
Kim So Hyun Ultimately Turns Down the K-drama Remake of Miss Granny Scheduled for 2020 — 49 Comments

  1. Honestly, not a single one of these kmovie-to-kdrama remakes has gone as well as the original so KSH is probably better off not doing it.

    She’s had a very good 2019 though, Love Alarm must have been successful if Netflix committed to shooting a second season, and I see raves everywhere (well-deserved) for The Tale of Nokdu and her chemistry with Jang Dong Yoon in it.

    • So true they always turn out underwhelming. She’s so good she’ll excel at whatever she does next! Her acting skills are beyond awesome! She is extremely versatile!

      • Sorry to inform you but Lve Alarm is extremely popular. Netflix itself released a statement about its massive popularity an dthe response on Soompi and Swoon regarding the renewal was overwhelming.

      • The second lead syndrome is strong in Love Alarm. Mainly because we don’t know who is the main or second lead.

        Surprisingly, Love Alarm is the first k-drama I’ve ever seen that actually pissed me off.

  2. It’s a bitter pill to swallow because she would had portray the kdrama version in a wonderful way. Think Page Turner. It would had been a delight to see her play a feisty and spunky girl with the soul of an old woman.

    I would had trust her to make it her own. Alas, let’s see what the future upholds. I rather her do miss granny over love alarm 2.

    • Love Alarm is the biggest hit of her career. The worldwide craze is huge ofcourse she should do that instead. She picks good projects that always see some form of success. Her 2019 has been a good year and she’s making all the right choices.

    • Agree. And besides it would be hard to be compared with the original. It already has been remade in the Philippines, Thailand and China. I’ve watched both Thai and China version and couldn’t finish both probably because the original is still my favorite.

  3. She is having problem creating chemistry with her male-costars. So far i liked her only with Nam Joo Hyuk & Taecyeon. Rest were always lacking. Hope next year is good for her.

    • She has no problem creating chemistry. Her nickname in the press is chemistry queen and for a reason. The screen has been set on fire with her chemistry with JDY. Get your head on straight. She always has great romantic chemistry with her costars. Queen of being shipped with everyone.

    • Nam joo hyuk but also not Yook sung jae? Nearly the entire world wanted her to end up with sung Jae in school 2015 lol

      Jang Do Yang is my favorite partner of hers.

    • I also beg to differ. In fact shes so shipped that her fanmade vids with almost every costar and even bts and exo members are good. Despite not even being in anything with them. For School I too was in nam joo hyuk camp, theres her earlier productions which she and seo.kang joon shared sweet first love chemistry. Then theres pageturner with ji soo. I went from rooting for song kang in love alarm to kicking him out for jang dong yoon. Now theres those vids of her and BTS V that are so convincing #taeso. And se should not forget yoo seung ho and yeo jin goo. Argh…. too shipped.

    • Los, either you havent watched many of her dramas or you just randomly picked the guy you like to be with her but i recommend you to watch The Tale of Nokdu. She has a great chemistry with JDY. Ah btw.. to add more about her co stars, you probably havent watched Goblin. But even for only one or two episodes, her chemistry with Kim MinJae was amazing. Not to forget her love alarm male leads and page turner male leads.

    • What are you on about?

      lol @ “problem creating chemistry” for KSH in 2019. I don’t even like Love Alarm but I have to admit she has great chemistry with both her male leads in that drama, and as for her and Jang Dong Yoon in Nokdu, it’s ?? and both kfans and ifans have been raving about it.

  4. She’s excellent so she will excel in everything she does! Take of Nokdu is amazing and Dongju is the coolest badass female character!

  5. As a woman… its the norm to have a favourite actor and watch every drama he is in religiously. But when i look back at my kdrama watched list… realised I completed ONLY kim so hyuns entire filmography. Shocker to me too. Shes just that likable….:)

  6. I think she is disappointing in nokdu. Her drama isn’t a hit but rather forgettable.
    Chemistry is not there, weirdly the co star is believeable, even taecyon but she doesn’t look like she understands what she felt.

    • now that u point it out i cant unsee. its why ive literally never cared about any of her pairings. shes unreadable to me when it comes to who she loves even past the end of the drama.

      it seems to have worked out for love alarm where thats the mystery(?)

      • Sir, I think it’s time for you to schedule an eye exam if you think she’s unreadable.

        Madam, I think you flunk your chemistry class, please retake the course in summer session.

    • she is great in Nokdu. @Upuna @igbi – what r u talking about? TY is my bias but JDY is also good. Anyways, KSH is great. Chemistry is there, you are just not in the class, you have missed all the labs and you will all fail!

      • Trolls have come to fester because jealousy as always. Both these people are the same person. No wonder the usernames are so weird. Another one on top is also a troll. People can’t digest the popularity of her dramas especially because she had a great year in 2019.

      • Upuna and igbi is probably the same person. Same weird grammatical structure. Anyway – sound like haters. Hope its not those hardcore yoo jung fans who make trouble in all kim so hyun articles. Rationale does not even make sense. Anyways… haters gonna hate. Just live your life man (@bts)

      • guys its ok; i literally know nothing about acting -its all v v subjective. my opinion hardly matters. dont let it ruin ur day ok

        i find ksh super compelling onscreen and im sure she’ll be even better in the future -just not into her romances.

        and im not op -dude ew why say that baselessly. i cringed

      • Gah I don’t even know who is igbi user.
        I am just glad that it doesn’t just me.
        KSH is definitely not a bad actress but not as otherworldly but strangely disappointing in nokdu. I don’t ever care about who she likes in the drama.

    • …I will gladly pay for your eye exam and some glasses, clearly you have trouble with eyesight if you think she looks like she doesn’t understand what her character felt in Nokdu.

  7. dissapoint she choose love alarm 2 over miss granny. She choose popularity boost over challenging roles… but we will see though. I watched love alarm season 1,and it’s really underwhelming

    • As much as I prefer her doing miss granny, love alarm was always guaranteed to have season 2 because it was unfinished and had a major cliff hanger and it may be in the contract that she has to do multiple seasons if they need her too. I wouldn’t be happy with only season 1 love alarm.

      Miss granny I would really want her to do it but there’s the possibility that the script wasn’t good. It could be bad timing because it was suppose to start filming in late 2018/early 2019 for a early spring premiere but I assume something happened behind the scene that delayed production. Maybe she has other upcoming projects not yet announced that would be better than miss granny. Who knows? Or maybe she wants to take a break.

      So I wouldn’t make the assumption she chose a project for popularity boost. But even if she does, so what. It would be a smart decision and can help her obtain better projects in the long fun.

    • Excuse me but she signed a contract to do love alarm 2 if it was ever renewed even before miss granny even existed. There is nothing challenging about the role in miss granny which everyone has turned down and it doesn’t even have a boradcaster, writer, director or producer. That means the drama is porbably crap and nobody wants to risk making it. They were using her name to attract investors but she turned them down and she took over a year to do it. Love alarm is making you jealous since your bias could never have it but it is the most popular kdrama on Netflix overseas. Deal with facts you hater. She doesn’t even need a popularity boost she already is one of the most popular actress in the 20s age range. She has no competition.

  8. Ofcourse a KSH article would attract jealous haters whose bias can never be in demand and loved by everyone. KSH has always made the most relaible choices. This is why her career is soaring above others.

  9. I think she’s a capable actress. Loved her in I can hear your voice and Page Turner so much. Bring it on Ghost with Taecyeon is surprisingly cute and enjoyable despite the age gap. But not feeling it in Ruler, Nokdu. And then there’s Love Alarm where while I’m sure she did a good job there I totally despise the script in the first ep. I couldn’t continue.

    • I respect your opinion. But how can you not like nokdu? I love it from beginning to almost the end(last ep is next week)

      The romance, the action, the mystery! It’s so much fun and intriguing. And I love how her character rescues the male lead so many time esp near the end with her bow and arrow. Also I love how she would initiate the kisses as well.

      • I don’t hate it but I don’t enjoy it as much as I expected. She’s doing a good job as always but I guess I have seen this kind of character (Dongju) so many times from her. It’s like I kind of want to see new expressions, emotions and acting from Sohyun. The plot is enjoyable though a bit too easy to guess. On the other hand it’s the first time I saw JDY and he stole my heart.

    • Ruler is horrible. But Nokdu is great! Interesting that you are “not feeling” it in Nokdu, maybe… just maybe… are you blinded by JDY’s beauty? He is just too beautiful as a woman.

  10. I didn’t like the season 1 of Love Alarm so I hesitate to watch the second but in the same time maybe this time she will date the good guy.

    The Tale Of Nokdu’s plot is kinda disapointing, but for once I’m very happy how KSH is handling all the couple stuff. They’re very cute.

    I’m curious how she can handle her studies with her schedule… Nam Ji Hyun, who is studying too, splits her year one semester : acting, one semester : studying.

    • I’m so conflicted who I want her to end up with in love alarm because they essentially both good guys, one is obviously more kind-hearted than the other but they’re both so compelling for me. The struggles lol

      Me too, I don’t know how she balance both school and work at the same time. She has been doing that since she was young and worked so hard in films, dramas, ads, and other commitments. If I have one ounce of her determination, my life would improve immensely. At the same time I worry for her workload. In her interviews, she said she likes working and keeping herself busy. She’s not a normal human being lol

      • I’m not conflicted at all for Love Alarm, I didn’t like Sun Oh. I didn’t like the most of characters in fact except Hee Young. The only thing I found interesting in this drama was the app and its consequences, how it changed people.

    • KSH is proficent at balancing work and studies. She was a topper throughout her school years despite acting. She is a workaholic and a nerd. The most perfect human being.

      • There’s no such “perfect human being”. That’s exaggeration. And how’s her studies now? I hope she didn’t drop out from college. It’s been a long year when she entered college.

  11. @Alena Please leave Yoo Jung out of this thread a hardcore fan wouldn’t waste their time posting because they’re busy elsewhere and for me I’m overly sensitive when I see her name posted in a positive line of comments. Either way it’s great to see all the good work both Kims are doing overall.

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