
Secret’s Hyosung Models Oddly Intriguing Red Eye Makeup in New Beauty Pictorial — 17 Comments

  1. She’s very pretty! The first pic looks like she has been rubbing her eyes and the rest look like she’s got pink eye. Big no for this fashion trend.

  2. These are great pictures, but they seem more artsy than commercial. In other words, I don’t actually think people in the everyday world can pull this make up off. But as artistic photos these are really pretty and more interesting than a lot of the pictorials that are featured here. Thank you.

  3. What??? No…. a thousand No’s….
    I mean if it’s a fashionable trend then I’ve seen that for years- pink eyes and overwear of contact lenses- not a pretty sight and definitely not very comfortable for the patients…
    Please, trend something else.

  4. Hyosung one of rare kpop girl with actual curves. I like SECRET and their labelmate BAP. I hope to see more of SECRET and they get a comeback.

  5. The thing with a pretty face is it takes reallllllyyyy baddddddd make up for the face to lose its beauty. Hence such experiments dont ‘fail’.

  6. I think she looks good. Very pretty young woman, but she is too pale looking in at least two of those photos. She’s scary pale.

  7. I actually like the top pic, it looks like a really pretty natural flushed cheek.

    It’s quite a change from the usual Korean makeup trend of dead-white bb cream, downward slanting liner and consumptive-looking gradient lip.

  8. This looking-like-you’re-sick look actually trended/is still trending in Japan for awhile now. I see Japanese female with this makeup look all over Japan when I was there a few months back.

  9. The first photo is actually a makeup trend in Japanese since last year. It’s known as hangover / drunk makeup. You imitate the blush that u have when u are drunk. It is cute to some extent except if u apply it too heavily.

  10. She looks like a ghost, coupled with the eye makeup, she looks eerie more than anything IMO. I wish we saw more women sporting tan skin in these shoots. Almost everyrone is the same shade of pale nowadays in k-ent, especially the younger ones.

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