
Fallout Continues for Angelababy Attending Crazy House Show in Paris, Removed From November 2023 Marie Claire China Cover for Yang Mi, Liu Shi Shi, and Sun Li Pinch Hitting Last Minute — 30 Comments

  1. It’s unfortunate, but she should have known that image is everything in C-ent. Was it really worth risking her career just to watch the show? On the other hand, I still don’t understand the outcry over what a non-Chinese celeb (Lisa) does in her own free time abroad. It’s not like her performance was broadcasted.

    • She didn’t expect that chinese people would hate it. Rumor she even prepared herself to get photographed there to generate publicity with lisa’s name. Well prediction is off.

      The hate is for attending the crazy horse show which chinese people perceives as objectifying women, well since it’s like high end striptease to say crudely. So they say as a woman she shouldn’t have gone there.

  2. Honestly, this woman is very unfortunate. I bet since her ex husband pull out his support for her career, she has not been having it easy at all. But she still steadily doing her job. I may not her fan but I do have respect for her when i saw how she protected young girls from Kris Wu’s creepy hands. I really wish her well and since she is now a single mum, I really hope she recovers from this.

    I suspect the magazines and casting pull outs, are just people jumping before being pushed… they just dont want to deal with potential unexpected blacklist/banned in AB from the Top. Better to cut her out first and then wait and see.
    I dont think there is a real ban on her…I believe she is back on Running Man again…I saw her last week on Asian Running. I could be wrong.

    • If I am not mistaken, China government invests heavily into the drama and film making industry, so they have a say in terms of the actors adopting good lifestyle as role models to the society.

      Anyway I do hope people like Angelababy would not be blacklisted. And I also hope some would return like Zhang Ze Han….

      Is her ex hubby still in acting? There are so many new male leads these days and with other upcoming ones… the roles might be getting limited….

      • Yes, his recent drama is still airing: Alliance @023), he is the main lead.

        But he has been in varieties shows too in recent year…none currently.

        I dont think AB is blacklisted…maybe a silent warning. As least I hope not..

      • I don’t think the Chinese government invests that heavily. From what I see, their investments are mostly grants for the production of those boring countryside/village dramas. Dramas acted by popular actors and actresses are always commercial because it’s expensive to hire them.

  3. She really depended a lot on Huang Xiaoming’s connections for her previous works and awards. I’m not optimistic about her future because, sadly, Chinese actresses’ prime career period for female leads is in their twenties, and she squandered hers away with bad acting. Only those with good acting skills and connections can last till their forties.

  4. A place in the world where you don’t even have the freedom to watch what you want, in a foreign country. That Lisa crazy horse show was so benign, it was ridiculous it got all that attention. At least she should consider herself lucky they aren’t thinking of shooting her for attending. Yet. Lol

    • C fans are so paranoid. Any episode of celebrity’s unharmful activity can be maliciously turned into social outcry in the C fan circles. LOL. It’s legit to wonder if there’re always ppl behind the scenes to make a big deal out of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if AB ends up being entirely canceled in the industry even all the fuss about this whole episode is nonsense to non Chinese. Then that implies something more serious is going on in China. LOL. I don’t want to elaborate my suspicion cos there’s really something serious going on there. A rabid CCP defender would tackle me again right away if I connect the dots. LOL

      • I take the opposite view in AB, I feel AB will not be cancelled. I think this is just noise , she takes a short break and she will be back soon. But I could be wrong. At least now, she can spend more time with her son…

        But you are right this fuss is nothing to rest of the world. Some C-netizens just want to make a fuss. To be honest, many in China are not bother as times are tough, they have their own worries and life, what happens to AB is the even in their radar.

      • @Lilith, you’re obviously demented! Track back who stalked whom! LOL. I didn’t but you did! Hmmmmm. I have no time to waste on ppl who trash talk since I’ve got so many good Kdramas on my plate to watch. Have fun, angry bird! LOL

      • @Lilith, aren’t you the one stalking me here? See the timestamps of the comments. Are you blind? LMAO

    • I’m pretty sure the Crazy Horse had milked it for all its worth, most people only knew of Moulin Rouge before this hooha. I think Angelababy wouldn’t have faced any repercussion if she had stayed low-keyed and watched anonymously. The whole “celebrities are role models” thing from Korea also applies in China, and China is much much stricter about it.

      PS: It’s funny seeing @Somebody’s passive-aggressiveness.

      • Your are spot on…Crazy Horse has the best international publicity.. In fact, I know of Moulin Rouge but not heard of Crazy Horse.

      • @Somebody It’s amusing how you obsessed over me like a dumped ex, right down to the passive-aggressive remarks.

  5. It is very unfortunate…she really did depend on her ex-husband’s resources in the last few years of her career before the divorce. I am not a fan of her but I really respected how she protected young girls from Kris Wu…

    She is now a single mum, she could easily turn to another rich guy but she is not doing so. She is just working and caring for her son. I really admire that decision of hers. Unlike her ex, who is just photograph with new lovers since divorce. I personally dont think Huang Xiaoming is a person who can be on his own for long, his raving eyes are old news.
    I hope the media gives her a break. She is still fun to watch on variety show.

    As for the ‘blacklisting’, I seriously doubt she is blacklisted. I think all her current magazines, smaller sponsors, drama castings may have taken action only because they are “jumping before being pushed”. The others are holding on till this passes on, wait and see… I recently watched AB on Asian Running man so I dont think she is put on blacklist. She can just wait till this rumour dies down… Anyway, Crazy Horse have deny she was a attendee…

      • @Rina, when did I say there’s no bad acting in K drama? I clearly recall myself saying indifferent to CEW’s visuals or acting several times. LOL. I found myself indifferent to Rowoon either. But I observed a huge difference between K ent and C ent in general. I’ve seen huge progress among several K actors who used to be dinged quite a lot in the past. In C ent, however, there’s none like that so far. I wonder why. Well, you can argue about that since I couldn’t have ever watched all the C actors. Nonetheless, at least speaking of those popular and famous C actors, they might have made tons of money but their acting continues to be mehhhhhh. You can give me some counterexamples against my observation though. I’ll be happy to check them out.

        At least, Xiao Zhan has continued to advance himself to expand his acting range by foraying into different genres. His progress is so obvious to me that I’m his dedicated fan but not any of K actors though. I like quite a few K actors but I’m not so much invested in them other than watching their dramas as I’m invested in XZ in his activities outside acting. For me, he’s the only exception, so unique in C ent that I’m more than happy to stan him. Per your question, it’s legit for me to bring up my fave actor XZ as an example for comparison. Do I sound like a XZ anti as some bananas label? LOL

    • @HL, I have no interest in celebrities’ private life as long as they do not commit any crimes to harm the innocent. But I do think her ex is a worse actor than herself. He can’t act. LMAO. I watched Alliance per C fans’ raving about the show. It was overrated and I agreed with Douban’s low rating. In particular, the moment HXM showed up on screen as some sort of IT genius, I burst into laugh. He’s so awkward and overacting as usual. I wonder why all these overacting C actors could have survived such a competitive industry and have even become powerful in the C-ent. LOL. It must be either certain higher-up backing behind. They wouldn’t have survived critiques if working outside China. LOL. Their acting is so embarrassing!

      • @Somebody,

        I could dare less about Huang Xiaoming but are we seriously trying to pretend that there are no bad Korean actors?

        That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all year. Rowoon & Cha Eun Woo say hello!

      • To be honest, both are bad. I haven’t watch anything with hxm, but angelababy is so bad at acting. Her every expression looks stiff

      • I still remember HXM in Return of the Condor Heroes. He was terrible. It was so cringe to watch him.

      • Same! HXM is still so bad despite his status and years in the industry. And about kdramas, we’ll get bashed, but I agree that the acting, especially among “traffic” actors, is much better. For every bad lead actor like Cha Eunwoo and Rowoon, I can name more who ae worse in the C-ent: Yang Yang, Gong Jun, Allen Ren, Wang Yibo, Vin Zhang, Lay, etc. Even their idol-turned-actors are generally better because I can’t name a single popular K-idol who is as bad at acting as Cheng Xiao and Ju Jingyi.

    • @HL Yeah, “LOL” is all I can say too when reading Rina’s comments. She see one slightly negative comment on a man, and she jumps to defend the man. Hilarious. She really is a male-worshiper lmao, it’s comedy at this point

    • There is a long list of them that had done so…even her ex, and lots of A-listers. However they have cleaned their account and repay what they owed. Thus they are not punished. AB is no different from many of her generation. She too repay what she owed.
      I am not excusing her action but she is really not the only one. Even those you may not expect, many had to sort they tax issues. I really dont think the Gov on hot on her tracks.

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