
Hou Min Hao Criticized as Culturally Ignorant for Mistaking Bone China for Blue and White Porcelain in Giving Present in Tanzania for Divas Hit the Road Season 6 — 29 Comments

    • @Yuhyi…. I agree with other comments that this isn’t his fault since he probably trusted production and whatever they handed him to deliver and say. But (and displaying my ignorance here) isn’t China blue and white porcelain famous for you know being that famous combo of blue and white? While this is clearly not blue and white 😅 like why didn’t anyone including the actor going “hmmm???”

      • I’m skeptical too, and this could be evil editing. He might have said there was mistake and corrected it but it could have been cut. This kind pf programme always use their guests for clout. So I don’t think we should use this varshow to judge him. The other cast seems to have been sacrificed too. And it makes sense since all of them are not A list celeb. I wonder if they’re being thrown away by their agency…

  1. This is ridiculous. He makes a mistake (the show’s production too, I imagine), I bet thousands of viewers notice nothing, you got one porcelain expert that spots the difference and all of a sudden the net is full of porcelain connoisseurs.
    Next time let’s ask an actor about quantum physics or Beethoven’s unfinished works, and the net will be full of physicists and musicians clamoring about new “illiterates”.

    Meanwhile, noone protests about this show being full of nasty stereotypes – Chinese idols posing as Dr Livingstone. But no,it’s all about the porcelain.

    • I agree with you.
      I’m sure HMH is not reponsbible for anything. The piece of porcelain must have passed through the eyes and hands of at least 8 people before coming to him.
      So it’s safe to say HMH was scammed and he fell into a trap set up by others.
      It’s so ridiculous seeing Chinese celebrities going to African countries to roleplay as charitable saviors like White celebrities do. Right now, I’m just glad that Chinese celebrities won’t adopt (buy) African babies like White celebrities do.

      • I dislike seeing Asian celebs do the white savior thing in African countries and then called individual countries just “Africa”.

        As for HMH – he probably didn’t even prepare the gift.

    • @Nena, well said. How was that a big deal not knowing much about porcelain? LOL. Your quip about quantum physics also cracked me up. Chinese culture worships conformity and therefore jumping on bandwagons (praising or condemning people) or close rank or pile-on is prevalent in that society. This is just one example.

  2. More like script mistake and production team never did their homework. Can’t blame him. He’s just an actor, not expert in chinas.

  3. For most actors/actresses participating in these bullshit reality shows is a dance on eggshells. One tiny mistake and they’re toast. The whole experience is probably ten times more stressful than their actual work.
    While some of them participate in these programmes to boost their own popularity, most of them are thrown to the sharks by their agencies as it will save them marketing expenses.
    Just let actors be actors and stop scrutinising their every move.

  4. lol oh my yep his agency and the production crew missed the mark and come on it’s not that bad of a mistake. Guess now he knows better for the future 😄 Live and learn.

  5. Just last night tried to watch random episode of this show. Zhou Yutong had surprised me a lot. She seemed… rude in some part. Probably she meant no harm tho. Idk. It wasnt that fun to watch because i unconsciously compared it with the previous one (dilraba, wang anyu etc). The bonding of the dilraba and her teammates were lovely. Eventho most of them are very popular but very humble at the same time and not being rude.

    • Since you mentioned Zhou Yutong, I must share what I see on weibo. I’m on weibo constantly and Zhou Yutong’s behavior and atittude in some scenes were heavily criticized. I follow entertainment’s accounts who say ZYT stained with dirt her image and reputation. It’s kind harsh.

      • If you watched this season with her, she and another actress have formed a bully clique and deliberately sabotaged other actresses in the show. That’s why she’s being called out on Weibo so harshly.

      • I watched a couple eps and was surprised by some of her actions. I am not enjoying this season’s Diva at all. I did love last season’s Diva…the group get on well and it was fun to watch.

    • Zhou Yutong’s behaviour was unsightly in the program…keeping door open when someone is still bathing while cameras are on, opening parcel of others etc..She has apologise but I dont think she will be forgiven easily by viewers.

    • I had watched episode 0 + episode 1 of season 6 and called it quits. In season 5,the cast do feel like they sincerely wanted to make friends with each other. In season 6, that youngest boy is so introverted and self-centered, and quite a few members are very unlikeable. It felt like most of season 6’s cast members joined this show hoping to piggyback off season 5’s popularity to boost their career.

      • Let’s be honest, if she did not do the deeds, there is no ‘clout’ to cut… Season 5 is nothing like this is really down to individuals on how they conduct themselves.

  6. It wasn’t even HIS choice of gift. The show crew prepared it. He was the one they made to deliver the gift. The only thing he prepared was some sort of anti itch oil

    • I had I double check the title. I’m not used to seeing my country mentioned in Asian news. Coming from a Tanzanian, I can assure the Chinese that no one was offended by the gift. It was just that a gift, I doubt they’ll look into the history of it and even if they did, there were no malicious intent

  7. This Diva Hit the Road has been a big curse on all the guests,all of them get their share of harsh criticisms for one reason or another;this is clearly the production team fault ,they are the one preparing all this.

    • I have watched Diva since season 1…I would not agree with you. I have seen a good number of very heartwarming friendships bloom from this especially late Cheng Peipei with Liu Tao, Dilraba was great with many ladies in Season 5 etc.

      This show does edit interesting bits, that is how reality show works. So far, Zheng Shuang, Zhou Yutong so far have shown the strongest sides that makes viewing uncomfortable. Rest are nothing much to remember.

      I do know this show have definitely help revive, launch artistes too. I will not say it is a curse.

      No offends intended at all, just my feedback.

      • Again, you are talking ab the Dilrbara season, it’s Dilraba ok, she is enough to make any show get the buzz they don’t need any evil edits since she high a traffic star, the other seasons were nothing and didn’t make good ratings or high viewership, and you are wrong, all the members sink in mud in this season, Gina Jin for not supporting Chinese Olympics and only taking pics of her self, she apologizes twice but she still gets so much hate, Chen Hao for being rude old Ahjuma and the list goes on, every season has different production team, it normal if they chose evil editing to make buzz since I heard they spend the biggest budget in this season.

  8. They shouldn’t be bashing him. Do they really think he was the one who personally chose the items? This would have been selected by the production crew and then handed to him to present in front of the camera. The production crew are to blame for the error but I seriously doubt the Tanzanians are that bothered anyway whether it’s Chinese or English bone china as it seems to have just been a silly mistake.

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