
Han Chae Ah Releases Public Apology for Husband Arrested for Drunk Driving Accident with .246% Blood Alcohol — 13 Comments

    • What is this, stone age? And what woman can ever delude herself in public that she could ever possibly control every decision her partner makes? What a joke!!!

  1. Ya she should have made sure she stocked his fave alcohol at home instead so he didn’t need to go out and drink. Also she should have arranged for a nanny to babysit him at the bar to make sure he was drinking within limits **palmface**

  2. She apologizes publicly for worries that her career will be affected (this is my guess). But who is she btw? Is she famous? Idk her at all ?

  3. What is this, stone age? And what woman can ever delude herself in public that she could ever possibly control every decision her partner makes? What a joke!!!

  4. In Korea it is always the wife or family member who gets the flak whenever this kind of drinking incident occurs. If you’be watched enough Kdramas, you would see how the poor wife is always trampled by the relatives and in-laws for actions and whatever failures of said husband.

  5. Seriously, when she married, did she acquire a child instead of a partner? Why would a woman ever get married in Korea if every wrong things done by a family member is suddenly ALL her fault? Do modern S. Koreans REALLY believe in this crap????

  6. Having that high level and still keep going on points to regular abuse. She has an addict to deal with. She should only apology if she ignored this problem but otherwise she can no do much. As long the addict don’t see the problem you can’t help them. South Korea need to deal with their ridiculous drinking culture instead of blaming the victims and after they become perpetrators.

    • Exactly! I am so sick of a woman being always at fault. We are at fault when we get abused physically, emotionally, when we do not get career promotion, or get promotion but not the same salary, and now at fault when husband is inappropriate! I have watched enough dramas thank very very much for idiotic comment, just because it is shown in dramas it doesn’t mean that it is correct.

  7. Is it because she married a man child not a fully functioning adult? Unbelievable. It’s these kind of actions that allow abusers to feel a sense validation and lack of responsibility. How about teaching the men about accountability for their OWN actions instead of stop blaming his spouse for something that is out of her control.

  8. Isn’t he a celebrity as well or a public figure at least. I am pretty sure a lot of ppl walk around with that BAL after all those soju shots. But at least they don’t drive one hopes.

    What an idiot. That’s usually at least a bottle of spirits worth of drinks or a few bottles of soju. Or more than one bottle of wine to get those levels.

  9. Im sure if she didnt issue an apology, she’ll get flack from public because she is public figure ?
    Still that statement was really unnecessary. An adult should responsible for his/her own action. Even as husband and wife.
    And as someone whose father died because of traffic accident, I hate drunk driving. Its irrespossible and dangerous for anyone else in the street.

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