Ha Ji Won in Talks for the Female Lead of K-drama Tree Dies on Their Feet with Male Leads Kang Ha Neul and Jung Hae In
Well this is a curveball but one that I’m ready to hit out of the park as well. K-ent is reporting that Ha Ji Won has been offered the female lead in the upcoming big budget K-drama Tree Dies on Their Feet. The male leads are going to be Kang Ha Neul and Jung Hae In, with veteran Youn Yuh Jung playing a central role that sets things into motion. The drama was in the news last year that Son Ye Jin would be the female lead but it looks like she’s passed on it and makes sense because hello newlywed life haha. Anyhoo, I’m thrilled for this 1 for 1 swap of top actresses and the casting combo remains on that piques my interest greatly.
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I was hoping HJW would make a comeback in a sageuk with Jang Hyuk but never mind. Thank you drama gods. Already expected SYJ would pass on since her wedding. I’m all in as YYJ makes any production value go up exponentially. HJW and KHN being award winning calibre makes this drama a triple threat on the caveat that the script must be really good.
This will be a reunion for YYJ and Ha Ji-won! I hope HJW accept the role. Her face is younger than her age and her great acting will conceal the age gap between her and KHN. She wont be dubbed as “chemie fairy” for nothing. Kang Min-hyuk who was her leading man in Hospital Ship is even younger than KHN.
I don’t understand that there are still fans of kdrama actresses with crab mentality especially when their favorite actress didn’t get the pie that they expect.C’mon guys. Ha Ji-won won’t be Korea’s national actress for nothing!She won’t get 2 Daesang awards for TV if her acting is cringy. She won’t maintain her position in the industry being a top rated actress if she’s not a deserving one. I will not say anything negative about SYJ because I do not have bitterness on her. But she already passed the role on.
Grow up as a kdrama fans, kiddos!
I dunno about this. Age gap is way bigger than Gong Hyojin. It helps that Jiwon has a baby face while Haneul looks older than his age.
If it worked with Gong Hyo Jin who is by the way only 2 years younger than Ha Ji Won I don’t see why it can’t work here.
And in my eyes Ha ji Won looks younger than Gong Hyo Jin and definitely prettier.
They kinda look alike.
agree with you
Noona for these both again. Looking forward
So until now kbs was promoting the drama officially using son yejin’s name even when she didn’t confirm it. Idk why this director is so adamant on casting her and haneul. First time in river where the moon rises and now this. Anyways ha ji won finally returning back to kdramaland. I really like her.
I really like her. She has such a cute personality!
I like the casting but what is the story?
This will be a reunion for YYJ and Ha Ji-won! I hope HJW accept the role. Her face is younger than her age and her great acting will conceal the age gap between her and KHN. She wont be dubbed as “chemie fairy” for nothing. Kang Min-hyuk who was her leading man in Hospital Ship is even younger than KHN.
Welcome back Ha Jo Won.
She is versatile actress & i prefer her to SYJ who is superficial to us with ha ha he he he when its not funny
Not sure about the young actors though. Now they paired matured leading actresses with you g men.
As for Youn, she was Grammy award winner.It was reported she tossed out the script for Pachinko as she thought she had to audition for it?
Lee Min Ho is humble & passionate & had gone on his own for the audition of Pachinko.
First of all, “superficial to us?” Who is “us”exactly?
Secondly, YYJ won an Oscar, not a Grammy. And while she “threw out” the Pachinko scripts when she was asked to audition, after some clarification, she did eventually send in some audition videos. Besides, she isn’t even confirmed for this drama yet, so why throw her under the bus and bring up LMH?
Anyway…looking forward to seeing HJW onscreen again. I think her role will be the granddaughter of YYJ’s potential character.
SYJ is the realist person in the showbiz and is the sweetest and most beautiful actress out there. What’s your problem trying to debunk her like that? She is the most versatile actress compare to HJW who is cringe to watch and not beautiful. There is no us, it’s only you.
You are an idiot, I don’t believe you are a true fan of HJW but a troll trying to start a fan war. If you don’t like SYJ that’s fine but grow up, get a life and stop all these lame insults!
With a brain like yours, who couldn’t tell apart what is a Grammy and a Academy Award….I don’t think people will take your word seriously. And excuse me, Youn is a veteran actress, and I am sure sends in her audition videos. I mean excuse you…for believing such stuffs, when she is someone who has much more experience than Mr Lee Min Ho. P.S: Not everyone who LOVES HJW is a SYJ hater. So, there is no such thing as us.
I prefer HJW to SYJ as well, but SYJ is better at melodramas.
I think HJW doesn’t have the slim face that works to SYJ advantage. Because SYJ is so thin, she looks older than her age, but still polished.
I DO LIKE HER A Lot , her voice, her soft stare,… . Happy that she is back as her lastest dramas were ? . And with good actors . ?
Love love love both HJW and KHN, never been disappointed with any of their performances and both are super versatile. This should be good! Praying to drama gods that the writing wouldn’t fail them ???
No offence but this is a huge talent jump 😐 HJW is alright when she has action roles to mask her bad acting but if its pure melo or something similar, she sticks out like a sore thumb. Add in the fact that she’s going to be starring alongside some acting heavyweights and it’s a big, big yikes from me.
I agree because HJW is quite cringe to watch even though if it’s action. I also don’t find her young looking or beautiful. It would have been better if SYJ didn’t back out because she is a better actor and is more beautiful. A better fit for KHN.
Missy, SYJ is a fake actress. Everything about her is just pretentious. On the other hand HJW is a pro in all genres. Rest in peace haters haha.
HJW looks more cute, SYJ looks mature, but older.
SYJ did a great job in CLOY, but I didn’t like her very much in Personal Taste. She got upstaged by YEH’s cameo.
One actress does action, another does melodrama. You should have used another name instead of YeJin, it makes you look like a loser.
What? Are your blind? Hahaha how about her hwang jini where she is a daesang awardee? There is no action there! In closer to heaven? Is that any action ? She won a lots of awards there ! How about syj did she got any daesang award? Action roles to mask her acting your face!
well i think it is major upgrade.
I don’t know which project that you already look for hjw. She is delivered in all roles, and given the most versatile actress for nothing, please! She got best actress as well in Closer to Heaven which is a heavy melodrama, hwang jin yi is considered melo and she got daesang for that. Don’t talk crap just to make your fav looks better!!
It would have been nice to see Ye Jin with KHN because they’re both great actors. Such disappointing Ye Jin back out but hey her wedding with her man is the bigger picture. Works can come later.
Hey to everyone. Why do so fans show bitterness when it comes to Ye Jin. She is never a fake nor hypocrite. When you look at her, you can see what you get. Besides she is an awesome actress. Remember, she wouldn’t be awarded in the different awzrding bodies of Sokor for nothing.her performances in The Pirates and The Last Princess were awesome. No one in K biz ness could equal to her. She is in comparable for all you know. Stop demeaning her awesome name. Just be happy for what she achieved. Now that she is married to the love of her life. Let her be happy Because she is blessed. Stop this stupid criticism
Yejin you are an example of a bad fan of son yejin, fans of HJW never hate SYJ, but they hate fans like you who bash HJW. Those actresses are not enemies, but of course HJW fans will protect her. shame on you using Yejin’s name, you are dishonoring your idol.
*you typo
Can you fools stop these lame ass childish fan wars and leave the actresses out of it? SYJ and HJW are both among the very best there are and they deserve only quality fans, not childish antics that do nothing but antagonize real fans and onlookers alike.
Personally I was looking forward to seeing SYJ in this drama but I’m just as happy to see HJW after her long absence. We should be happy either way and if you’re not a fan of one or the other that’s fine but bashing and insulting each other’s fave is plain brainless and childish!
Picking on their acting is also downright low-down and crass. Both HJW and SYJ are excellent actresses, there’s nothing “superficial” about SYJ, nor is HJW a “cringe to watch” actress who’s good only for action! They have both won numerous awards and deserve all of them whether you like it or not.
Actually, I think those who wrote insulting comments on SYJ aren’t even HJW’s fans but the ‘you know who’ fans who are extremely bitter when it comes to SYJ lol
Well, I was following the comments from the first one. A fan who is using the name Jun started it all. It was agreed by a fan whose name is YeJin. They insulted Ha Ji-won by saying that her acting is cringy. Jaed and the other one came to defend HJW.
To Lorna, I believe you admire SYJ very much. You are looking up into her. You see her as incomparable actress. This is the same way as how we look up to HJW. For us she is incomparable. And I’m sure, fans of other actresses are looking up into their favorite actresses the same way as how we are to our stans.
We are not bitter to SYJ. We are only here to backlash specially if our HJW is being demeaned.
@Jack Sim For real ???
I’m a HJW fan but I like SYJ as well. So disappointed to see SYJ fans acting childish, defending their fave by insulting an actress that has nothing to do with all this
HJW and SYJ are friends, The connections between them just keep om surfacimg. It is so confirm now that Binnie and HJW never lost connection as friends after SEGA, Crocodile Lady that HJW endorsed for more than 10 uears, is now beimg endorse by SYJ, now Jiwon is a lead of a drama that wsa first offer to SYJ. but some fans think negatively about it. I mean this cn be a coincidence but I will go for the positive vibes. if you re not fan of Jiwon,then you should not bash so that her fans will mot bash back to protect her. same request with SYJ fans.
As a HJW fan, I can tell you all that our fandom has absolutely no beef with SYJ fans. I can assure you that the one who wrote the “SYJ is fake” comment isn’t a HJW fan, she’s most likely from THAT fandom, if you know what I mean.
So disappointing to see SYJ fans falling for the troll and retaliating by insulting HJW, calling her “not pretty” and her acting “cringe”, which we all know isn’t true, I mean, the woman is an award-winning actress and has never been one of those actresses who only rely on their looks.
Look, I get that there are many bitter fans of you-know-who who have been dragging SYJ in every post and I get that it must have been exhausting for you SYJ fans. And I get wanting to defend her. But how about defend her without insulting HJW? It’s all so childish.
And yes, beauty is subjective. But HJW’s acting is anything but “cringe”, and you know it.
As a HJW fan, I can tell you all that our fandom has absolutely no beef with SYJ fans. I can assure you that the one who wrote the “SYJ is fake” comment isn’t a HJW fan, she’s most likely from THAT fandom, if you know what I mean.
So disappointing to see SYJ fans falling for the tr*ll and retaliating by insulting HJW, calling her “not pretty” and her acting “cringe”, which we all know isn’t true, I mean, the woman is an award-winning actress and has never been one of those actresses who only rely on their looks.
Look, I get that there are many bitter fans of you-know-who who have been dragging SYJ in every post and I get that it must have been exhausting for you SYJ fans. And I get wanting to defend her. But how about defend her without insulting HJW? It’s all so childish.
And yes, beauty is subjective. But HJW’s acting is anything but “cringe”, and you know it.
I know Ha Jiwon won’t accept this role if the story is not really good. Furthermore, the casting is exceptional. I can’t wait for Haetnim to return to the drama. I really expect that this drama will be very good and also exciting because after TKTH, HJW and YYJ will reunite again, and then after Pawn, HJW and SDI will also reunite. It’s a dream come true with HJW, KHN, and JHI.
I don’t get the problem, SYJ didn’t accept the role, Ha Ji Won is a good choice , about the same age, same popularity,…And we haven’t seen her since a long time .
Yeah, no one really has a problem with this, just those toxic stans above. Sure some are expressing some “uh, I’m not sure about the age gap” type of comments, but pretty much everyone agrees that this is a great pairing, until that one SYJ fan got offended with the “SYJ is superficial” comment and took it on HJW instead of just defending their SYJ without dragging HJW. And then mysteriously, it was followed by more negative comments about “cringe” acting, when there’s no negative comments about HJW’s acting beforehand.. Hmm… ?
Not saying those two are the same person, but yeah, kinda sus lol
Anyway, totally agree with you. Both are great actresses and I would watch the drama no matter who between the two got cast
I think the person who first brought yejin into the discussion and that person who insulted hjw using yejin’s name and all those who proceeded to shade yejin and hjw all came from the same insecure fandom that already have history with both hjw and syj fandoms. Lol. Threatened much? Lol.
I think so too. There is no fan war between SYJ and HJW fans. There’s only one fandom who generally hates both actresses so it’s not that difficult to surmise who these trolls are ?
I was looking forward to seeing SYJ and HJI together again in another drama, but I’m happy for HJW. I will be watching because I also love KHN.
Sorry. SYJ was not a good convincing actress. Not her fans at all. I watched the negotiator which was suck overall as a movie. Both leads were not convincing. I watched her drama with LMH. OMG she looked old – more like ahjumma but nevertheless she got hitched with one of the most good looking male lead in Kdramaland. I am not HB fans too. I did not watch the Crash Landing so I was not excited at all with the recent news of their wedding. Nothing to do with their acting skills.
Meanwhile I believe HJM is one of the most versatile actress. I am fans of LBH, JH, LDW, YIN, GY, PEH, SHK and JKS.
@Joan What is the point of your comment? Just to bash other actors? This article is about HJW, so why bring up other actors? Trolls everywhere.
I love HJW her beauty is unique unlike others who have much in common even in acting and style