Gong Jun and Wu Jin Yan in Talks for the C-drama Adaptation of Xianxia Romance Novel Offering Salted Fish to Master

So I’ve heard this novel has been in talks for a C-drama adaptation for awhile and of course the laundry list of potential male and female leads have paraded in and out some just wishful thinking others actual talks with. From the casting chatter this week it appears the drama version of Offering Salted Fish to Master will actually get off the ground and the leads will be Gong Jun and Wu Jin Yan. Her side is totally onboard but his side has his fandom totally against this project and lobbying his agency to turn it down. It’s a male master and female discipline romance ala The Longest Promise and The Journey of Flower and reportedly the novel has quite a following so that means the story is good at least. Not sure why Gong Jun’s fandom doesn’t want him to do it but I’m keen to see how that power struggle plays out.

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