
Park Shin Hye Reveals High School Character in Filming SBS Drama Doctors — 28 Comments

  1. I love her….but her costar much older than her. Why not reunited her with lee jong suk or any age appropriate talented actor

  2. My bae ❤❤❤
    I’m not liking the title too,it’s very generic. Just hope the story is good. 20 June… Can’t wait!!

  3. Not liking the tittle either… Feeling the changed it to please KRW and get him to sign
    But I’m excited to see her on screen again

    • They changed because of the fuss knet made during the first reveal of the drama. The title is somewhat highlighting the gangsterism

  4. It’s SBS mon-tue drama not wed-thur drama. It’s weird to see her with bangs haha. Put things aside, hope Doctors will do wonder in her acting career. Fighting!

    • Even indifferent you took the time to check out the article….haha – funny.
      I am excited she is in a new drama! Yah!! I do wish the title was more unique and fitting to the whole drama story…..

    • You aren’t. A lot people don’t care for her or even hate her.
      But also a lot more people love and admire her.

      You care enough to comment on her article though.
      Maybe you will like her in this drama?

  5. I’m so excited for this Drama that I can’t wait for June. I do’t know what’s it with PSH that I cant seem to get tired of her dramas even if I’ve re-watched it many times. KRW and her seems to have chemistry already seeing their pics side by side in some site. Fighting #Doctors and to all the cast.

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