
Lee Seon Kyun and G-Dragon Tests Negative in Further Drug Tests But Police Continue Investigation — 8 Comments

  1. I watched Kingmaker and thought he was brilliant in it. It’s just really annoying that so many excellent Korean actors are either assholes or drug users. Ha Jung Woo will probably be caught next, his drug use feels like the worst kept secret in the industry.

    • Ha Jungwoo was already prosecuted for his illegal propofol use. He was fined and banned from promoting on SK’s public broadcast networks. He also has had 2 movies and Netflix series come out after his propofol trial and won the best actor at the Blue Dragon for streaming awards this year. The industry kisses the ground these actors walk on.

  2. Hope you update your artcle. Alot has been releases evwn dipatcg investigation, kbs investigation etc. It was already vonfirmed by nfs that gd did not bleach his hair. You also dis not mention the nail aamples also tested negative. In addition to that there was no direct message between the witness and gd. The police already confirmed this, he was investigated based on a witness statement only. The phone message show the witness bragging that gd visited the place. I just hope you make sure you provide all the also did not include that the police were denied serach and sezure in twrms of gd. Gd went to the police volintarily gave his hair samples eventhough the police did not have a warrant.the eye witness is now changing hee statement, she ibitially reported seeing a musterious paper after gd uaed the room, now ahe is aaying she did not see gd uses drugs but naybe another fanous actor.

      • Sis, if that is all you got from her comment then you need to re-evaluate yourself. Regardless of your personal feelings about the artist, it appears he was falsely accused and his story needs to be told as a cautionary tale on how misinformation can ruin an individual. Please do not lose your humanity and sense of justice just because you dislike an artist.

    • I think GD is all clear. He had negative drug tests, and no evidence tampering (negative dye test). The testimony of the 6x madam against him cannot be substantiated. No evidence of him at the establishment, no communication with the madam, and no videos or pictures of him despite the digital forensics. So, the madam threw his name for a likely plea deal, and the police should investigate and not run their mouths first. So yeah, with no direct and circumstantial evidence but the name dragged publicly, so he deserved a big apology. LSK is not clear cut, as he has direct interaction with the madam in two locations. But with negative drug tests, it seems likely that he cheated, and got blackmailed but did not take drugs.

  3. GD is so talented. He wrote so many memorable songs. He’s like John Lennon of BigBang. Although there were always tons of rumors about the personal lives of him and other BigBang members and I’m not a BB fan, I have to give him and BB the due credits for where Kpop is now today. GD’s music styles made an impact on kpop. J. Lennon also had records of doping. I wonder if these geniuses were too accomplished to find anything more worth doing and life was empty. LOL. I hope GD stays cleared. Not sure if he’s still composing. There’re no Kpop idols who have ever composed so much beautiful music as he has done so far.

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