
Tencent Modern C-drama Reopen My Journals with Li Yun Rui and Huangyang Tian Tian Opens with 7.6 Douban Ratings After Strong Reviews But Low Viewership — 11 Comments

  1. I have issue with this website. I always get the page of 6th February “TW star Barbie Hsu…” Sometimes, I can see the button “next” on the top of the page and sometimes not…

  2. I checked this drama for LYR’s sake but he has almost zero presence there. The FL is ok although overacting sometimes. There’s actually excessive overacting in the series, just like so many other non-idol dramas, having a lot of overdramatic and theatrical moments from so called “old acting bones” (老戲骨). LOL. The story is boringly fake and I can’t relate at all. I dropped it after dozing off and fast forwarding several eps. As much as I liked LYR in Blossom, I can’t see his charm in the series. He’s just there as a sidekick for a bunch of veterans to flaunt their experience.

  3. cdramas really lack its own colors aside of the fantasy
    how a country with 1 billion citizens, rely creativity from the small South Korea?

  4. I love this drama! It deserves its high Douban rating, imho. Nowadays, it seems like most Cdramas are romance-driven, especially the Xianxia and Wuxia ones, the story-telling and the plot – most especially are becoming repetitive and boring.

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