
First Sneak Peek at Big Budget K-movie Adaptation of Webtoon Omniscient Reader with Ahn Hyo Seob and Lee Min Ho — 15 Comments

  1. Pingback:First Sneak Peek at Big Budget K-movie Adaptation of Webtoon Omniscient Reader with Ahn Hyo Seob and Lee Min Ho | Parlour News Korea

  2. I don’t even have any expectations for this. All the original fans rioted upon hearing the casting news
    Lee minho as yoo jihyuk and ahn hyoseop as dokja? I wouldn’t expect anything

  3. It’s going to be a miracle if this is even decent.

    Also anyone know what is happening with LMH face? I saw some pics recently and he was bloated almost beyond recognition.

      • I think whenever he gains weight, it has a tendency to show immediately on his face (other people gain first on the hips, last on the face). You can compare his 2012 show Faith/The Great Doctor versus 2013 The Heirs/Inheritors.

      • @Snails
        Yes, some people’s faces got swollen pretty easily. Like actor Park Sung Hoon, he said his face swollen up fastely if he eats unhealthy food or don’t sleep properly. On interviews difference between his swollen and not swollen face very noticeable

      • I think a lot of Koreans need to be underweight to get a jawline. Otherwise, they lost it pretty fast like when they’re in army.

    • I think Korean concumption with too much alcohol make their face look bloated. Lee Min Ho’s weight look normal but his face look bloated. I think he consumed too much alcohol. His weight is pretty fine.

    • He wasn’t looking too good in his recent appearance in Ordinary Family VIP premiere. I dunno if it’s the heavy makeup or he was just a bit bloated but his close up pics were quite bad.

  4. I don’t know anyone hates on this novel adaptation? They just expecting too much similarity with the original source material, which it’s pretty obvious it won’t be the case. Since even if it’s adaptation, they like to have some of what make their movie as theirs. It’s pretty common to have many change.

    I can’t wait to watch this movie, since the poster is beyond my exprectation. . You should just be open mind and not judge harshly just because It’s not what you expecting. Just from the cast alone they don’t aim for recognation and award, just popularity to generate viewers.

    I just watch it because I love Ahn Hyo Seop and I have been waiting to watch him doing action genre.

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