Happily Married K-stars Eugene and Ki Tae Young Showcase Bestie Romance in New Grazia Pictorial
With Christmas and now New Year’s over, the next big Western holiday is Valentine’s Day in mid-February and with it comes the barrage if couples pictorials. Married for 7 years K-star couple Eugene and Ki Tae Young dropped a lovely pictorial this week to kick off the romantic festivities, being one of the reel-to-real couples that played a drama OTP and fell in love in real life and got married. They are now the parents to two daughter Ro Hee and Ro Rin, and further continuing with their entertainment careers in variety and acting with steady gigs. I adore this couple for their sincere hard working vibe and the fact that they seem like best friends who are so grateful to have found each other. Romance ebbs and peaks but to marry a best friends is like winning life’s lottery, just my two cents.
Oh! So lovely!! And they are so low key too! One of my favourite K-couples after Ji Sung & Lee Bo Young. Wishing them the best!!!
Beautiful pictorials! ? I love, love these two (Eugene & KTY
?)! They are so cute together (loved them on Creating Destiny ?). One of my favorite reel-to-real K-Couples. Aww, they have two daughters now? How adorable!
I love this couple i’ve been watching their episodes in the superman returns i’ve watched how ki taeyoung love his family especially their daughter.
Gosh! I just love these two so much. They are one of my favorite reel-to-real couples! Every time I see them together, I just ooze with sweetness. They are gorgeous together.
I’ve been a fan of Eugene since her SES days and I’m so proud of all her accomplishments thus far! I’m glad she’s found a reliable and loving man in Ki Tae Young. He seems like such a sweet, caring man who loves his family very much. Happy to hear they are doing great and they Rohee is now a big sister!
Looking forward to Eugene’s return to dramaland!