
Gold Medalist Releases Official Statement Admitting Kim Soo Hyun Dated Kim Sae Ron But Claims it Happened in 2019 After She was Legally an Adult and Denies Trying to Collect Debt that Contributed to Her Stress — 65 Comments

  1. Some c fans already dug up the year of the clothing on ksr was prior to 2019 and the glasses he wore in the pic was given by c fans in 2015

    • I am amazed how they dug that up. Also, they even use hairstyles at that time to refute the GMs press release. Sadly, now the mom wants Garo to just concentrate on Lee Jin Ho the youtuber about his part on this and not to release the video. Seems like they got to her.
      KSR really didn’t know about the debt discharge, or she will not feel the world on her shoulders and self-exit. So that excuse is questionable. They cannot go after her if this was tax written off.

      • I hope the mom is not bought off, cause honestly the mom sounds kinda sus in the whole story

  2. It is standard reply for all young stars to deny any hint of romance. That one you can’t pile on him. The collection of debt is consistent with corporate governance but question remains did they inform her that was the intention? As to when they started dating, no comment. On his allegation that they started dating when she was 18 and fizzled out after one year, I will likely believe that because he doesn’t look like a long term commitment guy. But that doesn’t mean there were no flirtations prior to 18. Questions remain why he didn’t reply her when she was desperately looking for him about the debt collection. I will say this is the legit part to question his character and how he treated his former close friends cum GF cum lover. As for when they started, he said her auntie said. But NO ONE even talked about the unfair contracts term about morality clause, severe penalty without first establishing guilt. that answers why this romance wasn’t publicised then. Morality clause. Also because for him probably just a fling (if you think of him positively) or she aged out (if you see him the other way). As for age gap, reality; there are men who date younger women, as long as she’s not underage. The statement is painfully trying to establish that. I feel he should explain all this in a press conference. They really wanna cancel him and blame him for her death as atypical of korean netizens who also jumped on the same bandwagon with every star that has ever killed themselves.

    • He will not date you. You are too old for him. You are quick to believe his statement but ignoring the tonnes of proof? Ha ha have some shame. His chinese fans already exposed that the timeline is not matching because of the gifts they sent. Anyways garo sero will probably bring out more solid proof. Until then keep thinking of what excuse you will come up with

    • Men-obsessed and boy-crazy women like you are EMBARASSING lmao. Caping for a millionaire pe*do as if he’ll ever look your way. Nah, you’re too old for him. While you’re being a keyboard warrior here whiteknighting for him, he’s setting his eyes on pretty, super young rookie actresses/idols to prey on again. EVERYTHING YOU’RE NOT. Again, women like you are EMBARASSING. You’re probably from men-worshipping countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, or LatAm lmao

      • @FunnLimisetc
        I was mostly agree with you before your last sentence. It’s disgusting, and you’re a nazi. How you downgrading women from these territories from women from YOUR territory.
        Men-worshipping countries not existing, all women are different from each other around the world. I saw KSH fanpage supporting him from England, and yet I have brain enough to not badmouth or women from England. And I have enough brain to understand “boy-crazy woman” can be in any country, and you can’t guess it by a comment.
        I advise to you to stop being nazi and not differentiate women by territory they living in, especially when you using that as a form of insult.

    • Wow. some many things to respond to. As an example
      I’ll just comment on the frist sentence alone.
      Calling a male actor aged 37 years old “young” as an excuse “to deny any hint of romance” is ridiculous. Other a married with kids for many years at that age. He isn’t a rookie actor trying to establish himself. Even if he where a decade younger that is a weak argument, let alone an excuse.

    • Yup keep justifying his behaviour, they have found her diary which documents that she got into a relationship ( groomed) by him when she was in middle school age 14/15.
      I hope all this is released so people like you can see him for who he is , a manipulative pedo!
      I have a kid who is 14, I can’t imagine her being ready for any kind of relationship, she can’t even get ready for school without forgetting something!!

    • Why are you so mad at @Funn Lim? People commenting here should ask yourselves if you’ve ever dissed KSR before or jumped on the bandwagon of pile-on over KSR and/or her defenders while KSH was still held up on a high pedestal with a perfect image. Just be honestly answer this question!!!!!!! If you have, then you’re not learning any moral lessons from her tragedy and many others in K-ent to which cyber bullies (you included, perhaps) also had a share of contribution. Now you’re just going around with your old selves to jump on another bandwagon to pile on another preys with all sorta excessively derogatory name calling and dissing. LOL. You got on high with hyped adrenaline not out of your sympathy for KSR, but you seem to just have fun harassing people online, KSR and her defenders in the past and now KSH and his defenders or those who on the fence to take a side. You might have been among the ones pushing celebs to be cancelled that resulted in their financial distress and finally tragic exits.

      I don’t see anything out of line in @Funn Lim’s post. She made her points that are something legit to think about. There are many speculations based upon she said he said. It’s not like you own the moral high ground to judge more fairly than different opinions. We, Koala included, are all here to SPECULATE LMAO. Other than the insiders, everyone else is just choosing what to believe. You guys should get off of your high horse pretending you’re a better holy saint than Funn Lim. LOL.

  3. soo what i feel like after looking through whole thing is that he probably has a thing for young girls but dont want long commitments also ig they dated for 1 year then it fizzled out and the reason he didnt admit that they were dating is quite obvious even if it was someone else during QOT hype now if he admitted he dated her the grooming and boycott would have came anyway and it was his first relation too also from financial you cant just loan someone soo thats why legal notice was send due to legaL purpose and obv right now whole situation is being dramatized by gossip youtube channels

  4. Based on past videos, interviews and comments, he seems to have penchant for minors.

    Not jumping to conclusion but his reasoning does not seem to add up and sounds obviously doing damage control.

    If and I mean If (which I highly am sure he is) KSH turned out to be that predatory manipulative creep, I hope he will receive severe punishments for what he did. He has come too far with that good fortune by his side by entirely faking that goofball dorky guy image, fooling the public and making so much money out out it.

    There are more talented and good looking actors cum decent human being out there who should be given the opportunity and recognitions.

  5. Be a human being first before being a fan. I can’t believe there are still fans of this pedophile lol. Please have some shame and I hope this pedophile will be cancelled forever. Karma will always catch up to those who manipulated a poor underage girl. Poor girl, have some decency KSH fans.

    • Tell me about it! I saw a comment on FB saying what he’s doing is not pedophile unless he’s done some intimate stuffs with her and I’m like tf you don’t know that…Some crazy people try to justify the age gap too and I’m just like you must not have kids or love your daughter enough to realize that they can be victims of grooming at that young age. I’d say maybe at age 25 is when you have a better grip at some reality and he dated her when he was over 25 yrs old.

      • Huge age gap in a relationship isn’t actually a crime, even one may disapprove of it. Otherwise, go ahead condemn and sue Larry Ellison, the co-founder of Oracle, and Terry Gou, the founder of Foxconn. LOL. I also have a friend whose wife is 26-27 younger than he and they seem to be happily married with two gorgeous kids.

        Grooming is the problem. I’d like to see more evidence coming out to prove that. If KSH did not lie and did date KSR at her legal age, then he should sue all the rumor spreaders for defamation. Otherwise if he didn’t take any legal actions to clear his name as a pedo, then he is fishy and it’s plausible he lied about the period when they dated.

    • I see so many handles writing convoluted fanfics to justify his behavior. I wonder what kind of sad lives these people live. What kind of morals will such parents impart to their children? Can one be so man crazy to go blind? They likely encourage similar behavior in the society they live in. Not just young girls but even boys are targeted by pedophiles.
      Look at 14-15-year-olds around you and see how impressionable they are. Surely there is some moral compass to hold on to.

    • Right? Those boy-crazy/men-obsessed women have no brains, they can’t think of anything but worshipping their oppars who will never look their way because they’re too old (and most likely not conventionally attractive enough) for these men. I bet these are the type of women who would victim-blame female ra*pe/assault victims and accuse them of seducing the ra*pist. I’m from SEA and those type of women are everywhere here. Funny thing is, they’re most of the time 40+ years old and above, literally far far from being desired by the creepy men they’re defending. I can’t believe these women are really throwing morals out of the window to defend a man who don’t know they exist. And even if he does know they exist, he wouldn’t even glance their way because they’re not a pretty, underage girl.

      FEMALE KSH FANS, WAKE UP AND HEAL FROM YOUR INTERNALIZED MISOGYNY! A young girl literally DIED! If y’all are that man-obsessed, at least stan a male celebrity who is known as a decent man, FFS

  6. Tbvh, I did not mind the whole I-need-a-week shtick. My logic is, this whole situation can only be solved in court as I said previously. So if he needs to talk to his lawyers or whatever and send out more info next week, fine. KSR’s side had the time to get their evidence together and can just continue releasing it if he comes up with bullshit anyway. There’s literally 6 years worth of evidence. In fact, GSY already said they’d release naked video of him in KSR’s home which EW. Please don’t for the sanity of everyone. This is already as gross and nasty as it gets without it. If it needs to happen, I hope they can edit out KSR at least most especially if she was a minor during that time. The whole thing is simply sordid.

    On a somewhat different note, I’m absolutely alarmed by just how powerful KSH’s influence is in the industry. Other than Tour Les Jours with a perfectly timed contract end date of March, none of his dozens of endorsements have officially ended contracts yet and I feel like that has not been the case in previous huge scandals of this sort. They are all waiting and watching which is truly unprecedented given the allegations and the reactions. Never seen anything quite like it. Yest, there was news that apparently he is still being supported openly by Good Day’s production after he went to film?!? What. The. Actual. Fuck. It’s completely baffling how much power he holds. I’m genuinely flabbergasted.

    Anyway, GM claims none of this info came from KSR’s “aunt” but rather her mother’s acquaintance. That is probably the only thing worth their salt in that long ass statement. It did confuse me how KSR’s dad was blaming Lee Jin Ho for weeks and never spoke of KSH’s involvement before this “aunt” did. I really would like someone from a true media outlet to interview her actual family and get their proper statements so GM has nothing to fall back on. I don’t buy that they didn’t know their daughter was dating a man this old. They weren’t in the same agencies when she was a minor and had zero reasons to be hanging out often. At the end of the day, they are also to blame for what happened to her and I will die on that hill. All the adults in her life failed her for their own selfish reasons.

    Dispatch released news that Won Bin had reached out to her a couple of years back asking if she needed help with repaying damages. KSR told him she’ll try to manage on her own this time and that simple conversation was the thing that truly broke me. So gut wrenching for her to carry the burden of all of this by herself and never once did she think of throwing KSH under the bus. It would’ve been so easy for all this to come out a year ago and it never did. She breaks my heart seriously.

  7. I no longer sit on fence…he is as guilty as said. he dated her when she was young… then treated her cruelly. She is his victim.
    He and his cousin ran a awful management company.

    • He wanted underage girls because he can easily manipulate them. After using her and she is old enough, throw her away, until she killed herself. Imagine you have been in a relationship, 700M won is too little for him. He is a pedophile roaming to get another underage to manipulate. This is a test to socially moral koreans. Lets see how he will be treated after all is shown as evidence. Be a decent han being before being a fan please

  8. Sadly, this is very believable to a lot of people aka his fans. They will use this as shield and proof to all allegations and maybe even to convince themselves that their idol is not a bad person. I really believe ever since this whole thing started that ksh will be able to comeback. He has a lot of money and power. He still has a lot of fans who still blindly believe or want to believe him. He will probably still attend schedules not just because of contractual obligations but also to stubbornly hold on to his top star status and hoping that the public will get used to it, forget about it, and get tired of cancelling him. Why wouldn’t he? A lot of top actors who had big scandals before already set a precedent that with enough time, a big chunk of the public will move on and the industry can just pretend that none of this ever happened, especially if there wouldn’t be legal implications. This is really a frustrating and rage-inducing situation and one of the reasons I’ve been veering away from k ent for some time now.

  9. Meh… If that letter was just for tax formality and they never expected repayment, why not simply reply to her msg about it. There are better ways to reassure her than blocking her number, leaking her cousin number to the media and publicly stating they didn’t know why she uploaded that picture when they perfectly know why she desperately tried to get in touch with them. They are comical and still fake as ever.

  10. Previously, the company flat out denied a relationship between the two and shifted the blame to Saeron. This article-I call BS. He’s a coward. Willing to date a kid, but not willing to admit it. It’s just PR tactics to save himself.

    Her fees are a different kind of issue and she has already try to serve her dues, but this man is another kind of evil 😈. He couldn’t even reply or pick up the phone call to his ex’s plead. He couldn’t even write a goodbye note or attend a quote on quote colleagues…or…friends’…oh wait ex-girlfriend’s funeral. Sheesh, make up your mind on what to address her Gold Medalist!

  11. The way he’s just blatantly lying when there’s evidence of pics and letter way before 2019 of them being together and her texts to her cousin stating they were dating since she was 16. Her family is probably sitting on more evidence too waiting to prove him wrong. How does he think he’s getting away with this?

  12. yeah yeah a 12 year older senior sends “i love you ” in his letters addressed to a minor and we are supposed to believe they werent in any relationship and were mere acquaintances? I am disgusted to see how some people on this site are still giving him benefit of doubt.

  13. In that pic he has a mole which is removed now many of his ex fans saying it’s 2014/2015 era, then there’s Chinese netz proving it’s 2016 with the glasses and the filters defo not being from 2019. Better late than never I wish be was investigated earlier like so many clips resurfacing of him being so creepy, like the marriage statement wasn’t a one off and the fact that he dumped Kim saeron when she turned legal age, such a sicko. Now his team playing the mental health card when he made her look like an attention seeker last year, next level evil. An actual psycho no wonder why those blind items were right no smoke without fire. I hope his inner circle and those complicit get exposed too. Another related noted the way in later years he fooled the media with his goofy awkward image yet his earlier years he was so creepy and unfiltered. Makes sense also why he’s always so awkward around adult woman but seems gleeful around kids, the clip of him hugging kyj as she’s getting make up done, 🤮🤮 and him eyeing her up as his next partner.

    • haha for real. i’m reading the ridiculous comments from kim soo hyun’s braindead fans who are like, “stop witchhunting him! he might off himself, you bullies! 😠” And all I could think of is, good, off himself then, i don’t care! again, i don’t care if someone calls me a psychopath here, i hate pedos with a burning passion, they ruin people’s lives, so they can off themselves for all i care. ksh fans can cry about it 🤷🏻‍♀️

  14. I wanted to stay away from this discussion but there is one random thing I’ve been observing from the first picture that was released. Don’t quote me on this but KSH seeems to be having the hairstyle from The Producers. Honestly that hairstyle was pretty ugly so I vividlyremember it. I don’t think I’ve seen his hair like that ever again but I don’t really follow him so don’t know how long he had that hairstyle or if he cut his hair like that again. The Producers was released in 2015.

  15. I still remember when Kim Sae Ron posted that photo of her with that pdfile back when Queen of Tears was still airing, this blog called her attention seeker (not verbatim). She must have been so desperate to call his attention for help but instead she was called an attention seeker. I can’t even imagine the pain she was going through back then. Now, this blog is condemning the man as if to wash hands from their scornful writings.

    • Agree. She picked the least damning photo to reveal. She could’ve buried him if she wanted to and she took her secret to the grave, poor thing.

  16. I don’t understand people saying a 31-year old dating a 19-year old is somehow okay. That’s so gross. But I believe anyway that he is as guilty as the aunt claims he is.

    The one thing I’m curious about is whether it’s true that there’s a connection between the youtuber (who endlessly harassed Kim Sae Ron) and Kim Sae Ron’s ex-manager at Gold Medalist. If true, it would mean KSH really hounded her to death after using her. The youtuber is currently trying to redeem his image in the public eye by apologizing to the family and claiming complete innocence.

    I hope they all get what they deserve but unfortunately I highly doubt it.

  17. When I was 15, I dated a 25-year old. I thought he was the love of my life. In hindsight … eeeew

    Anyway, let’s see how this unfolds, but we are talking here about a public that adored to bits a show about a 1000+ goblin general (Gong Yoo, born in 1979) and a 18 year old high-school student (Kim Go Eun, born in 1991). Eeew.

  18. So, Goldmedelist released a lengthy statement now and didn’t wait till next week to respond. As feared they make him the victim. He is distressed now? Wow. No shame to the hell they put KSR through. And people are still defending him, believing the spin they put on things.

    He is Tefon. Nothing sticks with him. He can get away with everything. It speaks volumes that he has the power to quiet down K media so easily for so many years.
    It’s s a men’s world driven by big, big money.
    To big to fail.
    No justice.
    RIP Kim Sea Ron

  19. I don’t know it’s hurt me when Kim Sae Ron getting bullying in media just for one mistake and never forgave her when she was alive. It’s not like she was not responsible of her action. Now she is in better place than this shitty world.

    Media keep bullying her. What make you think she had a hard time getting ajob? It’s all you media, youtubers and haters who keep terroring her despite her good intention to get up. Now you swicth all the blame on Kim Soo Hyun meanwhile she is not the only responsible for her tragedy.

    I hate Kim Soo Hyun and he is not even my fav actor. But While Kim soo Hyun got his karma, the haters will get it one day.

  20. LOL At first, they were denying that KSH ever dated KSR, and now they’re admitting to it just to save what’s left of KSH’s reputation? That tells me everything all I need to know about their credibility LMAO

  21. They are only denying he dated a minor since he has an upcoming drama knock off released by Disney. Can’t imagine Disney would want to release dramas with the male lead as the pedophile.

    • Nay. Disney will stick by him. They have gone woke a long time ago. LGBTQ+ is at the center of all their casting decisions now and race baiting. Add not allowed to be used term “pedophile” – you must define them as “Minor Attracted Person” – this is all them. So KSH will fit right in.

  22. The only things that might have some weight is the explanation on the debt as there involves law but still if KSR knows why did she sent a pleading text to her once ex.? Why he didn’t reply instead leaking her number to the despicable youtuber.. Why not attending her funeral instead went on partying.?. That alone showed he is cold blooded.

    Last news said this Garo institute will not further publish the “anticipated’ pictures of him doing the dishes and other evidences on the request of KSR’s mom, not sure if this is true or not. Otherwise why started it to begin with?. Because he is under extreme stress and anxiety?. Have it occurred to them what they put KSR under?. Will he taken his life? Slim chance because if all the allegations are true he is a narcissist and these people love themselves to much

    KSH career may stumble but I don’t think it is over. He has this huge fan base in China and Japan and maybe other countries too. Stay low and after some years he will reappear.

    I hope the petition against the youtuber reached over 50’000 so it can really be reviewed by the authorities.

    • I can see the family feeling aggrieved, but give in since KSH is just too powerful. They want justice, but putting their lives on the line and the futures of the other two daughters for a result that will likely just be KSH living out a nice early retirement trading cryptocurrency….it’s hard. If he kills himself, whoever is left of his rabid fans will come after them or sympathy will swing his way again.

      I think the China fans have mostly abandoned him.

      Even if he did wait until she was of legal age to date (which feels like a lie to me), there is no denying that all the other stuff is weird and sketchy. Not even sending any flowers to her funeral despite her being one of the first artists under his newly-launched company and despite dating her – speaks to a level of coldness that people are going to side-eye hard. He seemed a lot more broken up over Song Jae-rim’s death a few months prior.

  23. I’m going to be harsh, but they denied now admit that he did date her when she wasn’t a minor anymore . Was he still looking his watch until the first minute she became “adult”. Like ” Oh!it’s past midnight now we can date” Seriously ! Many celebrities were cancelled for less than that . There are plenty of actors so why bother ! He has enough money to go under radar . If he is innocent , i’ll apologize .

    • a lot of men sadly are like that. remember how a decade ago, it was common for men online to have “countdowns” for female celebrities’ 18th birthday, when they can finally freely sexualize these girls because they turned legal? just absolutely disgusting. will never understand how these men’s mind work and will never understand how some women can defend them.

      • @georgina, i didn’t know about the “countdowns” . Thanks your comment , i learnt something new unfortunatelly. Currently, in my country (France) there are 2 historical big cases : the trial of a surgeon who abused more than 312 children when they were under anesthesia , but it wasn’t the only thing he did , he used to wrote everything in notebooks that were found by the police and what it’s written is unspeakable,horrific ( Joel Le Scouarnec) , and a private catholic teaching institut which is involved in sexual and physical children abuse for 50 years with over 100 judicial complaints . Bétharram case .🤮🤮🤮. They aren’t humans but monsters in disguise .

  24. So what if he denied dating ex girlfriend whom wrapped in big fat scandal,he have no reason to knowledge their relationship and get in mud with her ,and he have no obligation to pay her debts for her , you ppl are crazy ,he don’t own her anything.

  25. Dont worry guys…there will be more photo and video too!
    He can’t run away
    Those foolish and blind fan is the one should be worry
    Lets enjoy the unveiling of the one biggest villain in the Korean Entertainment
    (for the fans : are you not disgusted he threw away the girl and make her suicide like that
    and before that lie about having the relationship when she was in trouble that time attacked by everyone?)

  26. He’s obviously trying to minimize damage and do anything he can not to go to jail. If they were dating before she turned 19 (which I think they were), her side will definitely have more evidence. I hope the police do a thorough investigation. There will be uproar if he gets away with this.

    • He is NOT going to jail on any grounds revealed so far. Let’s understand that loud and clear. As much as I hate this piece of trash, there is NOTHING illegal here. Some of ya’ll need to learn some law. Age of consent until 2020 in SK was 13. So if this were to reach the courts, KSH would be absolutely “innocent” in the eyes of law. The ONLY thing being talked about here is moral responsibility, NOT legal. End of.

  27. As we are speaking, they have already released another picture. There is no way he can actually get away with all this. Now, I am just waiting for more of their pictures. This issue has already become too big and the fact that his agency first denied and now claiming that he only dated her when she was a major is a big proof that he is lying. All the evidences are showing that he actually dated her when she was a minor so, yeah he is fucked.

    Seriously, KSH turning out to be a groomer was not in my watchlist. He might be regretting not helping her with the debt now. If he had helped her, then this issue would have never come out and who knows KSR might have been alive. All of this is his own doing and no one else. With so many controversy coming from Korea, it is now hard to trust any male actors.

    Also, I am hearing Choi Hyun Wook’s name too. Is he related to this case? I hope not.

    • @Jimmy
      CHW’s name was mentioned because people started to spread rumors about him being in the car with KSR at the moment of her DUI. It was debunked by his fans, I don’t remember what they said, you can find their fanpages on twitter.

      P.S.: It pissing me off how people trying to make KSR’s case about others actors/actresses. Her DUI has nothing to do with it.

  28. His power in in the industry is too big. I saw an IG account got a letter from GM to tell them to remove contents related to KSR and KSH and they are deleting some of his bad IG comments and removing hashtags on X. He really wants people to forget this incident and do damage control.

  29. I was reading how Esther Yu is getting harassed by his fans for unfollowing him. Even if (big IF) he was innocent, it’s her perogative to follow/unfollow whoever she wants. Why are his fans harassing her? I also read some comments about how people like him as an actor and his personal life isn’t any of their business. I normally adopt this mindset as well, unless the issue is so bad (e.g. murder, SA/r*pe, pedophilia) that it can’t be ignored. Even if she’s of age, 19 and 31, I still think it’s quite the age gap. This is coming from me, whose parents are 11 years apart, and my dad is still devoted to my mother after all these decades. It’s his other comments on top of this relationship that he vehemently denied that makes him sketch. Even if their relationship wasn’t “official” until she was of age, it’s hard to believe he wasn’t interested in her when she was younger based on that letter. The sad part is that nothing changes. Even if he’s guilty, he’ll probably be back in a few years even if he gets canceled today.

    As for her mom/parental figures, I still think there is fault with them. If they claim she’s been with him since 15, how did she sneak around with him for 4 years before they noticed? That makes no sense. She couldn’t drive, and someone that young shouldn’t be out and about without the adults knowing where she is. They definitely knew and probably just saw $$ signs. This poor girl was exploited by everyone around her. When will we learn to protect the children? Now there’s a new kpop program recruiting girls under 15, as young as 3. What are these parents thinking?!

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