Sneak Peeks at Gong Hyo Jin and Kevin Oh’s Wedding in New York Reveals Eclectic Touches

True to form, Gong Hyo Jin and Kevin Oh‘s wedding this week in New York remained a private close friends and family affair and neither star shared direct updates online prior to the wedding. Gong Hyo Jin did post a glimpse of her legs ensconced in wedding dress gauzy material and a pair of worn out running shoes and red socks next to her. The implication is that she’ll pair her wedding dress with that type of comfy and quirky footwear combo which is right up her style alley. Some pictures of her ceremony location have been shared and it reveals a donut wall with pictures of the couple in candid moments next to it, and site appears to be a tented greenhouse of sorts and the floral decor skews towards simple grassy displays and hanging vines. All in all, an uniquely decorated wedding that skews towards playful. After the wedding, Gong Hyo Jin posted the picture above with their wedding bands, entwined hands, a glimpse of her smile as he brushes against her fingers. It’s just lovely.

So happy for them wishing them eternal happiness and lots of fun
The aesthetic is so very Kong Hyojin. Eclectic and charming at the same time. Wishing them all the best in life.
That’s just lovely.
Congratulations to the happy couple.
Another wedding, hoping it will last for many years.