root for them unless we will see what he up to)
Why I don’t get the impression the second male lead is playing with her. I hate it that they’re not giving us more info about his side of that relationship. It’s clear he was never a contender, option, obstacle or even remotely consider by the first lead.