
TW-star Couple Ruby Lin and Wallace Huo Set End of July Bali Wedding and Expecting First Child Together — 32 Comments

  1. Are you sure Ruby is expecting? I read some where else that it’s Michelle Chen that’s expecting her first child with Chen Xiao. I believe both bride and groom have confirmed they are expecting through their weibo. The only confirmation of Ruby and Wallace is the upcoming wedding.

  2. I thought it was Michelle who is expecting and not Ruby?

    If it’s Ruby then really congrats cos she’s much older and it’ll be hard on her.

  3. Are your sources correct? I didn’t see any articles stating that Ruby is pregnant? Kind of risky for 40 to have kids for the first time. Such a beautiful couple.

  4. No it’s michelle that’s pregnant, she and chen xiao confirmed on their webio. Ruby and wallace’s friends confirmed they have marriage in mind they have not yet set a date. You are confusing the chen couple news with wallace&ruby news.

    • I’m not confusing anything. Ruby and Wallace’s pregnancy is apparently known within the industry and dropped by their friends, and is the reason for them tying the knot so quickly. Even his dad is talking about readying for the new daughter in law and family. Media has noted that Wallace was super protective of Ruby when the media swarmed them after the Sandy Lam concert two weeks ago, and Ruby was in Paris this week for fashion shows sporting all black and a noticeable tiny belly when she’s always been super skinny.

      • I think that you are right. She does look pregnant in that picture (the link you have provided above). That’s great – she is not young anymore so that would be a great news for them. I can’t wait to see their baby. Thanks

    • Why confusing? Ruby & Wallace have confirmed their wedding date and their friends have received the wedding invitations. Its all over the news, including some rumours of pregnancy…

  5. Ruby pregnancy is rumor, but I hope it’s true. Yes, it was risky to pregnant at 40 years old, but it can be done.

  6. If this is real, this child would be born with hella of beauties. I really love their facial features especially Ruby’s dimples.

  7. The cdrama news on this site is always like 2 weeks late and never accurate to a astonishing degree. Getting confused on who is pregnant? There’s no excuse. It’s bizzare and not good for the celebs to be perpetuating false information like this, even if it’s not bad news! If you are going to post at least make it accurate! Half the time the readers have to correct you

    • This isn’t a breaking news blog, LOL, I write about any topic whenever I feel like it and post accordingly. And I write about rumors all the time. I’m not confused about who is pregnant so stop assuming just because you don’t believe it.

  8. Ruby Lin isn’t pregnant. That’s just a rumor, but the marriage news is true.

    Congrats to the lovely couple!

    Looks like Hu Ge is going to be a groomsman again! (I can just hear all the HuHuo jokes in the background. XD)

    • But if Ruby really is pregnant, congrats to the couple once again! I can’t wait to see their beautiful kids!

  9. some people are so rude. if you dont like this site, you can go anywhere else. or you can give polite sugestion.. but judging this site inaccurrate harshly? so people cant make typo or small mistakes now? am I too old to demand some manner here? 🙂
    I am longreader here (geun2 couple anyone? 🙂 ) not always agree with koalas view, but I enjoy her writing.

    anyway, congrats for this couple 😉

  10. If its true that they are going to have a kid together, imagine their child with Ruby huge eye. It would be so adorable !!

  11. Thanks Capt K for reporting! I have seen a lot of rumors swirling around for awhile now on Ruby and Wallace so I’m surprised so many people are saying that you are confused when you are not at all confused.

    Anyhow, I really hope wedding bells are in the works… 🙂 I really like Ruby a lot.

    • I mean that I hope all the rumors are true. For the large part, I feel like these things are hard to hide anyways. But hope they confirm it soon 🙂 Lots of new babies! That’s fun.

  12. I feel like this was so fast since I only found about them the other day but I’m very happy for them! Having agonized over Wallace not getting Ruby in Introduction of the Princess, I’m glad he gets her in real life! Congrats to the two!

  13. From what his mom said, he had feelings for Ruby for some years now. He certainly dated alot other celebs. Maybe he felt that she was the one that he always waited for and decide it is good as anytime to put a ring on her.

    From the pics, she doesn’t look pregnant to me but i hope she is so they can have double happiness. But pregnancies are always a risk esp someone over 36 and never had one. Technology can only do so much. I hope for the best for her bc i love Ruby.

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