
Jung In Sun in Grazia Pictorial After Successful Drama Lead Role in Terius Behind Me — 4 Comments

  1. I recently learnt from a Soompi article that she started acting when she was still very young. I guess she did not get as much recognition as one that transitioned from being a child actress.

  2. Yep I admit she did really well in TBM and I’m happy that the drama took off since SJS is one of my all time fav K actors. Im impressed at how she handled those bratty naughty as twins. They were such a handful! Hopefully she’ll get more acting roles heading her way.

  3. I’m so happy for her. I first noticed her in Mirror of the witch. Her role was short but made memorable by her performance. Afterwards, I learned she was a child actress and was disappointed that for someone who obviously could act, she’s not widely recognized for her talent. Now she’s finally getting the praise that she deserves.

  4. I watched her in small roles in circle, and I’m quite impress, she is quite memorable there as a paranoid girl opposite Yeo Jin Go., I start to think she might be not some rookie, because she nail the emotional scene quite well and enable yo potray vulnerable side of her character like apro acctress. I’m just surprise she got a chance to play alongside So Ji Sub already. Hahahha.

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