Categories: K-dramas

The OTP Sets Sail in Start-Up Episode 7 With Commensurate Emotional Arcs All Around

tvN Sat-Sun drama Start-Up is my happy place, and by sheer satisfaction quota per episode it’s still on tract to be my favorite for this year. It’s not the best, don’t get me wrong, but it injects squees and awwws and sniffles into my veins like the drama drug I need. Episode 7 really made me love and dislike Do San and Ji Pyeong more, such complicated feels but both are so different and their choices are wrong and right in alternating moments. That Ji Pyeong still can’t come clean to Dal Mi is the nail in his budding romantic feelings for her column, even if Do San kept up the lie or want to drop the lie to win Dal Mi, Ji Pyeong could step in at anytime to declare he’s the real Letter Nam Do San, her first love. That he is still torn means the train has left the station while he’s deciding whether to get on, and by hook or crook Do San jumped on. He’s bumbled his way into Dal Mi actually falling for real him and they make such a complementary couple whether work or personal. I love Do San using his AI recognition tech to develop a tool for the visually impaired after meeting Grandma, sigh, he’s becoming a Good Boy to her too.


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  • Dal-mi's character is weird. I'm not sure if its Suzy the actress that misinterpreted how the feelings are conveyed or writing for the character is starting to get uneven. She's supposed to be this tough cookie that can kneel down in a heartbeat to stephanie for her to join the team. The same sassy woman that despite her high school education only goes against all odds to prove her worth. When ji pyeong insults her she backs off but fires back at him with gusto a little bit later telling him that he should ask for help if he needs it. Then reduces to a weak damsel in distress who can only cry and accept all verbal abuse thrown at by ceo won and most of all using her father's theme which the narrative is set from beginning is the one non negotiable factor in her life that no one can cut down. The scene was likely set up to create the hero to the rescue and passionate kissing between the leads but its darn frustrating to see her being so inconsistent. I actually prefer injae's cut throat no shenanigans style. She is not nice and definitely bitchy. Yet she will not resort to despicable means to win and uses her smarts instead. From young she has always been go getting but her clear cut personality is refreshing amidst the frustrating flip flop leads and ji pyeong that left me feeling kinda irritated after watching the ep

    • I have to disagree with you. Dal-Mi is basically guaranteed mentorship from Jipyeong so she doesn’t need to fear him and by now they have an almost friend like relationship. Whereas with the Ceo, she takes his verbal assault because she’s trying to get funding for her company. She has to hold her tongue. This isn’t just about her, she’s representing her group.

      • Actually last nights ep resolved this part. She was trying to get a recording. So ok I get her reticence now

  • My issue with the romance is the fact DalMi never dated a guy because of these letters. The only reasons she really watched Do-San and gave him a chance was the letters. I would have prefered a kiss after the truth.

    It's sad to see Ji-Pyeong because of his past, he doesn't know how to love and trust. I hope he will be able to learn it with someone else at least.

  • Ah yes, the requisite episode 6 or 7 At least it wasn't the stand stiff with arms at the side pressing of the lips. I have to give Suzy props as her acting seems much improved or at least more natural. The supporting cast is still acting rings around the two leads but that's ok. It actually fits their characters well here since they are young and bumbling. 2nd lead syndrome is strong with this one. I admit I have a weakness for Tsundare characters in my drama viewing. Would never want to be involved with one in real life. Poor Ji Pyeong will be left brokenhearted. Just like in Reply 88, the one who was honest and brave with their feelings got the girl..hesitation and fear gets you regret.

  • I honestly was very pissed off at Dalmi this episode, she’s responsible for Do San’s outburst and injury. I guess this is where her age and inexperience are quite telling. As a CEO, when her idiot stepfather started his rambling, she should have interrupted and walked out instead of standing there dissolving into tears forcing Do San to act just to prevent her from crying. I don’t think Do San is objective enough to work with Dalmi - when he heard that dumb idea- he should’ve tried to talk her out of it - I think he’s so in love that he goes along with what she says since she’s has a track record of coming up with good and successful ideas. In Jae pitched this to Dalmi out of spite, but also for Dalmi to experience first hand, most of the crap that In Jae has had to endure over the years. That’s sisterly tough love for you. No experience, however unpleasant, is wasted.

  • Jipyeong reasons for not disclosing he is the writer is not for himself nor to get the girl. He is happy that granny is happy tjat dalmi is happy n he knows dalmi n do san like each other n they now have a start up to develop. He points out to do san that disclosing will affect these. For do san, the disadvantage maybe on himself (dalmi may still like him as she said her heart flutter). In a way jipyeong is more thoughtful now than when he was young. Furthermore he does not even realise his feelings. It seem seon ho cry on this drama for 13 hours (sigh...granny illnesses etc)

    Just wondering why dosan change his mind after realising that jipyeong reason for paying debts n not disclosing centred on granny. He is an ambitious guy, perhaps he can use this card to control jipyeong? Jipyeong is good at separating business n personal, does not abuse his position (didn't agree to dosan getting him into sandbox by backdoor).

    Lots of possibility n development which PHR expertise - her messages about choices, regrets, divorce, orphan are worth reflecting.

    For dalmi feels like she make choice based on idealistic whereas injie is realistic.

    Looking forward to ep 8.

  • Mte on the love and hate relationship with Dosan and Jipyeong. What i like about Dosan is he always true to his feelings. Except the lies (which he did wanted to tell the truth several times but got blocked by someone else), his feelings for Dalmi are always true. He support her and all those little details and gestures (like spinning the cup's handle for Dalmi...cute!) shows his sincerities. Like he tried his best to make Dalmi fall for him not the letter's Dosan. At first i also hope the kiss didnt't happen when i see the preview photo but as i watch the epilogue, i understand it more. As Dalmi said to Grandma, she prefers the letter's Dosan because he understands her more but she also can't help to fall in love with current Dosan because of the few odd moments that make her flutters. Just like when Dosan defending Dalmi in front of the stepfather. Dosan who keeps apologizing for ruining their chances. She was touched by that hence the's so beautifully shot. Also how kind and good boy Dosan is making technology to help visually impaired people after his meeting with grandma. So nice this boy! i just cant help but rooting for him.

  • Do San all the way. The lie is bad, yeah, but now it's up to grandma to tell the truth or not, this was not his secret to begin with. Now he is completely head over heels over Dal Mi and puts her and her opinions first and that kind of trust and support is adorable and how it's builded over many conversations and undestanding of each other it's what seals the deal. Although Ji Pyeong is a great mentor he doesn't know understand his own feelings and is way too prideful to come clean that he likes her and is willing to fight for Dal Mi and that's why he lost the girl.

  • So they are gonna make Dalmi fall in love harder before break the lies.. :(
    i agree with koala said on the love and hate relationship with Dosan and Jipyeong. What i like about Dosan is he always true to his feelings. Except the lies (which he did wanted to tell the truth several times but got blocked by someone else), his feelings for Dalmi are always true. He support her and all those little details and gestures (like spinning the cup's handle for Dalmi...cute!) shows his sincerities. Like he tried his best to make Dalmi fall for him not the letter's Dosan. At first i also hope the kiss didnt't happen when i see the preview photo but as i watch the epilogue, i understand it more. As Dalmi said to Grandma, she prefers the letter's Dosan because he understands her more but she also can't help to fall in love with current Dosan because of the few odd moments that make her flutters. Just like when Dosan defending Dalmi in front of the stepfather. Dosan who keeps apologizing for ruining their chances. She was touched by that hence the's so beautifully shot. Also how kind and good boy Dosan is making technology to help visually impaired people after his meeting with grandma. So nice this boy! i just cant help but rooting for him.
    Even though i like Dosan but i know this relationship wont last long because of the lies. since this is still in 2016 so we will see the time jump. cant wait to see how everything is unfold.

  • I couldn' t properly be happy with that kiss because it's basically founded on a lie. How would you feel if a girl you like kisses you partly because she thinks you were someone else?

    I wish they'd reserve the kiss for after the lie was revealed. The fact that they didn't made that kiss have less emotional oomph for me.

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