Scheduling Rumors has Period C-drama Story of Kunning Palace with Bai Lu and Zhang Ling He Airing within Next Month and May Overlap with Till the End of the Moon

So this is either great publicity drumming or a way to counterprogram. There were a lot of C-dramas finished in 2021 and 2022 that fans have been dying to watch and the released earlier this month of Till the End of the Moon was the oasis water for period fans parched desert thirst. But now comes rumors that Story of Kunning Palace with Bai Lu and Zhang Ling He is on deck for iQiyi with a release date of end of April/early May and that would put it overlapping with Till the End of the Moon and make it a Bai Lu v. Bai Lu showdown. I’m eyebrowed raised that this will happen mostly because I’ve seen barely any promos for Kunning Palace not to mention why cause a ruckus from the actress’ camp in trying to double dip on her current popularity. But I could be wrong and this baby could be here in weeks so let’s just wait and see.

Tbh, I look forward to this drama of Bai Lu more than the current one with Lou Yun Xi. Fans raved about her chemistry with LYX but I just don’t feel it. I think ZLH may have better chemistry with Bai Lu because he did with most of his costars in other dramas. I’m still following Till the End of the Moon not because I’m addicted to the series. Far from it. I’m just too bored of waiting for Xiao Zhan’s dramas to premiere. It’s insane there’s no sign for XZ’s dramas to be aired yet.
Was there even any promotion for Till the End of the Moon? They released the trailer a few days before the drama aired.
This has been a great start to 2023 for me! The only dramas I was anticipating this year were The Starry Love, Till the End of the Moon and Story of Kunning Palace. It will make me happy to have all 3 air in the first half of 2023.
This drama is the king of promotion this year. The level of promotion are so high they have around 2000 hotsearch since they start airing. Offline promo started one weeks before airing too. Just that nowadays the promotion/noise about this drama has calm down a bit.
Promotion all over on Weibo, the facebook-equivalent Chinese social media. That’s why I got disappointed at the drama cuz I had high hopes. ThEotM is more underwhelming than I expected. I watched 8 eps and may quit watching.
Lol. It’s always you with your bullshit.
You are a Leo Luo anti…Why are you even watching it?
Only eight? Since episode ten, the quality increases considerably, but didn’t you write that you couldn’t tolerate the appearance of the male lead? If I’m not mistaken, why are you watching?
Show sanity if you’re not rabid fans of LYX !!!! I’m not his anti. I actually checked all his dramas after watching Ashes of Love. I like his acting in Princess Silver. But I can’t ignore his gaunt looks in ThEotM. LOL. I said that I had high hopes for this drama. So why should I not check it out? Get your senses! You worked up cuz you worship him and can’t take any reasonable critiques! Tell your idol to gain more pounds rather than diss ppl with reasonable opinions if you do care about his acting career. LMAO
How incoherent you are, it seems that you do not remember what you have written. There’s a reason he looks sickly in TTEOTM and it’s called fitting the description of the character in the novel. He can gain weight, but your stupidity will not lose.
His weight will not prevent him from continuing to work and offering good acting and that is what hurts the detractors.
Luo Yun Xi has always been thin (I checked his childhood and teenage pictures), so I thought it must be his genetics. It’s not easy to tell a person to gain pounds, especially when you can’t make a noticeable difference because of your own nature. It’s an unfair comment since we don’t know for sure what the individuals we set “standards” of appearance go through.
He is a great actor and I am glad he can continue to do his job good despite the direct argument against his weight. Even when it is mentioned that he looks like Tantai Jin’s appearance is described in the novel, he continues to be attacked.
I haven’t read the comments that the two users who replied to you are talking about, but in your answer I don’t see the difference between you and them.
OH rabid fans are rabid and delusional anyway!!!! When Shayeli can’t take reasonable critiques of her drama god from rational viewers, she started name calling. How disgraceful ! She just has no idea that insulting people with different opinions makes no difference from insulting herself and her idol. This is a free forum in the free world and visitors are entitled to our own opinions. Shayeli may as well just move back to China and bully people online as much as she wants to! There’s a culture in China encouraging rude online bullies anyway.
You made me laugh. You are not entitled to call me delusional as you and I are but two sides of the same coin in case you haven’t noticed. My comments are written with the same energy you used to write yours.
You like to attack others but when it’s thrown back at you, you get to pretend you’re a respectful person. Lol.
Insulting? Oh, just like you did towards Luo Yunxi?
God? He is a human being, and as such, deserves respect without a bunch of narrow-minded users writing how he should look. Your comments sound like the sexist narrative that tells women what they should and shouldn’t do just because of their sex.
It’s great news after all, I’ve been repeated TTEOTM current episode because I really addict with Bai Lu’s acting. If KP may release next month it a good news. It been a long time without her drama and now it released non stop
I look forward to this drama, but I’m not sure if it’s going to be a blessing or a curse for airing it early.
I’ll keep watching and finish TTEOTM before starting SOKP. Personally, I’ve adored her pairing with Luo Yunxi since Love is Sweet. Her range of acting is wonderful, especially in Arsenal Military Academy and in this current drama. Hope all the fans and antis can remain respectful to ALL the actors.
Yeah it’s coming

Bai lou
Looking forward to bailu drama
Good, Till the enx of the moon is slow and getting boring..May be they make it 1episode per day coz of this only.Good for us as we love watching BAI Lu
That’s how I feel about Till the End of the Moon as of ep 8. I’ve switched to watch K drama since and am more satisfied. I’m a very busy professional after all. If I kept dozed off while watching a drama, the purpose to get myself wind down would be totally lost.
Professional? I thought you were a teenager
I’m not even fourteen but your “analysis” is worse than mine. God have mercy on your loved ones with you close.
@Somebody actually I agree with you. I said this also on another website – the chemistry between Leo and BaiLu is lukewarm for me at best. I don’t want to ascribe this to the actors, but Leo is a very self-contained actor. Similar to Vin Zhang. They both look fantastic and are very visually appealing and great actors but the chemistry with their female leads always feel…lacking.
I will say that I’m also not much of a BaiLu fan. I haven’t been able to finish a single drama she’s been in, but that could be the storylines’ fault and not hers. I think she’s an adequate actress, but not particularly mesmerizing.
However, the drama has started picking up and it’s getting more engaging now. Episode 17 onwards is getting to the meat and potatoes of the plot and I’m liking it finally. The chemistry is not exactly sizzling, but the polarity of both leads’ actions are generating more sparks.
Till the End of the Moon opened Douban rating on a lower side, with just 6.2/10. So I don’t think I’m the only one reasonably critiquing the drama. The drama is overhyped because of heavy promotion on Weibo.
It’s not an epic drama like it was supposed to be. I’ve made it to episode 24 and don’t plan to continue. The story is weak, the characters are one dimensional and predictable. Luo Yun Xi’s acting is great as expected, but he can’t carry the heavy flaws in the plot.
6 is a neutral rating, perfect for an average drama like this one.