Dilraba Dilmurat Leads the Value in Media of All Chinese Actresses Representing Top Brands at the Paris Fashion Shows
The Paris fall fashion shows are over and many top C-actresses were there attending for the brands where each is a global or Asia region ambassador. This week a marketing analysis came out ranking which actresses delivered the value in media (媒体价值) for their brand, i.e. how much the actress added actual dollar value in sales/exposure by the actress being covered by the media from around the world. Topping the list is no surprise Dilraba Dilmurat, who was valued at adding $18M USD in media value from her attending the shows. Next is Yang Mi who brought in $4.5M USD and third is a surprise with Qi Wei at $4M USD, and honesty the huge gape between Dilraba and any of the other C-stars brand value is what’s most interesting for me.
That’s why these ladies need to be top billed. Did the men bring in such sales? Or advertising values?
Xiao Zhan! No one celeb, male or female, has beaten him in terms of brand name sales.
Women, unfortunately, bring in far less than men. Xiao Zhan tops China overall and Reba isn’t even close. She is without a doubt though the top lady of Cent.
There is always the exceptions, some women bring in as much as men , if not more but they are few.
China has statistics about endorsements. Men sell far more. It’s a simple fact. Sorry to disappoint.
I am sure they do, most of these lux brands are targeted toward women, no way men can make more sales than women, but these sales $4M!!!! seems a bit too low for me
Lol no.
Men make far more than women. Most fans of men are after all women and women buy.
@Nope No ,I completely disagree, yes women are obsessed with beautiful men and are willing to spend the $$$$ for them, but women buy more when beautiful women represent those items, “Would I look that beautiful in that dress just like her”, good looking women give women the desire to buy things cuz they look so good on them; most of these brand main global ambassadors are women.
Qi Wei? Haven’t heard her in years? I know she used to act and sing so how was she able to place 3rd?…
I’m on weibo so I frequently see her. Qi Wei stills acts in dramas. QW is very much active with variety and reality shows doing all kinds of things. She is being very succesful selling the image of great mother and wife, she always go with her Korean-American (he knows mandarin fluently) husband and children to several children-parents shows.
That is pretty impressive. Rarely see her in dramas and movies but once in awhile. She made a niche for herself and that’s pretty cool. Plus she is still married with kids and maintaining that momentum.
She was in that Sister Who Makes Waves show and she did pretty well. Her husband was also in Call Me By Fire, which helped put him on the map in China. I really enjoyed their performance together on the show.
My queen Dili!! Keep slaying gurllll
You have got good judgement
She is a terribly dreadful actress but she looks pretty and that’s good enough.
Yes lmao, shit actress but she is the queen of visuals
I mean most of c actors and actress is not that good at acting so I think her acting is not that bad for chinese standard
Dilraba effortlessly glows. Natural gem. I wonder were these talks on her not being able to act comes from I know she’s hardly deeply into romantic…. But she sure nails her roles. Love you Dil.
She has taken in multiple kinds of characters she is uniquely unique.
All these “top” commercial-valued ladies should be full-time models rather than actresses. LOL.
It’s funny you say that when XZ is so much more a model than an actor too. I can count with my fingers the works as an actor he did while his works as a model are countless.
The same for every popular idol. All of them are models instead of actors.
But… Xiao Zhan can act, which is more that can be said about these ladies (by the way, I like all of them well enough).
@Jiao, do you think C actors with more dramas on their resumes better actors than XZ? I don’t think so. C drama is known for crappy mass productions with subpar quality not comparable to other filming industries like K-ent and Hollywood. So do C actors who took projects like feeble workhorses unable to turn the mills. LOL.
The reason why I stan XZ alone in such a large pool of C celebs is that HE CAN ACT. If he were just like Reba and other ladies mentioned in the post posing pretty before cameras (although he’s extremely pretty in his ads too LOL) but delivered crappy dramas, then he would be another Gong Jun in my mind. Get it? LOL.
@ Somebody, some idols can act. The only reason it seems their job is more model that acting is because they endorse a lot of products which is a good thing for these actors. I don’t know why @ jioa mentioned XZ when she made an almost similar comment on DD.
Keep crying, your darlings can only wish to work with the people XZ is working with.
It’s not his fault you picked talentless hacks to stan.
What kind of sales value is this, I don’t think $14M is a lot, they prb get paid that much for being repressive of the brand
i can only see they are all too skinny-skin and bones
I know this post is about the women, but… one of the reasons I never care about Xiao Zhan is his rabid fans. A lot of them left sour taste across social media with their excessive defense, or offense to other actors. Yeah, the same can be said to a few actors/actresses as well (WYB, ZLS, YZ, even Dilraba to a certain extent), but in my personal experience not to that level of some XZ’s fans.
Funny, most of the ones I encountered are sweet people, save for that certain US shill. I don’t see people harping and calling other celebrities’ fans out when they posted their negative opinions about other actors as often as XZ fans get called out. Double standards, much?
The only people who are sour about XZ fans are those who are bitter about their own idols being unable to do even a smidgeon of his work.
Think less about XZ and XZ fans and work more on supporting your idol and maybe he won’t be a total flop.
All fandoms are the same, with the defensive, vile, rabid majority taking up the most attention. Its just that XZ have more fans so the negativity is louder.
The only pretentious hypocrite that’s obviously rabid about XZ is that one particular CCP stooge who claimed herself not a fan of XZ when others dinged her to the corner for being a loony about XZ but always tagged along when XZ was mentioned. That coward CCP lapdog is called Lilith. LOL.
Look at you, always eager to proclaim yourself as a XZ fan but never care when your bad reputation affects the reputation of other XZ fans. Claim to love someone but actions proven otherwise.
Why can’t I tag along on mentions about XZ? I like him too, even though I also like a bunch of other celebrities. You’re the same as @lenje, eager to label people as XZ fans and bring negative attention on XZ’s name.
LOL rabid Lilith! I did google you a bit (hail to Google AI LOL) and interestingly found you love posting XZ in other SM while denying several times on this site to be his fan when people had rifts with you about him. Cowardice and hypocrisy overload LOL!
What reputation? Can anyone including CCP lackey like Lilith visiting this site proudly claim themselves reputable and in what sense? LMAO. Are you trying to sell yourself as a product or whatnot? What reputation are you rambling about? LOL.
You have been spreading fallacy. Then I’m entitled to refute it. How the heck you present yourself as some sort of authority to police XZ’s fanbase? You have the worst social media etiquette that I disapprove of the most – always lecturing people what to say and what not – talking like CCP censorship.
@Somebody Lmao, do you use the same username across the internet?
I certainly don’t, LOL. Thank you for revealing your lunacy and rabidness again. Congratulations, not only did you make XZ fans look bad, you make Americans look bad too. Equating reputation to products only shows you have a narrow mind, as if humans don’t have reputations.
Funny for you to talk about social media etiquette as though you aren’t the worst one here. So many other commenters have talked about it, but of course, you’d just brainwash yourself and pretend it’s “gaslighting”.
Funny CCP lapdog Lilith once again denied your obsession with Xiao Zhan. There were several signs indicating those SM accounts very possibly belong to you. LOL. CCP stooges like you are not qualified to preach people how to act online, let alone “reputation” given how reputable your lord CCP is. LMAO.
Sincere advice: go live in China and then you can wholeheartedly ramble rubbish as a legit pinkie. LOL. Those who live in a democratic country taking advantage of freedom of speech and other benefits are shameless to constantly defame the US and its democratic allies in order to elevate CCP dictatorship.
How much money have you made from bein a mouthpiece for CCP? Hypocrite!
@Lilith and the like, you are intoxicated and poisonous pills to free societies. Go live in China. LOL
Let’s see, so you spent hours scouring all kinds of social medias for accounts containing the word “Lilith”, finally found a few which posted about XZ and you decided they must be me?
Thanks for giving me a big laugh, and showing others how crazy anti-China people are. Imagine being so obsessed with a stranger on the Internet LOL.
LOL @Lilith, Nope! It just took one second with Google DeepMind (whose cofounder just won Nobel prize for his research about using AI on bioengineering and chemistry. Your name popped up along with others but your traits of all sorts of drama and obsession are just too consistently noticeable to ignore. LMAO. Stop denying.
Lol sure, Jan. According to you, I own SM accounts which posted about dramas and XZ which I didn’t know exist. Now, since you insist they are mine, why don’t you crack them and send me their passwords so that those accounts will really become mine?
Lol sure, Jan. According to you, I own SM accounts containing the word “Lilith” that posted about dramas and XZ which I didn’t know exist. Now, since you insist they are mine, why don’t you crack them and send me their pws so that it will finally fit your narrative?
Keep denying! Drama queen! It makes you even more laughable. LOL.
You’re a complete laughingstock
Man, this is the best joke you’ve given me so far, makes me laugh each time I see it.
love Dilraba in legend of anle. The character fits her. i know her because she is Gong jun leading female lead. Ok excuse my ignorant doesn’t know her until watching legend of anle lol….
She is not Gong Jun’s anything.
She is ten times the star he is. Know your place.
sorry for not following China. I’m just starting, And Gong Jun is the one who make me follow C-ENTERTAINMENT. It has nothing to do with who is more popular. I start following this year as well.. hehe
EMV is not the amount of sales for the brand. Earned Media Value is a metric used for media coverage, social media discussion, word of mouth, interviews and magazine coverage.