
Episode 12 Wraps Up A Business Proposal with a Happy Bow as the Drama Reinvigorates that Satisfying of a Simple But Well-done Rom-com — 27 Comments

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  2. I wasn’t a fan of the last episode… I was disapointed by the grandfather’s character, I wanted to see him embrace Shin Hari and the illness plot was unnecessary.

    It was a light and fun drama. But I don’t think I will rewatch it.

    • I thought they lost an opportunity to do so much with HaRi’s parents and grandpa and that whole makjang drama they were all watching. I mean that would have been awesome but he never had any realization that he was being the stereotypical chaebol. I do appreciate the drama had the guy go to America and the reality they could…gasp…actually use technology to stay in touch.

      • Totally agree. I was waiting for their neetup at the resto and someone get slapped with fried chicken.

  3. Grandpa is a big softie, no way he would not be won over by Ha Ri and be a big obstacle for the OTP.

    Really enjoyed this little rom-com gem!!

    • I mean, he was already softening even while she visited him in the hospital – just trying to hide it from her lol. The “grandpa is actually ill after pretending” storyline just delayed it a bit.

  4. Ahn Hyo Seop wrote a sweet farewell note to thank everyone. I think he really met his life production through this show. Popularity is through the roof now in Korea and likely hollywood will beckon soon. Hope he gets some acting classes before any crossover 🙂 since being canadian hes already taken care of any language issues. Hoping that Sejeong gets better scripts and costars after this too. I can really see her as the new meg ryan of korea and coined the next queen of romcoms. Girls got the chops, the attitude and all the makings of Korea’s next tv sweetheart. I do hope the two will meet again in another setting. Their chemistry was solid on and off cam in the bts. Lastly bye bye show… i will miss you so much… Thanks for ushering in spring in such a beautiful way… the last photo of them smiling broadly under the cherry blossom trees is exactly how I feel about the show. Picturesque, happy and simply lovely.

    • Sejeong is definitely a natural actress.i found myself squeeing at her especially during the last episodes, I totally bought that she and AHS were dating. SIN and KMG definitely deserve their own dramas. I’ve been keeping my eye out for that girl for a while and I can’t wait for her to get her prime time leading lady spot.

  5. This drama deserves the best not because of the plot but because of the acting of the leads – super dooper superb acting! I mainly watch this because of how the cast pulls off the role they are portraying however I can say I am also interested and amused with the plot. Congratulations to ABP, as the saying goes, people are busy looking for diamonds well in fact they just gotten heap of stones – hehehe, so many dramas out there with super hype casting and all but at the end of the day no shining in it at all. Peace!

  6. I love this romcom so much. It’s been years I have not feel this way. The poster was hideous but the casts executed it so well I’m gonna miss them so much

    • This is why I never treat posters or stuff like that as an indication of the quality of the drama lol – a good graphic design team can easily be cover for a bad drama, and a mediocre one can just as easily be the result of an otherwise solid drama that doesn’t have a huge budget to spend.

  7. Truly a little gem. It was exactly what I was craving after a hard day at work, no complications, cracking cast chemistry, short, and sweet. It didn’t have time to become tired or annoying in the classic episode 12-15 slump most romcoms go through. Nothing better than a show fulfilling what it promises to <3

    • bless the 12 episode format, thanks to it we didn’t have tedious filler and draggy storylines – like you said, no slump! Most dramas don’t need 16 episodes and especially not romcoms, the shorter length means BP actually made good use of its greatest strengths (not least good chemistry between the leads – that includes the adorable BFF relationship between the two female leads and the quieter but also cute relationship between the two male leads).

  8. Seol In Ah and Kim Min Gue are so natural as Young Seo and Sung Hoon.
    These two need to have their own drama as leads.

  9. Breezy and enjoyable watch but not much that is memorable after.
    Had to say that the chemistry in the lead OTP is so so only but KSJ is a standout along with SIA as the bestie. SIA and KMG were more natural as a couple.

    AHS was decent in acting and had better chemistry with Lee Sung Kyung in Dr. Romantic.

  10. It was definitely a fun watch, brainless and campy. Great de-stresser after a long and tiring day. The last episode though, was pretty underwhelming, as with most finales of K-dramas. It didn’t feel like a finale, because it felt rushed and there wasn’t much build up to the big proposal at the end. Why are K-dramas like this? The shows are great up until the last episode, when the finale is underdelivered. The only finale I was actually satisfied with was Vincenzo, but that’s besides the point.

    Anyway, yeah, this was a fun watch. The second couple are my fave!

  11. What a little gem this is. The best romcom of the 2020s so far in 12 episode format. The finale kind of lost momentum and comedy consistency for me. I’m a huge fan of k-drama romcoms going far back to JNR and Jang Hyuk Successful Story of A Bright Girl. In terms of fillers, BP did great in cutting those off. Ofc, it has the best ever second leads in SIA and KMK. I’ll give it 8/10 since AHS couldn’t turn his ML into a unique memorable role. There weren’t any memorable OST or catchy background music that I can hum to. The best romcoms for me personally remain SKL, WFKBJ, OMV, SWDBS and Marriage Not Dating.

    • I forgot to add that BP has the most satisfying BFF duo in KSJ and SIA. I have never seen the any rom-com FL and 2nd FL being besties. They’re both adorable and having that sismance/womance goal envy.

    • Lol. I will miss the unforgettable Rachel and Samantha line. I wish there’s more of those killer one-liners! From Kim Bok Joo, I learnt how to say “swag” and from Kang Ji Sung it’s “ottokaji’ before leaning in for a kiss.

  12. My hubby discovered a star in this romcom. Of all characters, he likes Ms Kim the most! I was tickled to the bone with his “discovery” He thinks the actress playing her has great potential to be the next comedy queen next to Seol In Ah whom he likes too. For a non-Korean viewer who’s a regular DIY Kiwi bloke, it says a lot of the popularity of Business Proposal. Truly a fun ride for the past month. Hope Netflix will show more Korean romcoms. We’re loving it.

  13. A modern Cinderella’s story which has been missing from kdramaland for ages, managed to stand out and thanks for being on the Netflix it is also managed to get super popular globally.
    It is cute simple romcom but unrealistic and unforgettable at the same time. Only watched for Seol In ah, good thing she earns more recognitions and popularity now. Both male leads are mediocre until the end, only their good looks saved them.

  14. Love the chemistry and the directing in the first 6 episode. despite formulaic script. It’s the acting for me that standout. AHS and KSJ add so much nuance which make it more enjoyable despite recycle conflict, line from other drama. The drama is getting unorganic and the acting and chemistry is the one who save it. I feel butterflies in my stomach just seeing AHS and KSJ act from fake relationship to real and eventually, engaged!

  15. Sometimes in life, we just need a straight forward rom-com to make things better. Out of the 4 dramas during this period (2521, 39, FLAW and BP) that I wanted to watch, I ended up with the ‘easiest’ to digest and enjoyed it. Yes, it’s a typical Chaebol-falls-in-love-with-Cinderella story (complete with a flying slipper) but I love how this Cinderella has enough spunk and humour and is career-minded, loves her job and is good at it. So much so that she would tell/yell to Chairman Kang that she won’t quit (with a bow). Kudos to Kim Sejeong, she was great, as with the three other co-stars. Overall, a pleasant watch.

  16. I love when a drama becomes the dark horse of the season and BP was such a winner! It’s the drama version of comfort food – familiar tropes, but just enough difference to stop them from becoming tiresome cliché, and all held up by a solid cast, especially Kim Sejeong – she’s so good here, I can’t believe she’s the same cranky girl from Uncanny Counter lol! I love that they sidestep so many of the associated tropey kdrama elements – cranky grandpa is starting to thaw towards Ha-ri by the end, Taemoo going abroad simply means his and her relationship becomes a long-distance one for a year (no giving up on her just because grandpa disapproves, and no normal kdrama-style “no contact” for these two lol), Youngseo breaks away from her dad who really is being the controlling chaebol after pretending otherwise, to set up her own business and keep her man…I love it.

    It’s like a classic kdrama but with just enough small twists to make it modern, and the perfect palate cleanser to go into spring, even that last shot of them under the cherry blossoms was the perfect image to close out with.

  17. I wish for a Season 2, there is still much to tell from the grumpy haraboji, to gossiping colleagues and protective parents, add in plenty of love and kisses for our couples. Short episodes and small plotlines that can easily resolve within half hour…ahh that would be the best stress-reliver every night.

    • A Business Proposal is exactly what we needed right now with the pandemic in the last two years putting a halt to our lives. Watching this simply puts us right on track and giving us hope that life is beautiful – with the chemistry of the characters, down to the storyline that is light and funny and something each of us can relate to. Ahn Hyo Seop and Kim Se Jeong together with Kim Min Gyu and Seol In Ah gave life to characters who gave us comfort after a busy day and putting smiles on our faces as we sleep. The Food Dev’t. Team 1 is the best squad there is who is also a family in the Go Food. Thank you so much for the laughter, the tears and the lessons this drama has given us. One of the best I have seen so far. Hope to see them together in another project real soon. I hope that this is the start of their budding friendship. Congratulations to all the people who made this drama a success!!!

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