Tencent Formally Announces Period C-drama Si Jin with Leads Jing Tian and Zhang Wan Yi Months After Filming Completion
I swear C-ent is just weird with drama filming, like Tencent officially announcing the casting of leads Jing Tian and Zhang Wan Yi in period C-drama Si Jin (似锦) this week when the drama filmed in April 2024 and wrapped filming around September all last year. I don’t know the reason for this weird gap either they forgot about this drama until now when it got it’s first airing license or there was intention for keeping it under wraps until ready for a broad unveiling. Of course the first comment everyone and their mother’s will have is “why does Zhang Wan Yi look exactly the same?!?” Lol, his styling here (at least with his hair up) looks like his character from Are You the One and from The Rise of Ning walked right into Si Jin, and actually even his look in Lost You Forever most of the time looked like this. His unchanging styling in period dramas aside, Jing Tian is a chemistry queen with any of her male leads and reportedly Si Jin has a very strong script from industry chatter so it’s definitely more promising than concerning.

Both are boring actors.
Hahaha, please don’t be mean.
He definitely is but she has improved so much and like koala mentioned creates pretty good chemistry. Though that last fantasy one she did not so much because the writing was just so atrocious. You win some and lose some due to extenuating circumstances. Also the main lead always sounds like he is whispering and mumbling most dramas I see him in and it just makes me want to slap his back and say speak clearly and more proficiently. He is blessed the dramas he did were fairly interesting despite this. I just can’t hate Jing Tian and enjoy and will watch her no matter what.
Zhang Wan Yi in period dramas will always be a must watch. Even when he looks the same his nuances are always different. Will definitely be tuning in.
I don’t mind the same look, it looks good on him. I thought he did a great job in Are you the one and I liked him in Rise if Ning.
I liked ZWY among all the three MLs in Lost You Forever because of his acting and on screen presence. But he’s awkward or sometimes cringe worthy in romantic scenes LOL. Looks all the same in costume? That’s because he’s visually very limited. He can find his niche in the acting department. I just don’t see costume romance (or any romance LOL) works for him.
His gaze creeps me out. The eyes are unfocused. The smile is like a mannequin.
Completely agree! And I find his enunciation kinda irritating..I don’t know how to explain it…too crisp and perfect, not endearing at all.Lol
Must have a powerful backer, keeps getting lotsa roles.
The weird time gap is due to the billing order not being finalized yet, aka people were still fighting over billing order.