Yu Shu Xin Sets New Record for Fastest Sales of a Chinese Fashion Magazine with Her December 2024 Cover of Cosmopolitan
I’m so glad I became a Yu Shu Xin fan after her turn in My Journey to Love and continued to enjoy her in Sword and Fairy 6. She is so polarizing with the love her/can’t stand her extremes that it would be annoying to watch her succeed and everywhere when one doesn’t like her. After the unexpected hit that is Love Game in Eastern Fantasy, she has parlayed that into a cover and pictorial for the December 2024 edition of Cosmopolitan in China. Cosmo was smart to get her on the cover right away during this buzz period because the issue has now set a record for fastest volume sales upon launch, breaking the record previously held by Dilraba Dilmurat in her September issue. Congrats to Yu Shu Xin and I love this spread, it’s so atmospheric and pensive.

I would not have recognised her if you did not mention. Different make up techniques can really change a look…I have never learnt applying makeup…
Looks like her cute and sweet image is popular in CHina. She may come from a wealthy background but she did work her way up in her own pace at her own terms. I have to give this young lady a big clap. “Well Done”
I used to watch those viral make up videos that completely transform people and I’m always in awe at what these make up artists can do. I end up wondering if it’s real or an edited video lol. Their face is just the canvas, I guess!
Yes…a canvas… I need to find a artist to paint on my canvas face…
She certainly is beautiful. Hope she gets more roles along the way. Her voice may get annoying to us not used to nasally voices but she certainly has that star quality.
I’m too old (same age as YSX) to enjoy the type of characters she play. Thankfully the Chinese market is big enough to not let one star overtake the entire market no matter how popular they are. So it doesn’t really annoy me as long as she sticks to the cute bubbly chars and leave the Hua Zhi, Jiang Li type of chars to more mature actresses.
She’s not to everyone’s taste but I really enjoy her on and offscreen. Nobody does adorable like her and her offscreen personality is incredibly likeable because she just seems so genuine and true to herself. She has a really strong sense of self and that definitely helps her in navigate this industry.
I’ll be the first to admit that when I first saw her entrance on Youth With You 2, I was like W-T-F.. why is this girl so weird and over the top. But as the show went on, you just realize she enjoys being wacky and larger than life. I also agree that she does seem to have a very strong sense of self. I remember when Snow Kong Xueer was struggling with being the center of one of the songs, it was Esther who gave her advice to stop being so self conscious and concerned with what other people think (that idol baggage).
I like these pictures. Moody and artistic.
When I first saw her pictures, I have to admit that she’s not someone who I consider extremely beautiful but she has a very unique genuine personality about her that makes her stand out. The more I see her, the more I adore her.
I’m not a fan of those sweet characters she always plays and find them annoying but kudos to her for milking it and getting popular from that. She’s doing really well for someone with a fishmonger face.
I’m so glad she’s getting recognized for her own hard work rather than just being a rich man’s daughter. She’s grounded and has got a good head on her shoulders so she will go far. Love the pictures!
Limited actress but congratulations to her
Wah, she’s so famous. Good for her. Still remember her in chinese reality show, youth something. Lisa of BP was one of the coaches. She said she’s a fan of BP back then. I guess, she still is.
Anyway, there are 2 good new kdramas Ms.Koala.
When The Phone Rings, Yoo Yeon Sook and Chae Soobin. The first 2 are good.
Love Your Enemy. Ju jihoon and Jung Yumi. An old school kdrama tho.
Love your enemy is promising, their younger days story is so funny. The cameo by moon sangmin and bae hyunseung also got me to watch it lol
Not sure about when the phone rings, at times it feels to wattpad(?) like? Idk how to describe it. I think love your enemy is more promising
I read that when the phone rings based on novel or manhwa (? Korean manga, not familiar with it). So, no wonder it feels like wattpad lol. Im so traumatized with cdramas’ ending lately, so hopefully these two dramas will have a happy ending. A happy ending meaning happy ending, not an open ending.
Ah no wonder.. so it came from webtoon. I’m also hoping for some happy dose of drama these days, hope those two will have happy ending
Congratulation ysx

After i read her interview in this magz, i like her more. She really comfortable in her own skin and has clear understanding about her goal, what she want and just as it is. Initially she got many haters from last year, but she still thrive and doesn’t let the hatred ruin her confidence. After cr8 booming she finally reap her rewards and many people become her fans.
With unique buyer more than 140k, clearly many people starts to like her and willing to buy her magazine.
Hopes for flowery road full of success for her
What did she say in her interview? I would love to read it.
You can read her interview in here https://xingyunworld.wordpress.com/2024/11/22/fashioncosmoysx20241122/
She really understand her character and using logic for approaching the whats and why her character doing something in drama.
She can’t act, she is not pretty but one has to hand it to her she knows how to handle her career. Or at least the handlers daddy’s money bought know how to handle it. She will stick around regardless of lack of talent just for that.
Wow congrats on your bitterness and delusions. Take your meds!
Not only she is a good actress, but she also has her own ideas and thoughts, in the behind the scenes she always creates her own lines and scenes and when she get asked what she will be if she wasn’t actress,she had so many ideas like being business woman,influence,director ,many actors struggle to find their dream if they are not acting.
Eagles don’t need to be pretty they are majestic. Keep crying and petting your peacock and let the eagles own the sky!
These pics except the last one look nothing like her. The magazine should have celebrated her quirky charm instead of making her into something she’s not. The Korean mag cover of Suzy was much better at capturing the essence of the person and her beauty.
Oooh I’m so glad one of my favs is getting recognition that’s well deserved! Yes, her genre is usually limited, but she has tried to step out of her comfort zone here and there. She even specified she wants to do more upheaval dramas in the future, so I’m looking forward to that.
I’ve said this before, she excels at micro expressions and really looking into the logic and expectations of how her character should react/behave whenever she’s playing a role. She’s extremely earnest and I love how apt her expressions are. As a viewer, there’s nothing more gratifying than seeing how on point an actor is with their portrayal. She is also amazing at generating chemistry and rapport with her costars, so it comes as no surprise that really good male leads find their way to greater stardom when she’s acting with them.
Maybe some of her daddy’s nepo money is going towards giving her confidence and status in speaking her mind and giving feedback that’s useful for general drama direction or character portrayal, but it’s nepo money well spent! Maybe it’s due to her interference that there’s cohesiveness between characters or at least their acting. For example, she’s taught a ton to Dylan when they were in LBFAD. She wants a drama to do well, so in turn, she will lead others to do well. So often actors will say they acted according to the direction from directors, but they act like they’re puppets. It’s when they take agency for their own roles that’s when I see a marked difference. Esther has that background and expertise to own her roles and draw that out from others she’s with.