
Yu Zheng on a Soft Pressure Campaign to Make His Top Actress Bai Lu Extend Her Contract with His Agency — 16 Comments

  1. He should help her achieve what she wants and not so much what he wants. Like maybe give her a break from historical and let her do more genres to grow. The audience might grow tired of same old and move to favoring someone else. Tricky fellow.

    • Really? Upon confirmation… I would say, if she did extend, I am not surprised. But if she did not extend, that is interesting…
      I do hope to see her take on dramas of her choice, focus on improving her acting genre and also work less/ rest more. Bai Lu really need to progress to next stage now….her acting is just repetitive.

    • I am going to pray to all possible gods she runs. He is ruining her career. It’s already almost at a point where it’s about to be permanently damaged.

  2. This should be interesting. Is it possible she might want her own studio at this point? She’s no longer in her twenties and she might want to take on more dramas that improve her acting skills and have critical acclaim instead of the constant period dramas that may give her popularity but limit her chances for growth. She’s already done so many of them, so I can see her wanting to move on to something else. Given her success, she should only renew her contract if she gets total control over the dramas she gets to do. I enjoyed her and Xu Kai in Arsenal Military Academy and I wish more interesting roles like those would come their way. I would love to see her in some well written modern dramas.

  3. I don’t like his methods because it’s creepy, but honestly, her acting is capped, and with the limited range in topics to write about with censorship, she’s not going up from here. Resigning is probably her best bet. Capitalize on your youth, girl.

    • Agreed. Her acting range is limited. But she is popular under Yu Zheng. With another agency, she might not have as much support, though she will have more autonomy.

  4. Pingback:Yu Zheng on a Soft Pressure Campaign to Make His Top Actress Bai Lu Extend Her Contract with His Agency | Parlour News Korea

  5. Is any other agency courting her at this time? She may have a chance to break free if she has another offer from somewhere else. She is his cash cow, but she needs to lookout for the longevity of her career otherwise she’ll find herself like Yang mi, too old to play the tired costume dramas, but without enough experience in other genres to make the necessary transition to ensure her continued acting career.

    Xu Kai is a man so he had more time on his hands (sorry to say, females career length is much shorter for a number of reasons), plus lately he’s diverged from costume dramas, isn’t working as much as he used to and is doing a lot more modern dramas. If she decides to sign on with Yu Zheng, she had better put what she wants into her contract and include a necessary period of rest (I heard the poor girl was burnt out by doing back to back period dramas). Hopefully she doesn’t let him strong arm her into doing what he wants, she needs to stand up for herself. She has more bargaining power now.

  6. As much as I like Bai Lu, I feel she’s reached her threshold now, getting stuck doing the same thing repetitively and tbh it gets kinda boring. She probably needs to act as some shocking character to get her breakthrough, maybe become the villain? She certainly has the acting chops and charisma to do it. And Yu Zheng is definitely not gonna help much imho but I can imagine him throwing a tantrum if she refuses to renew lol.

  7. Fans may not like BL or XK decisions to stay with the same agency but artists will still prioritize their resources most of the time bec they will always have projects to do under YZ. Joblessness in c-ent is lethal as viewers move on fast. If your fave still get projects after projects then his/her career will be OKAY. Artist will have projects inventories so fans can always look forward for the next work. Although no breakthrough but still stable vs begging for works with zero work inventories.

  8. She should just leave. Yu Zheng forced her to do a xianxia right after she finished filming one, and is going to force her to do another period drama to push his new fave.

  9. Renew her contract or not, will that help her acting? I don’t see that. She can change agency but the pool of uncreative writers and lazy PD will most likely stay the same. CCP censorship doesn’t help LOL. At least YZ brought her projects and income and that’s a blessing with the current economic owes in China. I don’t see the market will improve and investment will flood in again any time soon. C-ent has a huge structural issue to deal with. Actors had better wish good luck on their income sources rather than strive for other career prospects.

    • Exactly, apart from acting criticism concerning chinese actors, so many things go against them in their entertainment industry that stale them. My only hope is that we still get entertained regardless of the situation.

  10. Yu Zheng is toxic but with the competitive environment and cold winter coming, I would stay with him. The grass isn’t always greener, the entertainment business is full of other sharks.

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