Modern Romance C-drama Hidden Love with Chen Zhe Yuan and Zhao Lu Si Rumored to Air on June 20th

So take this with the usual C-drama scheduling grain of salt but there are legit rumors that Hidden Love with premiere next week on June 20th. Based on the same name C-novel and starring Zhao Lu Si and Chen Zhe Yuan in what feels like a perfect character casting, the drama is a slim 25-episodes and doesn’t appear to have any problematic elements when it comes to the government censors. Bonus points for being a modern drama so less post-production and CGI needed. If it does air then Zhao Lu Si can continue her current streak as her school yard drama Gen Z (Hou Lang or subsequent wave) just finished airing.

You should change the picture caption from WuLei to ZheYuan, since this article is about Lusi&ZheYuan drama not her with Wulei
ZLS’ dramas were hit-and-miss. I love her in Love Like the Galaxy. But her most recent drama Gen Z is a crap that happens to a lot of C dramas imho. Gen Z’s plot is rubbish and the heroine’s persona looks awful. ZLS has talent but should pick her projects wisely.
I don’t know about you who think that GenZ is bad but for me it’s the best drama
for families for Friends its the best and for me I lean so many things from GenZ and love it I don’t believe that there’s someone who it’s bad and I love you Zhao Lusi and I will keep supporting you in every drama
I wish you best of luck in every thing you do love you
And I wish that one day I will be like you.