
Stills and Teasers for KBS Drama Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul Ho with Park Shin Yang and Kang Sora — 13 Comments

  1. OMG! I miss Park Shin Yang. He’s one of my old time K actors and such a fine actor. Love him in Lovers in Paris. Kang Sora is a good actress but somehow I find her a bit boring to watch. May check this out to see PSY.

  2. Such a typical storyline,seem it soooo much in dramas already and it’s not new, working in politics, sees injustice, and become some type of ” hero this town needs ” ,#next .

  3. The teasers are very contrasting but both great!

    I must say Park Shin Yang is awesome. The rest of the cast looks great too.

    But this type of drama may not bring in the ratings. I think Jackpot and Monster will fare better in the ratings battle.

    Still, I will watch this for the cast.

  4. I’m very certain POTW is so not a major ratings hit. As far as I remember it averaged very low teens which was nothing to be proud of 7 years ago. Added to that the fact that Kang Sora is so NOT a good project picker. Her dramas are as crap as they get except for Misaeng. Doctor Stranger and Warm/Cozy was her most recent so I’m not sure about the claims in this article. Monster will most likely win this battle by a large margin unless Daebak is good and the word of mouth spreads fast.

  5. I love this cast. I think Kang Sora would be good in this type of show, vs the cute role she played in Warm/Cozy. She can hold her own against the vets.
    It also looks like they are not going after this too seriously. This may be the show that brings me back to Kland. I do keep hoping…

  6. I don’t know what to make of that second trailer LOL. Looks really fun. Hopefully Kang Sora’s charac will also be funny.

  7. Kang Sora has terrible luck with public broadcast dramas and frankly any love line between her and Park Shin Yang is going to look wildly mismatched.

    As for Park Shin Yang’s past hits…. this is his first drama in five years, and in the very poorly performing KBS Monday-Tuesday slot. I don’t think his star power is what it used to be in his Lovers in Paris days, unless the writer turns out an unexpectedly solid effort here.

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