C-media Reports on Netizen Belief that Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo Have Reunited After Scouring for Clues

Hhhhmmmm, on one hand this is so far-fetched and yet on the other hand C-netizens are truly sleuths who have uncovered many a breaking relationship or breakup news by digging under every rock for tiny clues. This week C-news picked by a hot gossip thread among C-netizens that maybe top actor Hyun Bin and top actress Song Hye Kyo, both of whom are single, may have surreptitiously gotten back together. The two dated in 2008-2010 after costarring in World’s Within (The World We Live In) but in the decade since have each moved on with Hyun Bin dating and breaking up with Kang Sora and Song Hye Kyo dating, marrying, and then divorcing Song Joong Ki.
C-netizens are basing the reunited and it feels so good theory on four SNS posts – (1) Song Hye Kyo’s good friend Park Sol Mi posted a song from WW and wrote “this difficult and tiring love” and Song Hye Kyo pressed like and replied “sister *squinty eyed laughing emojis*”, (2) Hyun Bin was somewhere filming a CF and posted pictures which netizens think looks like the same backdrop of a location shot posted by Song Hye Kyo, (3) Song Hye Kyo was spotted wearing a necklace that reads HS which are their initials, and (4) Hyun Bin’s long time stylist just started to follow Song Hye Kyo on her SNS.

Interesting. Where are those shipper fans who were adamant that CLOY was the pre-announcement of an upcoming wedding? Anyways, all are single and beautiful people, they are free to date whoever and whenever. Just don’t get caught in clubs or any birthday parties…
Haha people don’t understand pr to create buzz
Hahaha. I wonder where those shippers are now too. Remember they were arguing their heads off as if they know HB and SYJ in person.
One of the most ridiculous rumors I’ve ever heard. SHK’s pic was taken last summer, according to her caption and there were no initials on her necklace. Even if there were, it could be her own initials..Hyekyo Song. Some fans have actually managed to find a photo of a Chaumet necklace and it looks very similar to the one she wore.
As for the stylist..she used to work for her many years ago so it’s not really a surprise to see them following each other now.
Tbh I can never understand why C-netz are so invested in SHK’s love life. I just wish they would just leave her alone.
They’re ridiculous if they think SHK is going to walk around with a necklace of their initials like a 5th grader.
Exactly! At least if you want to spread rumors about them getting back together, make it believable.
very true, maybe they want HB & SHK to do a movie again, so making a stir to get attention
Well, idk anything about that. But it’s time for HB and SYJ shippers to leave SHK alone. She didn’t do anything yet she’s the one taking all the blame. It’s unfair.
Exactly it is so ridiculous.That photo of the scenery was taken last summer. And HB’s commercial is pretty recent. C-netz always want to hook up SHK with anyone. Both of them dated other people after their break up and seemed to have moved on .Now people will claim HB was the reason of their divorce after PBG denied the rumours. They always need to find a scapegoat . People need to understand that they are human first and they can have the same life as anyone with dating, marriage and divorce. Why is it so hard to understand.In the end it is their life.She is popular,successful and doesn’t require any man to make her happy.
And those who are unnecessarily dragging SYJ and leaving homophobic comments,please stop fanning those rumours.
Last time C-netizen was right when SHK and SJK eventually got divorced/slip but this time I feel like they should mind their business. They making SHK feel like she’s a toxic person jumping around from actors to actors like please. I mean it was confirmed she dated Hyun Bin before but that was way back then and its so old but like just leave her alone.
very true, maybe they want HB & SHK to do a kdrama again, so creatin a stir to get attention
it’s alright to link SHK and HB together, since they’re both single, good people and nice looking. They deserved to be happy and maybe this they learn their past shortcomings.After, love is lovelier the second time around. Philippines
If this is true….so frustrating??…since i’ve watched CLOY i followed them both(hyun bin and yejin)…and i wish they will end up in the future.past is past!
Keep on praying for your OTP to get married soon, ok?
May this is just a marketing strategy for their upcoming drama. Omo! Hope it is true!
Nah, I doubt it tho. It wont be easy to SHK to start another relationship too soon, especially after the divorcee, the marriage with SJK was short too, I’d be traumatic if I were her. I just hope SHK to be happy, I believe she doesnt really need a man to achieve that.
Her relationship with HB is the longest after all. And their break up is due to high media attention and busy work schedules. So, the feelings still remain for them.
How do you know that they are still have feeling to each other? Lol. This is such a delusional idea. After they broke up they already move on. And SHK married to SJK, so there is no way she got married if she still had feeling to Hyunbin. Hyun bin also dated Kang Sora and then got caught with SYJ.
what a delusion to think that after their breakup, which happened a decade ago?) Song Hye Kyo and Hyun remain in love with one another? lmao.
Yeah so delusional welll if he wants to go back w shk he would have done it after he got back from army.. not now.. so wad after 10 yeard he rekindles his feelings, doesnt make sense
Shk is someone who doesn’t need any financials support from any man but she always needed that emotional support from a man because she never had a father figure ehich really played a part. She dated got hurt. Married got hurt but i think she loves to fall in love. She is fragile when it comes to love matters and very unlucky.
You got it right. SHK loves to fall in love which reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor who also had a number failed relationships but still never gave up until the last years of her life.
I never doubt C fans. They have huge money to get these sources. I mean same fans buys millions ofl dollars merchandise etc. I wont be surprised if they have their sources to get this info.. both shk and hb r known among c fans. Anyways i want them to work in drama plss make it happen
C-netz can be wrong too. They were wrong about SHK and SJK reconciling. They also said SJK demolished his house because he didn’t wanna be reminded of her when the truth is she’d never spent a day there.
Agreed . SHK doesn’t need a man to make her life complete. Chinese netizens like to ship stars together to make sound. I’ll take it with a smile.
Perhaps media-play by their agencies since the same thing happened before CLOY was confirmed. It started in Jan 2019 when SYJ and HB were spotted supermarket shopping in LA. The dating fever reached its peak throughout the screening of CLOY with hands under the table rumour during an on-set interview. Shippers went to town with wedding bells. This news will surely squashed the Binjin shippers. Lol.
Binjin shippers r going to shame shk big time after this. If it cones out to be true. I never bought it bcoz son ye jin always had lesbian rumors aeound her so it was all pr. But shk n hb jad real thing and i doubt she will ever work with his ex lol
@ady, yes, I agree with you. SYJ always has lesbian rumours surrounding her since 2013 so I don’t buy it too. Maybe there is some connection between SHK and HB in some ways, I believe it will be strictly professional. SHK need not work with HB, she’s rich and famous enough to work with anyone. Does not need HB to share the screen with her.
@kimchi maam i agree with you. The thing is i doubt shk likes to work with her exes. Its not like she has shortage of money or anyhing considering she is one of richest actresses from korea ever.but i wont mind if they work together. Lets c . I wish them all d best. Both deserve to be happy
BinJin shippers don’t care about SHK lol. Son Ye Jin is not a lesbian get real. yah, Han Ye Seul and Son Ye Jin fought over SNSD Yuri hahahahahahahahahahahahhaha. If SHK & HB get back together it’s noone’s business but their own.
Son Ye Jin doesn’t need freaking pr. Rumour spreading gossip mongers are the absolute worst.
@valentine Actually, a lot of BinJin shippers do care about SHK.
Maybe HB and SHK are offered lead roles in a big drama possibly to be shot in the later half of this year or early next year. HB is very savvy and strategic about his career and projects. Since CLOY is a huge hit internationally, I would not be surprised if huge offers are pouring in from Netflix or Studio Dragon to reunite him with A-list actresses from his past like SHK or even possibly HJW since this year is the 10 year anniversary of Secret Garden. Riding on the acting acclaim of MOA and commercial success of CLOY seems like a no brainer. His movies normally do not do well so it’s back to dramas for HB to capitalise on his ongoing popularity.
Huh?! Most of HB’s movies were positively received in the box office. Check the facts first to avoid spreading fakery and lies.
@myrrana, I am just an old lady maybe I missed some box office news or misheard from my younger relatives. If you can supply me the box office records for his movies, that would be much appreciated. My grand nephews and nieces might have given me inaccurate information. You know how young people are these days. They are not into Ahjussi HB so may say his movies don’t do well, lol.
Maam, it is all over his wiki page. HB’s movies are almost box office draws.
@myranna, thank you. I have my granny glasses on now. The last movie Rampant didn’t so well compared to his other ones. The Wikipedia page said box office bomb, lol, who wrote that phrase? Grossing 11.8 million against budget of 15 million. Hope HB next movie will do well. I am fond of him.
That’s why Miss Granny I said most and almost not all of his movies are blockbusters. I guess aside from eyes, you should also have your reading comprehension skills check. Anyways, I am done with you! Bye, Felicia!
HB the Rampant movie maybe didnt do so well domestically (SK) because as you said it only has a gross of 11M something compared to thier 15M expenses..
But the movie was being sold to 19 countries therefore they have a total of 56M gross over all..
I’m not surprised if it’s a mediaplay esp coming from HB lol. SYJ/HB were a mediaplay thing straight from the beginning. I think it was already planned right from the start when they filmed negotiation. There isn’t any evidence for them dating and a lot of the things they do are very posed. They act very differently in front of the cam vs off it. They probably didn’t expect the backlash to be so strong towards the end, which probably factored into Vast’s constant denials.
The funny thing is that even some of their shippers acknowledge that there isn’t anything going on. Only the most pathetic and delusional ppl are sitting around waiting for their wedding bells.
SYJ has always had lesbian rumours. Strong ones at that. Forums in the early 2000s had evidence of her and other ladies, one of them was a pretty famous actress back in her day. She also hangs ard with ladies who seem to be quite similar.
Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong about being gay. What is with the homophobic comments below?
Only the most pathetic and delusional people think HB/SYJ needs to resort to mediaplay lmao. There is nothing wrong with being gay except for people “outing” people as gay when they are not and spreading false rumours. SYJ has not “always had lesbian rumours” just some fans who want her desperately to be one. and have you seen HB and SYJ off camera to see how they are? Newsflash, everything is on camera. Song Hye Kyo and Hyun Bin could be back together but the “evidence” is laughable at best. There’s tons more proof that Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin are together.
Have u seen the grocery pic in La? Tats definitely off camera.. celebrities who get caught grocery shopping halfway across the world, what does it means? Not normal for korean celebrities..
Well the reason why peopl said that is because she nv had a scandal n nv dated.. so what if she hangs out w only girls.. isnt that preference?
Love them both wish it is true they have great chemistry I think this is all wishful thinking.
This is coming from C-Media? OMG, they have eagle eyes then turn every little thing into some type of story…I don’t ship chinese couples for this reason, way too many rumors come out of it that don’t make sense or untrue.
Geesa why this kind of rumours got blown up so big..
The cmedia also said parkbogum caused ssc split if im nt wrong and there is no proof for that..
I jus hope binjin will quickly announce their relationship to put an end to all of this
Here is one shipper. CLOY is long finished.
We’ll see so u will shut up..
Until then…. Will u shut up?
BinJin shippers will have the same fate as SeGa shippers if they keep their “bitch-mometer” going.
Hyun Bin will never find it in his career’s favor to to hookup with any lady actress (Ha Ji Won then, Son Ye Jin now) being shipped with him if it means ending up disappointing a solid fanbase of another popular actress (Song hye Kyo) whom he should have defended, either because she was the long-time girlfriend then or for old time’s sake now.
Too bad though that SHK has always been the collateral damage in Hyun Bin’s popularity everytime: in 2010, as the harassed and bullied legitimate girlfriend and in 2020, as the ex-girlfriend who will always be part of his story (history) to the chagrin of the CLOY fans. It is no wonder I think that she settled down with an actor with whom her union will be celebrated and prayed for by everyone rather than trampled.
I am a fan of the work of all the names mentioned here but frankly speaking: until such time Hyun Bin can live up to his swoon-worthy image and bravely stand by her woman (either HJW, SYJ or SHK), I will never think of him as deserving of any of these fine women.
Wow they were my first first ship. I loved them in World’s Within. Kind of wish it’a true that they’re together hehe.
Their chemistry in the world that they live in was no joke. Such an underrated drama I think.
Me too. . .i’m so fond of them coz they look good together and i can feel that they really like each other. . .can’t wait for them to reunite.
Oh my god …The proofs are just hilarious ??.. I don’t care who dates whom but atleast they should have some credibility to their sources.And I can’t believe koala spreading fake news here.Why drag SHK .Dont believe why people always tend to link up SHK with someone.Being single can also be the trend.And I believe she is much happier in her life now.Cnetz also said they saw them in China.And it was a time when corona virus was at its full swing with travel restrictions around the world, especially in China..And Hyun bin was working on his movie in SK.It is not like they were caught shopping together or something in a foreign country as happened with the other pair. Atleast that was something to be curious about and I remember their pics were flooded in the entire k-media, with even some discussion about it in entertainment shows. But their agencies denied many times and a full stop was put on everything.
And those who are talking about SYJ being a lesbian, please be respectful. No need to drag other person down.It was just a rumour which was created as she said she won’t mind playing such types of roles in movies. We all know how versatile she is. So every actress who doesn’t have a confirmed public relationship doesn’t mean she is a lesbian.
Ady you said Koala used to spread homophobic comments against LMH.But you are doing the same dear.Without any proof you are calling her a lesbian.She may not have dating scandal but how can you say that she is a lesbian and fanning the rumours further. Do you know the source of those rumours??.She once said that she wouldn’t mind playing such types of characters in future in movies.
When did i use lesbian to shame her? I m her can but she has strong rumora even acc to her fanclubs with thousands of fans. They say it all the time 8t is ur oroblem if u see lesbian as an insult. Koalas used gay as an insult back then. Different thing
I won’t mind it if she is lesbian but outing her as gay without proper proof is kind of childish.After all in the end these were only rumours spread by some delusional people.
Indeed, HB is very savvy, shred and strategic when it comes to his acting projects, which he also treats as a business, even going as far as to mediaplay “fake relationships”/news to get attention on him/his projects lol. And I say this as a long-time fan. Since cloy has ended I’m sitting here kinda wondering when will his next mediaplay partner/news story be lol.
His dramas have always fared better than his movies – that’s a fact. Wikipage is hardly a reliable source. Negotiation, swindlers and rampant were below average and panned by critics. Only Confidential Assignment did really well. Dramas are where all the popularity, cfs, fans and money are, so I think he will keep appearing in them.
I highly doubt they will be reuniting for a project though, k-stars never work with exes on projects, let alone date again, ever.
That said, I don’t even know why people trust C-netz? They are mostly 99% wrong than right. Just cause they got the SJK/SHK relationship timeline right, doesn’t make them a reliable source. Not remotely. They’ve written so much of crap about LMH, PMY, Suzy, PBG, SJK etc – all based off stupid “evidence”. They even write crap about their own stars!
I mean as an entertainment blogger who owns their own site, it’s up to Koala to write what she wants. But sometimes it would be nice to see some form of journalistic integrity in our blogs, instead of seeing fake/ridiculous rumours being propagated.
Spot on. I used to be a died heart fan of Hyun Bin and support him on everything. Not anymore after The Negotiations and CLOY. He’s seem to be an attention seeker so dropped him as one of my favorite Korean actor.
it’s true what they say: die “heart” fans are worse than antis. Hyun Bin is the least attention seeking actor out there: not his fault he draws attention whatever he does. I feel bad for SHK, she can’t even comment on her friends insta and follow a stylist without rumours. and my girl Son Ye Jin getting dragged by possessive fans and haters alike. Why do C-netz scouring get reported everywhere as “news”. Journalism is truly dead.
@Loveholic – SAME HERE. I actually stopped supporting him so much after CA came out and he felt the need to mediaplay a fake thing with KSR to prop his movie/himself and his new company up. Shrewd businessman sure, but not an actor i respect anymore. Seems attention seeking/insecure deep down and I think there are other motives there. I never really believed his rlshp with shk either.
Also my previous comment got swallowed:
HB’s stylist has been in the industry for a LONG TIME. She’s also stylist to Shin MinAh, Gong HyoJin and God knows who else. She was SHK’s stylist before and is friends with SHk’s manager. All of them (minus shk) were at her wedding. HB was sitting beside SHK’s manager during the solemnisation although there wasn’t any visible interaction. Later at the dinner, he sat away from all of them. The stylist following SHK has got nothing to do with SHK dating HB. What a reach of logic. By that logic, does it mean HB are also dating SMA and GHJ too lol
I’m not remotely a fan of SHK but I highly doubt she is interested in getting back into a relationship with someone who is not only an “ex-boyfriend” but a high profile celebrity at that, with some of the most delusional fans in his fanbase. She seems to be enjoying her life and her friends, which is all really one needs at the end of the day. Not all women from broken families need a man to support them and lead wonderful lives, and sometimes it takes a few broken relationships and a few decades of life experience to realise that. Also – kcelebs never date again, let alone work with their exes.
People need to leave her alone.
Valentine go I don’t know if a long time fan who used to support him is worse or an anti-fan plus shipper is worser. You’re a shipper fan so I can’t relate to you. If you love Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin so much than continue to ship them. I’m dropping Hyun Bin because I’m no longer a fan of his. For Song Hye Kyo I adore her and don’t care about this baseless rumor. To many shallow people around can’t bear to see her being successful and enjoy every moment of her life. I have nothing against Son Ye Jin so it also not related to me. From Sega shippers to all the rude and ignorant Binjin shippers right now just need to learn to ship their couple without attacking other actresses. Not just Song Hye Kyo but others that work with him.
Ezra ture I was skeptical about the Kang Sora thing too but was able to let it slide thinking it’s his life and no need to bother. I’m a fan and support him but after that, I’m starting to lose my respect for him. He somehow come off as someone who is looking for attention. So my like for him is gone. Will still watch him if the productions is interesting. Song Hye Kyo is just someone who has such bad luck. The best for everyone.
Did HB confirm the movie “Bargaining” after CLOY?, is he filming the project right now? Hmm, sound something fishy!!
28 February 2021 .. Read your comments again here … And how did it feel after HB and SYJ confirmed their dating relationship? How does it feel to realize that you’ve written too much nonsense? ?? …
HB does a lot of media play? Seriously …?? compared to HB, SHK appears too much in the media. She is trying too hard to maintain her existence by appearing too often in the media, even though she hasn’t acting projects.
And just the last confirmation about denial this rumors, the agency SHK slipped the sentence, “SHK is busy with its new project, please give support” .. Isn’t this like a hidden promotion, the agency is trying to get attention for her new project which “coincidentally” launched the next day.
As for the SYJ lesbi rumors, I guess only the haters are trying their best to believe this rumor. Even though many interviews she said that she was dating, her first kiss was an oppa when she was in the early stages of university. It’s just that he said, he would never confirm dating news if it was not accompanied by the conviction of marriage. And if you try your best to defend these rumors on the principle of “no smoke if no fire?” … then what about these astonishing SHK rumors?
Lol noonem. I felt good writing it and still feel good! ? know why? Because I know for a fact that what I wrote isn’t nonsense (unlike your stupid ramble) and I stand by what I said.
What the heck do u know about the entertainment industry, media play n pr relationships anyway? U are just a random on the street, not even in the industry or close to it and u can’t even speak Korean except saying hello n thank you and oppa!
I work in pr n have been in and out of the industry doing comms n publicity for various public figures. Everybody who is a public figure straight up lies or hides the truth about themselves from the public. Be it for image or publicity or money. Them “confirming” their “dating” news doesn’t mean anything except bringing in more money for them as they can keep playing up it up for commercials in Philippines and give ppl something to talk about. As both are declining in popularity as they get older. Neither are getting interesting scripts from Netflix or Chungmuro. Instead HB has to do commercials with Filipino brand Bench – whom nobody outside Philippines has heard of -, do random phone commercials with random brands n ads with Lazada. Where is his great acting skills or great dramas? Syj as well. Why bother coming to kdramas when she could have stayed in kmovies?
Their sole pathetic “golf date” pic just look like 2 friends purchasing equipment from a golf shop lol. We’ve never seen a single pic taken by the public of them spotted anywhere since their announcement. And how do u know for sure that neither syj or hb is lesbian/gay? N is using this so called rlshp to cover it up?
Since u don’t understand korean, k ent or how media play works even for supposedly “popular” public figures, it’s best to stay out of such conversations. Cos u will look stupid, like u do with ur comment above. N why bring in shk when I wasn’t even talking about her?
Only stupid kpop/kdrama fans like u and your ilk will believe every single thing these stars n dispatch (who are paid by companies to say certain things) says. The recent spate of actors revealing their true craptastic behaviours should teach u never to believe what the media or these celebs tell u. But yet u fans will still continue to do so. To which I say – u guys deserve to be duped.
I hope u have been doing something useful with yourself n ur life n spending more time with ur loved ones instead of being so obsessed with celebs and their fake relationships. N “defending” them on random sites lol. Hb n syj don’t know u, never will and don’t care for u. N they are richer than u will ever be. I hope you start to love yourself more. Good day!
Loved all 3 actors!!!
Not gonna complain if true, but HB probably will not get back with HY due to pride unless she divorced to get back with HB (lol… that the real story I want).
Eww hopefully not because she can do better. She had bad taste in guy.
She got to be w sjk n hb and u said her taste is bad.. so which guy u think is better?
Galbitang on because I don’t find them attractive or appealing. To be honest SJK and HB are attractive to people just because of their trying hard to be perfection image in front of the public eyes only. Even LBH look better than both with his nasty and cheap character. I also don’t have to explain who’s better looking. Song Hye Kyo is gorgeous but definitely had bad taste in guy.
@aurora – totally agree with you here. people are so sold on looks when it comes to celebs.
Like these men are PERFECT just cause they LOOK GOOD. LOL!!! You don’t even know these people and what stuff they are up to in private.
Love to see them SHK and HB on and off the screen. They’re already on the marrying age so go, go, go na. Now na!!!
Nah, just HB Made up rumour but then I actually tempted to believe HB SHK than HN SYJ,
HB SHK on and off nas been the news before her marriage and now that she is single, they have it again.
Even as a die-heart fan of Hyun Bin, this sort of news sound absurd as they are based on China’s so-called netizens who do not witnessed or verrified their facts. What sort of journalistic qualifications or knowledge do they have about the reunionnof the couple, other than that instagram and the spot?
Hyun Bin’s fans and his Binjin shippers can have him all they want. All these ridiculous rumors are probably to make him more popular after his CLOY drama. Never like him nor find him appealing but his fans are dam ignorant. Why keep bashing Song Hye Kyo when she is too good for him anyway. He look so full of himself and always trying hard to have the best image. Song Hye Kyo doesn’t need someone like him. Leave her alone already. It’s been a decade since she’s link with him.
Better for SHK is stay single forever. Her rabid fans think she is too good for anyone. Her fans are the ones bashing men around her.
As if those men’s fans don’t do the same. Lol
That’s why those men are single too. Just keep dating until the sun goes down. I am not a shipper nor I promote celibacy. Saying someone is too good for another person is a hypocritical thinking.
Lol go talk to his fans first if you want to preach. If this is the other way around, I bet you won’t even turn a side eyes. Even some of his fans admit to all the degrading every actress that can’t bring him high ratings. If you are as fair as you claim to be. You’ve probably say something different. This is why there’s always fan wars. Don’t get me started, when oppa did something wrong, it’s acceptable. But if it’s the woman then it’s nothing but name shaming. Get a grip please.
@Jenny: read comment of @Jem down below. As if HB fandom are all saint
Randi rona hai ye
I think SHK will stay single for a while. She has that personality. Also, she can intimate men subconsciously because of her being highly successful, high profile and rich. Men will naturally compete with her to save their pride, kind of like that. I think in some ways that’s what happened with SJK. Just my 2 cents.
Lol shivangi ?????
Love to see them together… For reel or real
Werher its true or not its ok they are both single and deserves to be happy. love is sweeter at the 2nd time around. i love them both and be together and Gods will get married and create a family and its time Godbless you HB
If it were true…disappointed in HB. He can do sooooo much better. Lucky SJK got away!!
Lol those hints aren’t convincing at all so you have nothing to worry about. Tbh I’m glad SHK has nothing to do with HB and SHK anymore. I don’t think I wanna see people like JDG and JJM in her circle of friends.
– HB and SJK
Agree with you on that. Seeing Song joong ki with his new circle of friends that includes Jang dong gun and Joo jin mo leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Sjk wants to collect famous friends and connections for his public image but turned out to be a group of the nasties. Why can’t lee kang soo be enough? Lol
@Keisha Yes. I’m not accusing HB and SJK of anything but knowing how close HB and SJK are to JDG and JJM really makes me uncomfortable.
So so ridiculouS..2014 was a time when HB was totally out from the military and SHK is very much single then, could have been the right time for them to get back together, BUT they did not…much more now that SHK had already been married and divorced?wow…will the very conservative family of HB just allow it? SHK desrves to be happy and not get hurt again..just do a drama series with HB okay?saranghaeo♥️
Hello I don’t care what they say still avid fans of CLOY BINJIN FOREVER CANADA
Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin may have hooked up after The Negotiation since they were spotted in the States buying groceries Jan 2018. Hook ups among co-stars are common in entertainment industry. But whatever they had, it does not look like serious thing. Their FuBu like set up seemed to fizzle by the start of the year. It was also during this time that there were break up rumors in Korea.
About the Song Hye Kyo – Hyun Bin rumors, I decided to do a little investigation. Some posts of Chinese bloggers are weird and outright wrong and laughable but some have a point. SHK used to avoid anything about HB but this time around, she liked the OST which was the one used in all loved up moments of World’s Within. She did not attend Park Sol Mi’s wedding years ago because at the time, Hyun Bin was already out from the military and for sure he will be at the wedding. She avoided him for years, they were never on one Awards event at the same time. She said she would never befriend an ex but you and I know that there are times we say things when we still have lingering anger or bitterness. The trees being compared, she posted two pics, one was captioned Last Summer and the second one, the one compared to HB’s CF location, has no caption. And what’s with Park Sol Mi’s IG story the other night of trees with lovebirds emoji?! I wonder if it’s related to the rumors.
We can never tell for sure, because at the time, there was a camping by the squad in the mountain to celebrate her stylist’s birthday.
About SHK following HB’s stylist, she used to avoid following her even if the stylist used to be from her squad a decade ago, maybe due to the fact that she is HB’s stylist and her feed is full of his pics.
My conclusion, most probably, SHK and HB are now on talking terms. I don’t think they reconciled. But we never really can tell for sure what’s going on in their personal lives. So fans, shippers, antis, or whatever, let’s just enjoy the dramas and not meddle in their personal lives.
Eh? The most ridiculous thing abt this whole rumour is the linking of completed unrelated evidence and jumping into the most ridiculous conclusions.
– SHK’s summer photos and hb’s cf photos arent even in the same place omg
– the stylist is a stylist for many stars besides shk and hb, count in shin min ah, gong hyojin and quite a few others. shk’s manager is still in touch with the stylist. there is nothing wrong with following a stylist that she is most likely still friends with. k-ent has stars sharing stylists, coordis all the time, and sometimes you end up sharing one with an ex. Doesn’t mean a single thing.
don’t you think that if they were really reconciling, we wouldn’t even know about it? why would people think a grown 40 year old women will post “hints” on social media to let the whole world come to this ridiculous conclusion? let shk live.
highly doubt someone as traditional and conservative as Hb – who still needs to ask his parents if he can date/marry someone OH MY GOD – will wanna go back to an ex who has been married before.
the constant denials from vast at the beginning of the year was mostly due to the backlash from netizens. ppl were just sick and tired of their constant mediaplaying – for what 2 yrs? and starting to see through it. hence the backpedalling. even their own shippers didnt believe anything was gg on, only the most delusional diehard ones do.
@ezra i totally agree w your comment abt conservative hb marrying an ex who has been married before.. bt in twitter i read all the shk fans felt insulted by that comment..
I don’t know SHK personally but since she’s very modern and independent, I can’t see how she’s gonna fit in with a traditional and conservative family. But that’s just my opinion.
I read your comments and I agree with you. But what’s a bit strange to me is why she follows the stylist just now if they know each other for years. Ok I agree that it’s normal that the stylist and SHK are following each other, but why n o w ? This timing + the OST of WW that was posted on IG by SHK’s friend, is weird (and I still don’t understand why she has done that, it’s not logic to me. Especially because SHK and HB were avoiding each other these past years since they never both attended events/weddings, so why would SHK’s friend kind of throw her under the bus like that?)
@Esra lol korean celeb couples – real or pr/fake – always avoid each other at events/award shows/weddings. Have you seen say, lmh/suzy, lmh/pmy or whoever else attend the same personal and public functions ever since breaking up? No.
Also there’s no conspiracy theory here. You literally have no idea what went down in private between these ladies. Eg, Park solmi could have really liked the ost and sth in her day reminded her of it. And she posted it.. so what about it lol. She didnt throw SHK under the bus – how does that even make sense? whut?? SHK could have met up with the stylist (whose feed isnt full of hb’s pics like someone above said, she posts way more about shin mina actually) in private and decided to follow her. Again so what about that? Why does everything they do have to be linked back to HB? like what even.
Making links with unrelated “proof” that can’t even count for evidence just makes fans look absolutely ridiculous.
Also all that ridiculousness aside, it makes no sense for a recently divorced lady who seems to be enjoying her life, to jump back into a relshp with an ex from 10 yrs ago. An ex who is so high profile with an incredibly delusional fanbase. I’m sure she already has her hands full with sjk fans attacking her. And it ESPECIALLY makes no sense for an actor who is so hung up on his image and is so conservative in outlook to “go back” to an ex who doesnt have a great image in sk for a few years already, and is a divorcee. He’s never ever gonna risk his career and his image that he has so carefully and strategically built up to do that. It’s just not gonna happen. Put the so called “evidence” in the context of this reality and it falls apart.
@leafyleaf: Ive seen that too. the ppl that seem to feel most insulted are the ppl that seem to think that society “should” accept divorcees and they deserve a right to remarry and to be loved again. Completely 100% agree with them. Thing is, we arent talking about just any society. This is Korean society. And Hb comes from a generation of that were born into pretty traditional values. And his family, specifically, is a very conservative one. So whilst the why-cant-he-date-a-divorcee angle makes complete sense IDEALLY, it isnt representative of the context we are discussing.
@nad totally! I think she’s very independent too & tough. and I can’t see her bowing down to and trying to change her personality to marry into a conservative fam or date a guy from such a fam.
These are the two personal and more impt contexts that shk-hb delusional shippers refuse to acknowledge.
BinJin shippers hit an all time low behavior and high in immaturity when they looked down Song Hye Kyo for being divorced. Ever wondered why there are millions of men who married single mothers? Because we are in modern times when men do not care about the past, relationships break up for reasons, grow up and get a life BinJin shippers. In HB and SHK’s case, he was even in her past, her relationship with him was longer than with Song Joong Ki. I personally don’t prefer SHK going back to her exes but I respect her since I also don’t know them all personally to judge.
I hope its NOT TRUE.
I love Hyun bin and YEjin and they are very good together and has great chemistry.Im seeing that hyunbin can be in his own self with Yejin beside him and yejin too with hyunbin?Anyway, whatever it is, I will always support Son YeJin. She is very beautiful and deserve a great man. Hope she will meet her True Love soon and will get married
Yes I truly agree that both HB and YJ can be themselves with each other. Look at how he smiles and looks at her all the time, proves that he is really at ease being in her cheerful company. Only YJ has this apt of making HY so easygoing and happy ! I fidn that only YJ is the only actress who is so cheerful all the time and her smiles are so genuine.Both of them really look so good together. Hope they end up in real life too.
The Chinese are really hung up SHK’s love life. First, they speculated that SHK are getting back together and when that didn’t pan out, they dragged HB into the picture. I guess this shows SHK’s reach in China. But I hope they leave her personal life alone.
en lo personal no me gustaria q regresaran, creo q hay q dar vuelta a la pàgina han pasado casi 10 años de eso, ahora creo q ya deben saber lo q kieren ya no son los niños de veintitantos años, ya van casi pa 40 los dos, asi q next lo q sobran son hombres y mujeres como pa repetir q flojera de verdad, me hubiera gustado con mi hermosa SYJ, ella es tierna sexy y encantadora y se ven tan bonitos juntos, pero en fin la vida amorosa de los artistas es mas complikada q la vida amorosa de nosotros los mortales