
Second Teaser for Hospital Ship Emphasizes Ha Ji Won Awesomeness in First Doctor Role — 11 Comments

  1. Yes, the j-dorama feel is what attracts me to this one. Kdramas haven’t been all that great for me this year, so maybe this one will be better. I am worried about the younger cast members and hope they can carry their own weight. I enjoyed Umi no Ue Shinryojo, so hopefully this one will be good too since it has a similar concept.

  2. This looks like it’s going to be really good! Ha Ji Won is amazing (loved her in King 2 Hearts especially) so hopefully the script is well written. There are also some veteran actors in this based on a behind the scenes script reading I saw on youtube (Lee Han-Wi, Jung Kyung-Soon, etc) so i’m not too worried about the casting at this point. If he does well, this could be a breakout role for Kang Min-Hyuk.

  3. tbh HJW looks a lot more believable as a doctor compared to song hye kyo or Kim ah joong or even moon chae won, so keeping my fingers crossed that this will be good!

    • It’s because of her realistic clothing and wardrobe. The others were wearing too many sponsored clothes and tried to appear pretty so it ate some of their credibility even when they are good actors. J-doramas don’t have this problem as rampant as Korean dramas.

  4. I love Ha Ji Won she is such a phenomenal actress.. I will never forget how phenomenal she was in Empress Ki ( my fav Korean drama)

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