
Jang Dong Yoon Makes Sageuk History as Kissing Both Leads in the Same Episode in Epic Speed Developments — 20 Comments

  1. This drama reverses every single trope and I love it. JDY kissing KTO and KSH in the same episode reminded me of Producers which was amazing as well. I’m in love this show and the characters.

  2. Kim So Hyun picked a great drama this time and Jang Dong Yoon picked the best character of his career. They’re both excelling in this drama and bring in both the feels and the comedy. Great job.

  3. Episode 5 has been the best one till now. In fact each episode it keeps getting better. This one was the funniest but that cliffhanger. How am I supposed to wait till Monday?

  4. And nokdu cute little bride joining the fun makes it even more mega hilarious haha I died when chef guy chose to fall in the pond rather than accept nokdu help LOLLL for days

  5. In terms of plot, episode is the least interesting for me. I really hope they can show more other than the love story plot. But it’s hillarious and I’m not expecting something critical in this drama. The cast and their charm really carried the drama and the producer know what sells for majority audience. Hope after this Jang Dong Yoon get something more critical because with this drama I started to know all of the facade he can show in a more a substantial project.

  6. This is truly funny and entertaining! I find myself grinning when I watch the episodes-and Jang Dong Yoon is really a gem with a great sense of humor and a willingness to “go for it!” I love the rapid pacing and the slapstick comedy and this is the first drama I watch when I’m behind and need to do a catch up marathon.

    • Kang Ha-neul too. I dropped Camellia Blooms but I love how KHN and JDY go all out. They don’t have to be all dolled up with their stellar acting.

  7. The last episode was pretty funny. I love his young fiancée! Things escalated pretty fast between our leads 😀

    JDG is really killing this role as a man and a woman.

  8. Kim So Hyun’s sageuk gravitas shows in this drama. Jang Dong Yoon is great since he has the meatier character but Kim So Hyun makes even the small moments of her character shine. It’s a really good drama with great acting.

  9. After A longtime I have being following a drama live… It is hilarious and I love that they aren’t following the norm … KSH doesn’t act like a shy flower who covers her eyes at a topless JDY … She looks him confidentiality in the eye. Its refreshing to see both of them living together without the exaggerated troupe. I was so disappointed that we only had one episode this week…. looking forward to the next week 🙂

  10. I dissapointed why this week just have one episode T.T

    I want to watch it right now. I love this drama, the story, the character -even support character is lovely for my.

  11. JDY is so pretty in female disguise. His change in voice is so funny. KSH never disappoints. Yes I also enjoy all the ladies in the village. The weakest link is the supporting male actor, he is very wooden and I hope his screentime can be cut. I like to see more story development about the King and Queen and their reconnection with JDY (will he be the Crown Prince then?).

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