Filming Commences for C-drama Adaptation of K-drama My Ahjusshi and Fans Wonder if This One Could Replace the Now Cancelled OG Drama Due to the Male Lead’s Scandal
So when this C-drama was announced months ago everyone was naturally like “WHY?!” because the original K-drama was considered perfect in every way. In what amounts to karmic timing, the drama Loving Strangers (C-title Thank You for Listening to Me) started filming with Mark Chao and Zhang Zi Feng at the same time the male lead of the original K-drama My Ahjusshi (My Mister) Lee Seon Kyun faces legal consequences and likely cancellation from the industry due to a drug use and hostess bar frequently scandal. Now C-fans are excited for the C-version and hopeful that maybe it will be a worthy remake and allow for this story to be watched onscreen after the K-drama version will become for some viewers something they don’t want to watch again.
Mark Chao must really like Director Kim Won Seok because this is the second time he’s acted in an adaptation of his work lol (or could be his wife’s influence).
Lol remakes rarely surpass their originals.
Yes, that’s usually true, but I’ve seen C-dramas do an equal remake of originals. And this one has Mark Chao, so it’s looking better already
Most of the remakes are bad though. Mark Chao did the Misaeng adaptation and it didn’t live up to the original either.
Speaking of this, I watched chinese adaptation of on your wedding day, and feels like the remake did better. I just feel the chemistry was better but I’m curious if people who watched both have the same opinion.
I’m curious too if I like the chinese version more just because greg hsu is in it.
@Kaye have you seen “Never Give Up”? I thought that was pretty good
No, I haven’t. I’m just commenting based on my experience of watching many remakes from different countries wherein at least 8/10x, it does not live up to the original work. Mark Chao is a hit or miss, so I dont think this is sure to be better just because he is part of the cast. I also feel like LSK is the better actor IMO despite his messy personal life.
Anyways, I’ll check out your rec, thanks.
Imagine not rewatching western films or shows because the lead had drug troubles or cheated on their spouse, nothing would be left for us to watch!

Yeah, drug issues is personally not a big deal to me to be honest. Cheating on spouse? Well, it would turn me off of the actor/actress, but won’t stop me from rewatching their dramas if my favorites are in the cast or I like the story.
The only thing that would make me stop rewatching something is if one of the main cast murdered or raped someone, that’s just way too much for me personally and I know if I rewatch the show, the only thing I’d think about the whole time is how disgusting and vile the actor/actress is.
Chinese have a lot of money to waste by stopping their dramas to air because every scandal…
My Mister was such a brilliantly written, directed, and acted drama. It was a rare, healing work that masterfully showed humanity and its depths, and I don’t think it should be marred by one actor’s scandal.
Tbf, I still can’t rewatch it because the lows really wrecked me even though the ending was healing and completely satisfying. Regardless, my memory of this drama remains a precious one.
Also going to throw this out there, but I think this is probably IU, Lee Ji-ah, Kwon Nara, and Jang Ki-young’s best work lol. I don’t think I’ve been quite so impressed by their choice of drama/film or acting apart from My Mister, but that is a personal opinion.
This! Agree 100%
I absolutely agree with everything! After watching My Mister, I checked out the cast’s other works, and nothing comes close. Everything about the drama is perfection and the only drama in the same genre who even comes close to it is My Liberation Notes. I definitely won’t stop rewatching it just because of some actor’s drug scandal.
Why is the Mr. ajusshi the one looking ragged when its IU’s role that should be the one looking sleep-deprived.
LOL was about to comment the same. LSK’s character was an engineer while IU’s was a part-timer and destitute, but why is the male lead here looking poorer than the female lead?
The female lead is definitely too polished-looking lol. Especially when you compare her to IU’s Lee Ji An. The stylist really did a great job toning down IU’s beauty and making her look haggard and dead inside in the drama (though of course she’s still pretty)

Don’t know what’s going on with this one though
It’s a problem with C-ent makeup artists, or perhaps demand from C actresses themselves to look all groomed and preened all the time even when sleeping or in distress. LOL
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