Wang Yibo’s Fans Denigrate and Harass His War of Faith Costar Wang Yang and His Wife After Nomination for Best Actor at the Magnolia Awards

Why does most of any bad press for C-actor Wang Yibo always start with “his fans”. The latest brouhaha in C-ent is Wang Yibo’s fandom going berserk and publicly denigrating veteran C-actor Wang Yang, who starred in War of Faith earlier this year with Wang Yibo. The nominations came out for the Magnolia Awards hosted by the Shanghai Television Festival and Wang Yang was nominated in the Best Actor category. Wang Yibo was not, which already made his fans upset, but seeing Wang Yang who had less screentime than Wang Yibo in the drama get nominated for Best Actor just set them off. They have been posted horrible comments under his Weibo posts and collecting data that Wang Yang never got a Best Actor nod for any of the dramas he was the lead in but sneaked into a nom here when he wasn’t even the male lead in the drama. They have also gone on Wang Yang’s wife’s Weibo to harass her. Wang Yang deleted all those comments and the fans got even angrier calling him a coward who tries to hide the truth. Industry insiders are saying this behavior from Wang Yibo’s fans not only make him look bad but could get the attention of industry top wigs and may affect consideration of him for future projects and roles as well as other stars who are deciding whether to act with him.


Wang Yibo’s Fans Denigrate and Harass His War of Faith Costar Wang Yang and His Wife After Nomination for Best Actor at the Magnolia Awards — 45 Comments

  1. Wang Yibo not only can’t act but is ugly as well. Unless he keeps taking gay roles so he can get homo shippers to be his fangirls, he’ll just end up looking embarrassing as heck especially when his acting career gets compared to his ex co star Xiao Zhan.

  2. It would only be right if there were consequences for idols with toxic fandoms. This situation is very similar to football clubs with hooligans that got banned until they brought their followers under control.
    It is funny how WYB’s fans are getting so upset about this yet none of Wang Yang’s fans made a fuss when this experienced actor got third billing behind two idols. The positioning of WYB was clearly a decision motivated by the desire to attract traffic. The jury’s choice shows that they still recognise actors over traffic and it should be applauded by anyone interested in maintaining a certain level of quality in Chinese drama productions.

    • How did he Wang Yang get third billing over them when the director and producers begged him to join the drama? He was so busy that they had to film around him until he was finally able to join the production.

  3. This is exactly who they are and what they have always done. They attacked XZ and his family, ZLY and her family so how is it a surprise to anyone that they are attacking this poor man and his family?? They have also literally reported Magnolia to the actual government because of this. How do you think Magnolia took that one?

    It’s been literal years of their criminal behavior.

    If anything good comes out of this it’s that the industry is absolutely done with them which will reflect on WYB who hasn’t filmed in over a year now. Which production will say yes to him now, knowing what they have to deal with? And they have already been rejecting him before this so now it’s even worse.

    • The government shutted down ZLY’s fans, including ZLY, she was muted for a period of time. WYB didn’t get in trouble, so ZLY fans were the more toxic ones.

      About this Magnolia award, it’s only WYB’s fans that are attacking.
      Zhao Liying didn’t get listed so she’s attacking Yang Zi and Tiffany Tang on the friggen news like MSN, she’s crazy as hell.

  4. Just like football clubs being banned because of their hooligan followers, there must be consequences for idols with toxic fandoms.
    WYB’s first billing in War of Faith was the producers vying for traffic. Wang Yang’s nomination can be understood as the jury’s reply that actors are more important than idols for maintaining the quality of drama productions.

  5. The thing is, Wang Yang IS a main lead in WoF. His screentime, although lesser than Wang Yibo’s, is still a hefty amount. I forgot the exact numbers but it was like WYB 700+ vs WY 550+ minutes while Li Qin is 300+. Yet WYB fans claimed that Wang Yang should be under supporting actor LOL.

    Now if we compare this screentime ratio to The Untamed, which WYB fans insisted WYB is a main lead… Excluding the screentime where both of them are appear in the same screen, XZ is 600+ while WYB is 100+ minutes. Back then WYB fans kicked up a huge fuss when Beijing Daily placed WYB in the supporting actor category for its awards, which caused Beijing Daily to remove The Untamed from its awards all together. Looks like that’s what WYB fans are currently aiming for by repeating old tricks.

    • wow there was something like that? Lol I don’t understand why people use screentime as the standard, they should’ve look at the story as a whole.

      Thinking about it, untamed was mostly about wei wuxian journey, it’s actually more logical for him to be the only lead. The focus was never romance so his relation to lan wangji isn’t actually that important to the story

      • Screentime is related to the story though, if the story focuses on your role, it’s natural your screentime will increase. But yeah it isn’t the only factor to determine if a role is main lead or supporting. Wang Yang’s role is pretty fleshed out in WoF.

    • His fandom is managed by his agency though. The fandom leaders who kick up this huge fuss are the same ones who have long been suspected of being his agency employees. All the yxh (aka marketing) accounts which often praise WYB are now speaking ill of Wang Yang.

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  7. Fans like that really hurt him. I am warm towards WYB but am a Wang Yang fan, and when I expressed delight on a page elsewhere about the nomination, saying he did a great job and deserved the recognition, there were so many replies to my post telling me how wrong I was. 😆

    Also, I read that Bai JingTing also wasn’t nominated while his costar was. The Magnolia Awards gave an explanation both WYB and BJT lost during the second round of voting. This is unlikely to satisfy WYB fans, of course.

  8. Wang Yang is a great actor and has worked hard for years. He finally is getting his recognition.

    I don’t understand, even if Wang Yang wasn’t nominated, it doesn’t automatically mean WYB would be. There’s no requirement that an actor from WOF must be nominated.

    The toxicity from these fans will hurt their idol. Who would want to deal with that the next time?

    • Why don’t these fans stop and use their brain. Maybe, just maybe their guy WYB didn’t get the nomination even though he was top billed and had more screen time… is because he’s just not that good.

      Build a bridge!

  9. I thought Wang Yibo did a solid job on this show and I was somewhat glad for him (as glad as I can be without being a fan), but the boy’s plague are some of his fans. I don’t know what he did wrong to get so many nutcases as fans. I remember reading some time ago about an incident on a plane he was in where a fan who happened to be on the same flight went completely delulu and started to behave as if he was her boyfriend. I am sure he has normal people as fans too, but those few nuts are really doing him harm.

  10. I have been watching Wang Yang in many of his works and he is a great seasoned actor. Despite whether he is the main actor or not, I can say his acting chop is much better than WYB.

    IMO, we should let WYB’s fandom wrecking here and there because at the end of the day they only hurt their GeGe.

  11. Even on this side, I’ve seen arguments from international Wang Yibo fans and its like arguing with a brick wall. They think being mc means there can only be one lead in the drama and also bc WYB was used in promotions and had the most data that means he’s the only lead and everyone else is a supporting character. I don’t think they have critical thinking skills.

  12. Wang Yibo has always been carried by senior actors. His fans just became arrogant because he’s survived in the industry by using senior actors to propel his career. Zhao Liying in Legend of Fei, Tony Leung in Nameless, Wang Yang in War of Faith, the list goes on and on. He’s never had to stand on his own feet. Bona bought him all those acting noms because they still had to air his remaining pendant movies. Now that the last blackface movie aired, they’ve abandoned him. That’s why he didn’t get a 100 flowers nom. They expected his capital to have the same pull for Magnolia and it was a rude awakening for them when he didn’t get the nom. Now he’s been jobless for over 400 days. His fans throwing a fit isn’t doing him any favors. In my opinion, it’s good riddance. He’s spent all these years using his fans to harass his co-stars. Karma has come knocking.

    • Spitting the truth. All his acting career he has been hard carried by better people than him in his dramas and by yh and their connections, which are crazy vast.

      I don’t think he is going to fully go away because yh really is so powerful but at least it’s a good sign he hasn’t filmed in over a year. Nothing of value was lost.

      • Idk if he’ll find any work tbh. The rumor is he’s so desperate he’s been auditioning for months for 4th/6th billing in dramas. But the only way they would hire him was if he signed a risk agreement but he refused. So as a result, he’s been unemployed for over 1 year. The reason why his fans are so rabid is because they were convinced that with a Magnolia award nom, drama teams would hire him. Now that hope has been extinguished. But who knows. Money rules c-ent. Maybe Yuehua will gather enough money to pay for a drama or movie role.

    • “Wang Yibo has always been carried by senior actors…”

      This is the most authentic description of his acting career!

  13. Do a propaganda drama they said, the awards will come they said. But seriously, mental institution is what these fans need. Good luck to WYB booking work in the future, his fans are burning every bridge of his in this industry. Also Wang Yang was the best actor in that drama, so there’s that..

  14. If he isn’t nominated, why not go after the awards show? Going after the costars will only create bad impression for other potential costars. Who would want to star with a celebrity with such a hostile fan club?

    • They did.

      They attacked the judges and then reported the award to the government, their amazing reasoning being that by nominating WY, Magnolia is promoting bad values and treason, due to who his character was.

      They are completely crazy.

  15. I’m not sure how popular he is in China, that producers keep ignoring all this drama and keep casting him. He’s clearly not talented enough to be worth all this trouble. As someone pointed out in a comment above, the dramas he has starred in have always been carried by other actors and actresses. At best, he’s bland. There are plenty of other actors in China that can take his place. Unfortunately, his fans seem to be blind to that fact. It’s actually a blessing for him that he keeps getting cast. They’re acting like it’s him doing others a favour.

    • They aren’t casting him. He had a backlog of one drama and one movie do a lot of people missed it but he hasn’t filmed anything in over a year. Nobody wants to hire him and some bigger names publicly said nope.

  16. I absolutely don’t agree with the fans going on Wang Yang’s and his wife ScMd…harassing them…that wrong and absolutely can affect Yibo’s future consideration for other high end dramas…but are the fans concerns and accusations about them using Yibo without merrit…no they arnt wrong…

    Wang Yang isn’t a lead but yet got nominated as such in WOF where as the actual lead didn’t?…If Wang got nomination for the position where he actually lead…well that would be fair…or if it was a double lead drama where his character got more recognition over Wang Yibos character interm of the quality in acting that would be much understandable…

    The fact this is the first time he got nominated for a lead role where he isn’t….out of his actual lead roles before just loks off…Wang Yibo was used as a catalyst for that drama to benefit from the popularity his traffic would bring…then they over looked his acting and efforts for a veteran who isn’t even the lead for said category…that’s obviously off IMO…

    His fans are wrong to be harassing them but the criticism over the situation is well valid…They are two wrongs at the same time.

  17. I had no negative opinion about WYB in the Untamed although I have been also indifferent to his acting all the time cos he just couldn’t make someone alive out of a wooden coffin most of the time. LOL. I wish Koala posted more update about Xiao Zhan though given that both got popular thanks to The Untamed. Rather, I read more gossips about a boring actor like WYB than drama update about an interesting actor XZ. Even Youku released a trailer of XZ’s new drama, the Legend of Zhanghai to celebrate the wrap-up of filming days ago and it’s been the talk of the town on Weibo, there’s nothing here except for mostly humdrum C-ent gossips. LOL.

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