Bai Lu and Zeng Shun Xi Looking Way Better in First Stills from Period C-drama Lin Jiang Xian
So one good aspect of producer Yu Zheng being a mega hype artist for his own dramas is that he is on top of sharing new promos. Two new stills are out for the period C-drama Lin Jiang Xian (formerly A Fox in Hengmen) starring Bai Lu and Zeng Shun Xi and both look so much better and less uncanny valley than the uber photoshopped first poster released. I hope Zeng Shun Xi’s white hair look from the poster is as short as possible in the drama because this look is one of the better one’s he’s sported in period costuming, while Bai Lu as always rocks any period attire.

He has a very unflattering side face/profile at least in these photos.
have to agree with you on this one. Never realize his side profile is this flat… !!
What is happening with Bai Lu. Doesn’t this girl rest at all? She has drama after drama and joining one filming team to the next, she’s like a workhorse or a machine. Definitely overworked and oversaturated.
I think most actors and actresses in Cdramaland don’t get much say in their workload. Wasn’t there an actor recently who retired because he kept getting signed up for projects that he didn’t want to take on?
True. If anyone’s to blame for her workload, its her management. And considering who she’s working for, we can all cross our fingers and hope that she will be parted from him soon. He’s such an odious man.
I’ve never finished Joseph Zeng’s dramas though I like him a lot and enjoy his acting. I wonder why? In any case, I may just watch this to the end because of Bai Lu. How could I possibly not, when she has such stellar chemistry with her co-stars?