Recently Married C-actress Wu Jin Yan Deftly Conceals Figure at Promo Events for Revenge C-drama Kill Me Love Me

C-actress Wu Jin Yan being pregnant in real life is like the giant pink elephant in the room in terms of C-ent gossip. But she’s still not announced and reporters have been forbidden from asking about it as she promoted recently premiered C-drama Kill Me Love Me with male lead Liu Xue Yi this week. So all eyes have been on what she’s wearing and how she looks onstage and honestly she’s super thin in real life so even pregnant her just looks rounder, softer, and wearing outfits that are not form fitting to avoid showing her waistline and belly. She absolutely glows though lol and reportedly this will be her last public events until she’s due in about two months so Christmas baby congrats to her! As for KMLM, the drama is getting mid reception and reviews, nothing bad but likely not as popular as The Double was earlier this year.


Recently Married C-actress Wu Jin Yan Deftly Conceals Figure at Promo Events for Revenge C-drama Kill Me Love Me — 17 Comments

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  2. WJY is so very pregnant.
    I’m on weibo and almost all coments are negative and even pejorative towards WJY and her husband as well.
    The only genuine concern that very few people shared is about the use of high heels shoes but everybody who got eyes can see she was being very careful besides I’m sure she put them on only before going to the stage.
    I spend so much time on weibo and it’s fascinating that people there act like they have never seeing pregnant women working ever. Is it normal for pregnant women to stay hidden indoors during the whole pregnancy in China? I know it’s not.

    • @Jiao, There will always people who loves to be critical and negative. They need to focus on their own lives more.
      I find Wu Jin Yan just great in the promos. I may not be personally fond of her husband but as long as she is happy…I am happy for her. Gosh, she just made me laugh so large in the events. She looks so happy too.
      Who knows what future brings, I will just give her my love and well wishes.

    • I don’t think there is anything wrong with her working but I suspect the criticism is more that she is heavily pregnant and still working her arse off whilst her husband is doing nothing. The c-netz seem to think she has attached herself to a lazy bum. Ironically, if this had been last year pre-The Double when her carer was still in the doldrums most of them would not have cared she married and got pregnant by a D lister.

      • I’m sure people who criticize women for working while being “heavily pregnant” do not live in the real world. I see pregnant women working until the last second before cashing in the maternity leave which is usually at least two weeks before giving birth. Pregnancy is not a good excuse to not work. BTW, WJY is working in a drama right now.
        People bashing her husband for being jobless would probably bash WJY if she was the jobless one in the relationship and using her husband’s money to survive. Or perhaps not. It shows the very sad reality that people prefer seeing women as jobless people relying on their male partners for money than the men in the same situation. BTW, people are making crazy assumptions about the guy, perhaps he is a very rich guy. If he is jobless as an actor it’s the agency’s fault for not giving him jobs.

      • Kind of like the Halle and DDG of China 😅

        But I agree with you that if her drama “The Double” wasn’t one of the biggest hits of this year which revived her career exponentially nobody would have cared even though she married a car-parker.

      • I agree that many women work while pregnant. Also if she didn’t work on promoting the drama, people would blame her for putting her personal life above everyone else involved in the production of the drama. That last trimester of pregnancy is really tiring and I admire her for working so hard through it.

        And the husband could be doing housework for all we know. He’s not getting much work, but as long as he is still getting some work and manages his finances and the house well, he is doing something.

      • @sirey: Lol good comparison with Halle and DDG with people saying the woman is with someone beneath her. Let’s hope their relationship has more success than Halle and her ex. They didn’t even last a year after the baby. At least WJY got married rather than becoming a babymama and they are older so more likely to know what they are getting into.

  3. She looks great here and I’m bingeing Kill Me Love Me. It’s very watchable and both leads are excellent in their roles. Annnnd they had real kisses. 😆 🔥

  4. She looks really good pregnant but this elephant in the room situation is so awkward. This heavily pregnant woman is tottering around onstage wearing tents and everyone is supposed to pretend nothing is going on🤣

  5. I don’t know where you guys see a “heavily pregnant woman”. I don’t doubt she’s pregnant, but this is not how a “heavily” pregnant woman looks like. She looks like early to mid term to me. And I do not get people’s reaction either. Do women in China stop working when they get pregnant? I think not. So, why the fuss? Also, what jerks people are regarding her husband. As if women should only marry richer men and be dependent on them.

    • The drama lacks the spicy dark romance we were promised in the trailer. Plus the main leads, apart from episode 1, lack that sensual and sexually charged chemistry and teasing dynamism Xiao Heng and Xue Fang Fei shared in “The Double” : The rain and that bathtub/training-under-the-rain (symbolism of a sexual intercourse) scenes have yet to be beaten in cdramaland this year when talking about display of a romance between the leads.

  6. Very pregnant congrats to her ! And she is due in two months ! Which makes me think the wedding showed to us last month occured long ago since she wasn’t showing at all on the pictures.

    Concerning KMLM, we have to accept that the drama is tanking. The dark spicey romance advertised to us through those trailers is just not there.

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