Dilraba Dilmurat’s Fans Do Not Want Chen Zhe Yuan as Her Male Lead in Love in the Turquoise Land After the Billing Fan War with Ju Jing Yi in Sword and Fairy 4
It frustrates me to no end when a star’s own fandom ends up being his or her worst enemy, and this happens a lot in C-ent moreso than other industries. In trying to promote and fight for their own star, it ends up leaving other fans disliking said star. The latest backfire is with Chen Zhe Yuan, who just got another step up to S+ level male lead opposite Dilraba Dilmurat in the upcoming C-drama Love in the Turquoise Land. Sounds good except now Dilraba’s fandom is vocally not wanting him and not liking that she will have to work with him because they see his fandom as backstabbing and grasping in the way it tried to override the original billing arrangement in Sword and Fairy 4 with him and Ju Jing Yi. Sword and Fairy 4 ended up doing posts where in one post she’s first billed and in another he’s first billed, and it’s basically splitting the baby in the worst cop out way. The drama Turquoise Land is still a go with him as male lead since Dilraba is too established as a top actress so she’s not scared of Chen Zhe Yuan or his fandom, but industry insiders are saying other female actresses are watching his camp closely and are indeed not eager to work with him.
Yep. I was expecting this. Bad move by his camp for pulling that stunt because it would turn other actresses away from him. I hope Dilraba pulls a Zhao Lusi and not give a f*ck about the fandom and choose to act with him regardless. Cause he’s pretty talented and if the script is right may make for a memorable drama.
He is talented and im excited to see him in this.I say to the fans who oppose him.Grow up already
I find him talented too. I liked him in Hidden Love tho his character got kind of smug and turned me off in the latter half.
His acting is So BAD in Sword and Fairy. Lol. They betta lower his number before he can’t get anymore gigs!
dilraba is THE WORST actress! idk why anyone keeps giving her accolades! she’s the SAME im EVERY SINGLE role she’s in. I’m in the US & feel these Chinese Netizens REALLY need to watch foreign films from around the world to realize she has NO talent. get it together Netizens, you guys are TIRING with your “devotion”. remember these actors & actresses DO NOT give a crap whether you are alive or not. they only rely on your loyalty to make them more $$$$
I agree. Lol. She does not have depth or range at all. Basically, if these two star in a drama together, it will go down in flames
Agree. She can’t act after so many dramas. I always wonder why she’s so popular.
@USGuest949 – Disagree with you. She is not the worst, there are many more worst actresses out there. Dilraba has her unique talents in order to survive in the Chinese entertainment business for over 10 years. Many Chinese watch foreign films from around the world. No need to talk down on netizens. I have seen many US people who cannot even speak a full decent sentence without any vulgarity words mixed in. Being a keyboard warrior just shows your ignorance!!
It’s quite embarrassing for their industry. When it’s good they want to make sure they r 1st billing, when the drama is awful they want nothing to be associated w/ the project. I believed his camp did him (image wise) dirty too by how they respond to the whole 1st billing. Clearly evidenced she would have been at the start of production.
If only they know that instead of fighting they could of use that platform to promote positively
If you want 1st billing, go work with newbies or lesser known actresses. Don’t scam people by pretending to accept 2nd billing at first then turn around to override the billing order just before the drama is about to release.
The thing more serious about the billing issue, is his inability to carry a drama. For the past few days, SF4 has been focusing on his character’s search for his dad, and netizens have been saying they don’t want to watch adult version of “爸爸去哪了 (where did my father go)”. The heat index of the drama has been falling as well. Moreover, Ju Jingyi has been ranked higher in every chart. Dilireba’s fans do not want to work with him cos they don’t want her to 扶贫 (lift the poverty) because not only does CYZ has no star power, his baby face does not suit the novel’s male lead. Didn’t hear anything about other actresses not wanting to work with him, but I’m not surprised. All his dramas are hard carried by his female leads so far.
He’s able to carry a drama if he has a good script like any actor would. Long before Hidden Love was released, I watched him in Handsome Siblings. At the time I had actually signed on to watch that drama because of Hu Yitian and didn’t know who he was. He acted circles around Hu Yitian and hard carried the drama. That’s when I knew that he had loads of talent but was badly managed. After that, he had a lot of mediocre to bad scripts. The one good drama other than Hidden Love that would have cemented his break out status was The Golden Hairpin which was mucked up by Kris Wu’s scandal.
And now his management company (with or without his approval) pulled this billing stunt with Ju Jing Yi and damaged his reputation. If they wanted to tank his career, they really chose a smart way of doing so. And for what? A drama that sucks. Stupid move.
If it was that easy to carry a drama we would have far more real stars.
It isn’t and we don’t.
Zhao Lusi’s The Last Immortal also had mediocre script and production like SF4 but still has a decent amount of views. Even Ju Jingyi’s low budget xianxia drama last year managed to reach 8700 index. When people say actors can carry a drama, it means they are able to guarantee a certain amount of viewership no matter how bad the drama is.
Ju Jing Yi was signed on board as first billed. This is matter of a production company being shady die to backdoor negotiations. They could have been up front with it in steady of signing both promising each first billing. This is not fandom crap. If his company is going to go around undermining leading ladies in underhanded manner, why would they sign up to work with him?
The drama they’ll be working on is a Tencent production so her billing status should be safe. It’s iqiyi pulling the strings at the back for him, CP4 wasn’t the first time they’ve snatched a higher billing for him when he was relatively unknown ( Shen Yue, Hu Yitian).
Worse, his acting in Paladin 4 (Sword and Fairy) isn’t even great and he should have known this and NOT make a big stink, even if his contract said he was to be given equal billing. Now he’s going to get the credit with Ju Jingyi for the drama not doing well too. LOL.
I mean in sword and fairy it is clear he is the main character centered around his story. Ju Jing Yi is like a side character or commentator. Still love her character in everything though. In Twin Siblings, his character has always been the main in the older versions. Idk why ppl can’t just blame production. The actor actually does a decent job even if I’m not really a fan of him like that. His face actually moves.
Billing order doesn’t necessarily depend on whose story the drama is centered on. Wallace Huo was 1st billing in The Journey of Flower even though the story is centered around Hua Qiangu played by Zhao Liying.
Then billing order is just a weird concept for clout. In the West makes more sense. Lol it like speaks nothing to story or production. Fans from the East are just snowflakes and sensitive. Crazy how this cause so much drama. Anyway if they both signed to be both first then at least CZY has main character plot armor fo back it up.
Billing order is basically credits and it exists everywhere, from academic theses to company projects. Lol, fans from the East are simply more intelligent and aware of the entertainment industry’s tricks. It is a huge loss for JJY’s side as she was promised to be the only 1st billing, not dual 1st billing, there’s a huge difference between these two. Anyway from what I see, this drama has huge red flags from the start, refusing to officially announce the production team and casts until the drama is about to air. Very obvious that they planned to scam JJY from the very beginning.
Hmmm company projects and credits usually mean importance of the character or effort. Not sure if billing means anything if it doesn’t mean screen time or importance to the story, then basically just clout who has more resources and politics. Also to be fair, can’t judge his character if it’s the production’s fault. This ain’t a witch hunt or toxic cancelling. Make sense the East is about the collective and not the individual. Poor guy doesn’t have power to make decisions but people blame him anyway. I actually watched this drama for JJY cause loved her since Novoland. Now the one person I wish had more roles and better billing one day is MZJ. Poor guy done every role and people don’t give him credit.
Not speaking for other wester countries. But in the US, corporates give credits to those who have real skills to do the jobs. Ppl betting on connections and social skills alone without ability can’t survive.
Billing order not decided by screen time and importance of the roles is a weird practice.
Lols, he will always be 2nd to Dilraba. So no worries, Dilraba, YangMi or YangZi will only be 2nd to names like Hu Ge. So, i dont think, he will make any move towards Reba.
Not so much the billing, her fans don’t think he is a good fit for the novel or he matches with her in CP sense. It’s a bit rash, but there may be some merit to the feeling. Either way, this doesn’t bode well for the project.
Novel is modern fantasy suspense. Difficult genre to pull off.
I watched a few Chen Zhe Yuan dramas previously like Handsome Siblings, Renascence, Our Secret and Mr Bad. Our Secret was really enjoyable and remains on my Fav list. I was happy to see CZY getting bigger projects opposite established actresses like Hidden Love. Then all the news about overriding actress first billing came out. It felt like all his steady hard work just got washed down the drain and his management company really messed up big time. I am currently watching Sword & Fairy 4 and I can’t understand why in the world his company would want to make such a ruckus when (in my humble opinion) this Tianhe character is hardly amazing and I have seen better CZY acting skills in other dramas. In a recent SF4 episode, Tianhe was slapping himself over some dumdum action he did. Yeah, maybe that’s what CZY and his management company are feeling right now (being shady and backfiring on them). Here’s hoping his company learns to be more honourable in the future and he can continue acting in good projects. I am no big expert on rating how skilled an actor is, but I do generally enjoy his shows.
She should stay away from him because he can’t act. She has enough problems there on her own, she doesn’t need a nobody to pull her down even more.
He will drop to support soon anyway. That’s what happens when you overestimate yourself, it will go faster than it should have been.
I disagree with the claims that he can’t act. Disliking him because his management is shady does not equate with a lack of talent in the actor. He hard carried Handsome Siblings and did very well in Hidden Love. His acting was also good in Renaissance though the script was poor and the production shoddy. He’s pulled his weight in production. I know that a lot of people will dislike him now because of the stunt that was just pulled with Ju Jing Yi. But it doesn’t mean he can’t act.
Different people, different opinions. I don’t think he can act and on top of that, his behavior is terrible. I didn’t find him equally bad in everything and he has improved a bit over time but I still don’t think he can act, unrelated to this mess.
But it’s irrelevant what I think. He is signed for iQiyi and as long as that holds they will push him no matter what.
Can he act? his character does not require much emotions in Hidden Love and I find him very pretentious. He may want first billing but let’s see who will let him… maybe some unknown wannabe…. even Esther Yu does not want to work with him.
I don’t think the whole billing issue was the actual actor’s doing, but in any case I don’t really like him acting-wise and in a superficial sort of way I don’t find hum attractive at all. And I really can’t imagine him paired with Reba, who is of course much more beautiful and mature. Thar, together with the fact that she is not the best actress in the world either kind of tells me a dud is in the making. But I guess we will have to wait and somewhere around 2026 see!
Suddenly everyone have become so hateful towards CZY due to this whole ridiculous thing called billing order.
The hate should be for everyone.
Nobody is innocent.
Every celebrity is fighting to keep on being a celebrity.
Let’s be honest. Every celebrity is a selfish and greedy person. Their fans are mentally ill people being manipulated and being used as ammmunition by their own idols.
Not every celebrity signs a contract for one thing then tries to force the production to change the billing. Only trash does.
Exactly, 100% agreed. This top billing is BS in of itself. The fact that ppl are bashing him as if he’s the ONLY one who can make these decisions are ridiculous. Keyboard warriors never cease to amaze me. Lol
This! People are so serious about people who don’t even know them
No need to get so worked up
I said the same before…getting so upset, or emotionally led by idols who dont even know who you are…. Goodness.
I think billing fights between fans are silly, but JJY was wronged. Her team is asking the production to honor the contract that they signed with her. I believe she signed on to the project first. Her fans and those who aren’t her fans are disturbed that a large corporation has undermined an artist. It’s a legal and ethical matter.
Additionally, this isn’t happening in a vacuum. Tale as old as time, a woman is being suppressed again. When do people get tired of this? CZY is getting blowback from all this because people view him as getting preferential treatment. People are suspicious that either his team lead this fight or at best, is complacent about his partner being shafted. It may not be completely fair, but what is undeniable is that JJY has a contract that wasn’t followed.
CZY is able to carry a drama if he has a good script like any actor would. Long before Hidden Love was released, I watched him in Handsome Siblings. At the time I had actually signed on to watch that drama because of Hu Yitian and didn’t know who he was. He acted circles around Hu Yitian and hard carried the drama. That’s when I knew that he had loads of talent but was badly managed. After that, he had a lot of mediocre to bad scripts. The one good drama other than Hidden Love that would have cemented his breakout status was The Golden Hairpin which was mucked up by Kris Wu’s scandal.
And now his management company (with or without his approval) pulled this billing stunt with Ju Jing Yi and damaged his reputation. If they wanted to tank his career, they really chose a smart way of doing so. And for what? A drama that sucks. Stupid move.
I agree! And to think he has more dramas coming out and they will be affected. His company should have just let it go. This was a bad move regardless of what their contract says.
Wait, I read on weibo they are fans of the novel and even gave suggestions. Not Dilraba fan.
Most Yang Zi and Zhou Lusi fans are unhappy with Dilraba as she is the only actress who can rival their favorite actresses. Dilraba’s performances in her early dramas will always be revered by her fans. Yang Zi and Zhao Lusi acted very badly in the beginning of their career but now they are acting so so well and getting good script.Because they are getting good facilities. Dilraba’s resources are not as good as those who always get female centric dramas with good actors and scripts. Despite this, what Dilraba is doing is commendable.
Let’s be honest, Hidden Love made him popular. Before that, he was just another young actor who would’ve taken second or third billing as long as there was an opportunity. However, right after Hidden Love’s hit, he or his team immediately demanded first billing in following projects. Fortunately for him, the cast in those dramas are relatively less well known or favored by fanfare, so he could do that without drama or looking like a scumbag and from a business standpoint, they’re after his hit, so like anybody who wants to take advantage of their upgraded status would push for first billing to make money for themselves, but doing that to JJY?! They clearly filmed the drama before he got famous, so surely, he overestimated himself this time around. That’s shady, period. One mediocre hit under his belt and he loses his humility. Bro couldn’t even wait until he was more established to show fangs. It was a greedy and untrustworthy move that yes, would make anyone think twice about working with him. He could be the best actor, which he’s not, but if his personality is shady like this, no one would want to collaborate. Plus, he’s not even at that caliber who can shade and people have to bite their lips to work with him. We’ll see how it all goes. See if his company can do damage control but doesn’t surprise me if Wang Chu Ran is still acting and now, first billing.
I’m not sure why you would say it’s only because of Hidden Love being a hit. Even before Hidden Love was broadcast he has already been casted as ML also getting first lead and he was very busy this year filming left and right with roles that he landed before HL was on air, so to say it’s only because of it is kind of unfair to him and his hard work as an actor through the years. He is more than HL and this is me saying this not as a fan. I haven’t watched any of his other works, it’s true he became more famous internationally because of it though. I’m just against the narrative that’s all there is to him.
Even Reba haters are here. I know Reba receive maximum hate from Yang Zi fans and Zhao Lusi fans.Reba acted very good in her earlier works from Anarhan to The Flames Daughter, Hot girls etc. Suddenly i noticed her make up and dramas scripts are not subpar. While Yang Zi and Zhao Lusi earlier works are literally trash maximum overacted and they can’t even give proper expression and Zhao Lusi was worst! The role she played with Zheng Yecheng it was so bad that i couldn’t even watch. But they both improving I appreciate that and respect them from their growth!
About Dilraba not getting good role and scripts. She is 32 years old, she need to play mature role but what she is getting? I also heard her agency Jaywalk not good enough to find good role for her. Even Yang Mi, Zhang Binbin left that company. Yang Zi’s agency good still she leave it because she already rich and started independent career. Zhao Lusi’s agency also good or atleast trying to be good. Dilraba studied in performance department in Shanghai Theatre Academy, so she is capable in acting not because of her pretty face!.Without knowing much about her haters are downgrade her. I heard Dilraba and Gong Jun spend their own money to promote TLOA. Youku didn’t even promoted it. Reba works hard and she is spokesperson of many brands.She need to use their products that’s why sometime doesn’t get proper makeup.It is affected badly in her skin. She is aged little bit but haters are made this weak points. If she get good makeup she is still hottest star in China. In her range of acting skill, she still can do better in future. She is mistreating so badly because of her bad resources. If she get good production team, scripts and good behaviour from platform. She still can break records. Dilraba has still chance to give blockbusters like Eternal Love, Eternal Love Of Dream,The Long Ballad, You are my glory and The Blue Whisper. She is versatile actress. I know Chen Zheyuan when he starred opposite Ju Jingyi in Chinese Paladin 4 before that i didn’t even knew him! But he became quite popular in a few years. Mr.Bad,Hidden Love both hit and blockbuster drama! His agency is good always casts him opposite traffic actresses. His acting skill also not bad since he studied in acting in Shenzhen University. He is also cute actor. But i think Ju Jingyi and He shouldn’t quarrel with each other for billing position because of that others took advantage and they sabotaged their own drama.I think he will not be problem with Dilraba because Dilraba senior actress many young actors respect her.Ju Jingyi mainly singer not actress,her agency also so bad that casted her in a male lead main drama and she betrayed by production team. Actually both of them betrayed by production team.Because of production team faults many dramas didn’t get what it deserved! E.g. Who Rules The World,The Legend Of Anle etc.
Most Yang Zi and Zhou Lusi fans are unhappy with Dilraba as she is the only actress who can rival their favorite actresses. Dilraba’s performances in her early dramas will always be revered by her fans. Yang Zi and Zhao Lusi acted very badly in the beginning of their career but now they are acting so so well and getting good script.Because they are getting good facilities. Dilraba’s resources are not as good as those who always get female centric dramas with good actors and scripts. Despite this, what Dilraba is doing is commendable.
It’s some Zhao Lusi fans who doesn’t want he corporate with other influential actress. I don’t hate Lusi but sudden popularity of their idol made fanbase toxic. Are they thought Chen Zheyuan will marry their idol? Actors profession acting, he can act whoever he get chance! Now doing this for Dilraba who knows if he works with Zhou Ye, Zhang Jingyi etc. actresses in future his CP fans will not mad at them.