Kim Sun Ho and Go Yoon Jung Lead Script Reading for Netflix Romance Drama Can This Love be Translated

Another K-drama has started filming and it’s the Netflix romance drama Can This Love be Translated written by the Hong Sisters. The cast script reading stills came out this week and we can see leads Kim Sun Ho and Go Yoon Jung together for the first time and the visuals are as expected, they definitely match up nicely. If you spot a familiar face and can’t quite wrap your mind around it, yes that is my J-cutie actor Fukushi Sota here in the cast since the drama is about a translator and his romance with a top actress so bring on the different languages! The drama is slated for 2025 and it’ll be interesting to see which one airs first for Go Yoon Jung, this or Resident Playbook.


Kim Sun Ho and Go Yoon Jung Lead Script Reading for Netflix Romance Drama Can This Love be Translated — 80 Comments

  1. When Life Gives You Tangerines, Everything Will Come True, Melomovie and Can This Love Be Translated are the 4 dramas I don’t understand why they are on Netflix. They should clearly be on TVN or JTBC on their prime time weekend slot with the hype building every week. It doesn’t feel logical why Netflix is airing dramas that are clearly meant for broadcast channels. It’s disappointing to turn classic Korean romance, fantasy and melodrama genres into binge watch format.

      • @Ksena What nonsense are you talking? Even Netflix data shows that the dramas that simulcast are more popular than any of the Netflix Originals that drop on one day. QoT for example stayed in the top 10 for 15 weeks. All other Netflix Originals are out by week 5. Most don’t even last 3 weeks and the hype moves on the next show. Netflix themselves have admitted this so what nonsense are you talking? I also agree that these 4 dramas in particular didn’t need to be Originals they would have had good ratings and performance on tv itself. And no you can’t just watch 2 episodes a week by choice since spoilers are everywhere and the discussion dies down after 2-3 weeks. Nobody remembers the drama after that. Not everyone can be Squid Game. Broadcast is still superior to binge watch.

      • @Ksena
        I’m talking about obvious things. I don’t care about this shows popularity, why do I need to care about this? Why do YOU care about this? K-drama can be at top for 1 or for 15 weeks, these things don’t matter to me. And if actors/writers/production teams etc chose to air on Netflix it means they’re okay with that either, so I don’t understand why are you talking about this.
        Spoilers are everywhere was during QOT airing as well, I wasn’t in soc media during that time because everyone talked about spoilers from teasers of next episodes.
        “Nobody remembers the drama after that” – again why do you care so much about other’s people opinion? For me the only thing important if I will remember that drama or not, but you cares about soo lame things, like of others people will remember drama or not, when, I repeat, production team, writer/director/actors etc are okay with that.
        So your reasons to choose tv airing other OTT is more nonsense for me.

    • Totally with you. So weird that rom coms have now made their way as neflix originals. The binge watch format just isn’t the same as the excitement a weekly airing generates. Everything will come true was a conscious choice by KES, but for the others, its a pity.

      • @angrybirds
        How to complain over nothing… How k-drama can be less enjoyable due to her airing format? The plot will be less good or what?
        If a drama good, it will be excitement during watching. The plus of binge watch format is that you’re the one who decide then you’re gonna watch episodes, not to spent 2 or more months on one drama.
        The excitement of weekly airing works if you like to sit on soc media to share your excitement with others, to build some theories and to discuss characters every week, that’s all that this “excitement” about. But if you don’t like to sit on soc media, what’s the point to wait 2 episodes every week during 2 months? What’s excitement in that?

      • P.S.: and even if you like to watch 2 episodes during week, the plus of Netflix is that you still can do it, since no one making you to watch all episodes in one day.
        You’re the one who decide how to watch dramas, that’s a big plus of OTT.

      • @Ksena How to write essays over nothing. How about you stop instructing others on how they like to enjoy their dramas. You can tell others how YOU want to enjoy your dramas. Dont tell me what works for me however as I will decide that on my own and have decided that on my own, tyvm. It is already stated in my initial comment.

  2. Pingback: Kim Sun Ho and Go Yoon Jung Lead Script Reading for Netflix Romance Drama Can This Love be Translated | Parlour News Korea

  3. Commenting before the whiny people who are always crying in the comments section because they don’t like Kim Seon Ho and are salty about his casting 😂

    Oh well, he and GYJ look great together, and the plot definitely sounds interesting! Can’t wait for this and the Kim So Hyun/Chae Jong Hyeop drama!

  4. wow go younjung looks glowing and sun ho looks refreshed too. i was a bit iffy about them being paired up but seeing them side by side changed my mind. they do look good together lol. best of luck to this drama!

  5. Netflix is already promoting this drama pretty strongly with teaser pictures of the actors, the script reading, etc.

    I’m really happy Kim Sun-Ho will be in a drama again. He’s such a good actor!

    I don’t really understand the hype for Go Yoon-Jung. I don’t find her specially more beautiful or charming than the other actresses. She’s not outstanding for me.

    I’m so happy to see Sota Fukushi in a KDrama!!! I wished to find subtitles for his last drama, he looked so hot with this style!

    • GYJ is THE “IT” girl at the moment. People love her deer in the headlights expression whenever she’s confused or overwhelmed. She’s considered an exceptional beauty on par with SHK and Suzy. HSH and her were the two top but after the controversy HSH is laying low for a bit. Currently GYJ is the female celebrity with the most brand endorsements.

      • I’m not exactly a fan of her, but I’m just glad that someone like her who’s actually talented is the current It Girl. As a long time KDrama fan, I’ve witnessed so many untalented actresses who are only pretty faces be hailed as It Girls and get all the plum projects even tho so many talented actresses deserve them more. So I’m certainly not complaining about GYJ’s It Girl status lol. Rooting for actresses like her who can actually act and had to start from playing supporting roles because they don’t have idol agencies buying them lead roles. Good for her!

      • @Billie True she’s pretty and charming plus her real life personality is very down to earth. I’d pick her over anyone like MGY or KHY in the 96 line or any other 20s actress for that matter. She’s got that Je ne sais quoi quality that most actresses in the 20s are lacking these days. I’m not saying she’s exceptionally talented but she draws you in whenever she’s on screen.

      • i agree with @kawi, @billie, and @mei lol. i don’t know why it’s baffling to some people that gyj is the it girl of the moment, she’s got the looks, talent, and star quality. like han so hee, except gyj is a better actress than hsh.

        @mei yup same. sorry to hear fans but MGY is utterly devoid of any top star quality and charisma to me and is quite meh to watch on screen, i’m not surprised she still hasn’t reached a-list status after years in the industry. as for khy, she is talented and has enough star quality but kinda lacking in the visuals department (not saying she’s ugly, i’m just saying she’s not up to par with korean beauty standards, which i personally find stupid, but it is what it is lol). gyj is definitely the one who has the whole package, so to speak. not surprising she blew up immediately lol

      • Yeah, I know she’s successful. But I don’t think she’s special at all neither her apparence neither her acting. She’s pretty and a good actress but it’s all for me.

    • @Sayaris You wrote it yourself, “She’s pretty and a good actress”. LOL. Acknowledging that she is talented enough is already a confirmation for you to understand the hype you claim not to understand. LOL. There are probably better actresses in her age group, but if she has good skills, she can have the IT girl tag no problem. It would be hard for me to see a weak actress with such a label.

      • Agree with all the others that I understand why GYJ is the It girl. I am happy to see her succeed because on top of the visuals she is a very good actress. I’d rather see a pretty, likeable actually talented actress doing well compared to actresses with visuals but lacking acting ability like Han So Hee or Hong Su Zu. I don’t think GYJ is the absolute best in her age group but she is very good and has impressed in all the roles I have seen her in. She has also shown a lot of versatility already in her relatively short career working up from smaller roles to lead.

        @Kawi: Speaking of endorsements the 90s actress with the most endorsements after Go Hyun Jung is now Go Min Si. I have liked her since the underrated ‘Youth of May’ with Lee Do Young so it’s great to see her doing so well. The film ‘Smugglers’ was a huge boost for her popularity and her adorable shocked win at the Blue Dragon awards also went viral. I think her domestic popularity will rise even more with her upcoming dramas and now she is part of a popular variety show.

        @taeri: I think Moon Ga Young’s issue is also that she has pigeonholed herself into romance dramas only. People liked her as the bad girl in the drama she did a few years ago with Woo Do Hwan so maybe she needs to tap into that type of character again.

  6. Glad to see Kim Seon Ho back. People on this blog can find him “icky” all they want, but he IS a talented actor no matter how people try to deny it. Besides, he didn’t commit a crime like Yoochun, Park Shi Hoo, etc. His private life shouldn’t be held against him. If people put him on a pedestal as this perfect “good boy”, then that’s on them. Hope Kim Jung Hyun, another cancelled talented actor, is next to come back. He got rightfully criticized for his treatment of Seohyun, but it’s hardly a crime and he did apologize for it, so it should be all good now.

  7. I did not expect Fukushi to be in here, definitely caught be by surprise and now there’s got to be a love line there too. He got to have an important role to be at the reading table. Now I’m curious what’s to come.

    • @Sunny -You can’t get Seo Yea Ji on any of her allegations now so you want to have a go at her so called ps and nose job. Your shade is so obvious (your post in the YJ agency article yes that one) but any chance to mention YJ now makes you out as being super obsessed. IU, Suzy, SHK, JJH all have had some form of ps -it happens but because YJ is on her way back you can’t let your hatred go and reference her in a post here which is unrelated. I mean really? Is there a day in your life where you can just ignore YJ? In context, take a look at JJH in this article -her eyes and nose are totally different to her face today. Gosh get over your YJ angst why don’t you.

      • @Mummabear You don’t own this website and anyone can mention who the fuck they like. SYJ’s nose job is so obvious and I’ll make sure to mention it in every single post where it fits just to piss you off then. You’re such a pathetic weasel of a fan who thinks everyone should shut up and never mention SYJ unless they say she is the star and the universe. Meanwhile, you can’t even practice what you preach and in turn not only mention but post a link of a completely unrelated actress here. The hypocrisy is glaringly obvious just like SYJ’s new nose.

      • @Royal We- My help is everything I need on this blog + well well well you finally reared your hypocritical head? I sound like I’m mentally unwell? That’s pretty low especially from you. Umm you shouldn’t throw around being mentally unwell so casually here oh enlightened one. Check yourself out first my dear and just do me a favour – sit this one out.

      • @Royal We

        Indeed. Seriously, some people desperately need help and you were responding to someone quite high in the list 🤦🏼‍♀️

      • @LilY-Yes I looked around did a bit of a google search and you’re right I don’t own the website. Oh no but please look at the post where @Sunny noted reference to YJ nose which is just a continuation from the last article- why do that when this article has nothing to do with YJ at all. Different article; different actors. It’s called obsession.

        What’s with the swearing; so obviously you’re so knotted up over my posting it’s no doubt it’s pissing you off instead -oh the rage! Now you’re showing yourself up; the temptation is too great not to rant and get that dig in YJ. Nice try though.

      • @Butterfly- Guess what? I feel better now you’ve joined the party. I was waiting for your TED talk to commence; it’s part of my self help therapy that Royal we recommended. Nice to know you both care; being the self appointed shrinks on this blog. I’m so lucky!

      • @Mumma Bear: You are ridiculous. Why are you ranting across multiple posts an bringing up other actresses just because I said SYJ has a good nose job? I am not even criticising her PS. Everybody knows she had her nose done because dramas and pictures with her pre-2016 face exist and it is a very good nose job. She clearly had a very good surgeon. I mentioned her good PS in this post to compare to what I consider the bad nose job by KSH’s surgeon.

      • @Lily, it’s obviously a stretch for you to accuse Mumma Bear with so many negative labels. I like to use mental gymnastics to describe keyboard trolls going all over the top to gaslight netizens who they are not. I have observed you have that kinda obnoxious fetish to be extraordinarily snarky at something you’re displeased to read about, either on C-ent side or on K-ent side.

        Mumma Bear is entitled to defend her fave, not worse at all than many rabid fans of a certain K actor who went on a lunatic spree to fervently defend their own faves to 100+ comments in an unrelated blog. LMAO. Hypocrite? That’s you!

        Get med! LOL.

      • @Mumma Bear, I’m basically seeing the same cohort of rabid fans of QoT and perhaps most rabid fans of KSH close rank to have a pile on over fans of whoever they consider might be a blemish on their fave’s resume considering she’s a costar ever stealing spotlight from their fave in IONTBO. LOL.

        I’m not saying SYJ is a blemish on their fave’s resume given the negative publicity of her relationship. But these cohort of rabid fans appear pretty gullible of whatever internet told them and chose to consider SYJ to be someone who deserves their constant mockery out of spite. I don’t see anything wrong with you defending your fave as her fan.

        I’m not SYJ’s fan. I like KSH but not his dedicated fan either. I’m actually not a dedicated fan of any K actors although I’ve been an avid fan of K dramas. I don’t have high regard for ppl who like to ride on high horses without discipline of the words they picked to attack ppl with opposing opinions. I don’t mind triggering them either. They are pretty comical and amusing with a huge mental gym sitting in their minds. This one Lily is particularly a pest on this site and pretty pathetic by her own word. LMAO.

      • @Sunny- That’s my point -You needed a dig today so you chose ps as the topic -good or bad ps the mere fact of the mention is ridiculous in itself. Back at you though. I referenced JJH purely as a reason that other actresses do ps all the time as an example and the last time I looked there was no rule against naming other actresses on this blog or is there?

      • @Somebody
        You obsession with Kim Soohyun rivals that of his fans and it’s a tad disturbing. This is upteeth post where you decidedly name drop him without any rhyme or reason. It’s obvious you want to pick a fight with his fans because of some history. As a neutral, I usually find this sort of thing entertaining in a clownish way but no matter what you or his fans decide to fight on; the guy has been a top actor for god knows how long now. Your opinion of him being overshadowed / overrated / yadayadayada does not actually change the reality: the whole of Kent thinks too highly of him. And yes that includes him in IOTNBO. His acting reviews have been immaculate from WISFC until today. His Baeksang record is unrivalled amongst any male or female in his age bracket and that is the highest honor for kdrama actors. I’m neutral on him but you will likely tag me as another ‘KSH fan’ and I can’t stop you from doing that. But I’ll give you some free suggestion: tone down the obsession with him or at least keep it to posts on him. The way I see it, it’s pointless to wage a fight against someone who has the receipts to back up their claims. It makes you look like a big stubborn baby refusing to let go of something.

      • @🧔, LOL. You read too much and totally missed the points. You’re squandering paragraphs to lecture me how almighty actor KSH is. I got it!
        I don’t disagree about that though since I have been his fan for years and his breakout hit Moon Embracing the Sun is still one of my all time favorite dramas. But I don’t associate myself with his fan club full of unhinged loonies who worship an ordinary human being like a saint if not a god. LOL. This rabid sort of lunatics would go nuts whenever KSH isn’t praised to the galaxy or when ppl praise or defend his costar more than KSH himself, e.g., SYJ. LOL.

        I don’t care what you or others think of me. We are strangers online. Your opinions have no bearings in my real life. LOL. But I won’t hesitate to speak of my mind how much I look down on the bunch of these emos who are always oversensitive and overreact. It’s fine if they just hide their mental gym in their dead brain cells without attacking ppl. But once condescending words such as “pathetic weasel” were spewed from a pest like @Lily to insult others (since it’s not the first time she was so mean to others on this site), I wouldn’t sit still without giving her a nasty taste she deserves too. LOL

        You, are no exception! Attacking me without following the whole slew of exchanges and getting how this happened with logic, your mind is already boggled. Just get off of your foolish high horse! LOL.

    • @Somebody – sucking up to the one person who hasn’t had a fight with you yet on this site?How utterly pathetic and doubly hilarious🤣 you are the pest on this site and everyone knows it lmfao. Haven’t watched a single C drama in my life so clearly you argued with another person and assumed it was me. How predictable. You wanna ask Koala to check the IP add? Go right ahead 😉

      Also, what a psycho to bring in Kim Soohyun in a completely unrelated post after literally saying “you have the right to defend your fav” 🤣🤣🤣then you go on a rant about his fans when there isn’t a single mention of him here other than you desperately hoping to get some bite on him being “overshadowed”. Your opinion on him or anyone is important as the dust that’s piling on my shelf. We all know the truth and that makes it even better to see how you keep losing your ever loving mind over it article after article. You like triggering ppl? Same love, I am gleeful that you are triggered over him and keep posting about him like an obsessed fool but most of the time no one even bothers reading your comment let alone responding. But I did! You’re very welcome!

      Also, it’s quite poetic to see one pest defend another. Birds of a feather…

      • @Lily -Nope thats’s you and your ilk here sorry ‘It’s quite poetic to see one pest defend another. Birds of a feather’ Such originality from you, you sure are moving up in the world with your pest and bird reference. What can we expect next -umm perhaps mammals and dandelions? Oh happy though no swearing I’ll give you credit for that.

      • @Lily, see you really got triggered at the mention of rabid of KSH’s fans. Look at the paragraphs of garbage you rambled. LMAO. Sorry not sorry I’ll write you paragraphs of credits you deserve without reading your lengthy gibberish. Stop overthinking yourself as somebody that deserves attention! LMAO.

        You were the one calling out Mumma Bear like other angry Asian birds (and there was indeed a user named angrybirds on the site LMAO). It’s rightful for Mumma Bear to react when her fave was mentioned out of nowhere while this OP has nothing to do with SYJ at all. So in your eyes, it makes sense for cloudy @Sunny to even threw shade on SIJ while you went all nuts bcos I called out a bunch of KSH bananas who are indeed the same bunch of lunatic fans of KSH. LMAO. The level of your hypocrisy is quite speechless.

        You are the most mean spirited drag on this site. You have a long track records throwing shade dissing those who just dislike what or whom you like. I have observed quite a few times how you have a fetish to puke mouthful trash on those who differ from you with your hellish tongue from the heck, usually with mockery and barbs.

        LOL. I found KSH rabid fans pretty fascinating and dramatic, not KSH himself or his dramas and whatnot. LMAO. Simple as it is! Stop exercising excessive mental gymnastics to twist the fact.

      • @mummabear my only response to you: the last line of my previous comment. Re read at leisure 🤣

      • @Somebody your bullshit is too long. So happy for you or sorry it happened.

        But Kim Soohyun is an amazing actor!! The absolute best!! Now, write me another long essay. I like feeling important with all the rage and fury you feel 😉 Now 3, 2, 1, Go!

      • @Silly Lily, nope! I’ve been quite amused and entertained by the angst you flared up yourself. As I stressed again and over again, your internet personality deserves all the funny jokes throw back on you cos you wrote paragraphs like doing ads for the circus you own. LMAO.

        “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.”

    • @Lily – I reread it again and? Now what? Oh I like your lil emoji very telling on the emphasis of your post. You must be a riot at parties with all your self importance + judgment calls. Oh go you + now run along to your crayolas n colouring book.

      • @Lily now you try comprehending it except it’s too complicated for your brain to process huh? And awww is that what you do in your past time – drawing? Don’t project 🤣

        I’ll echo what everyone else said here and end it with: get some professional help. You need it.

      • @mummabear now you try to comprehend it except it’s too complicated for your brain to process huh? And awww is that what you do in your past time – drawing? Don’t project 🤣

        I’ll echo what everyone else said here and end it with: get some professional help. You need it. See you in the next one where someone or the other will trash your trashy SYJ. Can’t wait!

      • @Lily – See you waited all this time to say ‘trashy SYJ’ when you could have said that the first time you replied because that’s what you really wanted to say now isn’t it? You showed your true colours calling me out to get professional help when all I am doing is defending my fave on this site and you act all indignant that I have a serious mental issue like it’s the norm. No, you’re the one getting all up n arms and having a temper tantrum when you misread my run along to your crayolas and colouring book too. KP loves to run SYJ articles for the mere fact she gets her views and comments. I mean a article about KSH and GYJ half of the comments here are on SYJ nose. Why is that @Lily? It’s because there is group of your triggered as YJ anti’s that really do despise her and it’s so entrenched in your psyche you can’t let it go. Any given opportunity you have is to splurge it here. So if there is any professional help needed it’s the likes of you that need to realise people are not perfect they make mistakes so if need some legos block holla your address and I’ll send you some so that you can build a bridge to get over it. Peace and a ton of love your way cos you’re gonna need it.

  8. Will give this a miss even though I really like Go Young Jung. She is a “visual” but she also is very talented, versatile and likeable. I can understand why she is one of the top actresses in her age group.

    I didn’t like this guy in dramas even before his scandal. I find his characters always come across as smug and smarmy and he would make a better villain. I had to drop his romcom with Shin Min Ah because he was so unappealing. Lookswise, I cannot unsee his terrible nose job either (funny because I was just complimenting Seo Yea Ji’s very good nose job yesterday). The other two actors in the cast are so much better looking. I need a romantic lead to be good-looking and/or charismatic but he is neither IMO. A downgrade compared to the infinitely superior and more talented Son Sukku who was originally offered this role.

    As for the Hong Sisters I used to like their work but I don’t think they have made a consistently good quality drama in years. Their recent dramas seem to fall apart in the second half.

    • Same. I can’t stand to watch the guy either and believe me I’ve TRIED to give him a go, many many times. I was surrounded by his fans on social media at one time and I wanted to really see what they saw in him… but he just has that weird *something* that completely puts me off of him, and yeah too felt this way even before his scandal. Bad vibes I guess lol

      • @Junebug: Same x2! When his scandal happened I was thinking no wonder he gave me the ick all this time – my intuition must be even better than I thought🤣

  9. I sort of understand a more established actress/similar age actress agreeing to work with KSH. She’ll be able to water down the inevitable chatter that will go around in sk with KSH’s return to rom coms. But GYJ, as popular as she is, is still a rising star so this is somewhat risky. If it goes down well, it’ll mainly benefit KSH, but if it tanks, GYJ’s in the line of fire. Even her fans aren’t very happy about the pairing based on Twitter reactions. Oh wells.

    • It’s a Netflix original romcom. I don’t see how it could tank? Netflix can always invent numbers to make to look successful.

      • Huh? Why would Netflix randomly invent numbers? There are a LOT of Netflix originals that tanked this year alone. The 8 Show, Hierarchy are the latest two. And they are both getting thrashed in sk. It’s not like being a Netflix original means there is no score card.

      • @Lily: In a way I think it can be easier to tank on Netflix than TV as an unsuccessful NF drama can kind of just come and go in a week or two and quickly forgotten with the numerous other NF dramas coming out weekly and there isn’t much to quantify beside top 10 positions. Compared to an airing drama which runs for two months and where everyone can watch the various ratings and indices week on week.

        I wouldn’t put ‘The 8 Show’ and ‘Hierarchy’ in the same box. Hierarchy was just straight trash for lack of a better word. Even people who went into it for nothing but the pretty faces admit it was trash. The 8 Show had polarising reviews as people were expecting another Squid Game and it definitely wasn’t that but consensus is that the acting was very good and premise was intriguing even if the overall drama was unsatisfying. The actors just got a bunch of nominations at the Blue Dragon OTT awards and none of them are actors with big fandoms behind them to mass vote.

    • Lmao of course stan Twitter folks aren’t happy about it, when are they ever happy? Twitter is a cesspool full of miserable people who whine all day about the littlest things and those people aren’t exactly known for having nuanced opinions, they have a black and white mentality. They probably think KSH is evil incarnate because they lack nuance and the ability to think that most people aren’t just good and evil 🙄

      • lol, ummm that’s a little too much generalization. Lack of nuance and ability to think? That’s evident enough on this article, let alone this blog.

        Anyway, I’m not GYJ fan (or KSH fan either) but her fans are against it not due to only the scandal, but the age gap. I see it quite evidently but it’s not jarring enough to throw me off as long as they don’t try to brush it under the rug. Have a bigger issue with the Hong Sisters tho. They’ve not had a decent drama in prob 10 years. HDL is potentially the only exception but that didn’t even feel like a rom com due to the lack of chemistry (something their leads were entirely known for in their earlier years)

      • well i will never argue with KSH’s lunatic fans either cuz they still think a guy with that behaviour deserve a second chance. Keep on walking to the toilet path with your oppar!

    • This type of drama obviously did not call for an established actress. Han So-hee was previously offered but she turned it down (although not new but not set in stone either, her decision turned out to be a blessing for the production, given her negative press).

      I believed GYJ took this project due to her agency connection w/ the investors and HongSisters plus the value of production ( does seems to be a larger scales). There’s was an article recently regarding her agency’s owner expanding more investment, diversifying their artists, & correlating to investor in this projection.

      Given KSH’s scandal, if this project is successful, he will resurface again w/out no limitation on projects offered. GYJ will continue to shine too if this project does will, given her previous projects she continues to have positive and generated new fans (despite being supporting or having fans opposing her due to the switching actress thing in AOS). Plus “Moving” is apparently in the writing state and her character will be the main focus, so this girl has positive thing to look forward too (despite the set back w/ her Dr. related dramas).

    • @Lily: I think GYJ mainly took this role as a favour to the Hong Sisters because she has a good relationship with them after AoS and they were struggling to find an FL but I think this is a poor call by her agency. She doesn’t need this drama as she is in the top tier of young actresses right now and getting lots of offers. If it is a success the ML will benefit as it’s his comeback vehicle and he has the more interesting character judging by the synopsis. Conversely, I do think if the drama tanks she can emerge unscathed and the blame will be on the casting of a questionable ML or a mismatched pairing (visually, these two don’t match at all IMO) or the writing.

      • @Sunny I doubt any actor/actress took some role as a favour to writers. Their careers is not a joke to decide things like this.
        I watched last Hong sisters drama without fantasy trope, The greatest love, and it was good, so it’s not like script are bad for sure.

      • @Ksena: Maybe “favour” is too facetious a word but this kind of situation to help a former colleague does happen in the industry. It doesn’t happen often but it does happen.

        It’s what happened in Alchemy of Souls 1 when they fired the original FL actress, Park Hye Eun, because of poor acting. They had already started filming with that actress and Jeon So Min replaced her at the last minute with literally only a few days notice as a favour to the PD Park Joon Hwa. She had previously filmed a hit drama (Because This Is My First Life) with this PD and also a cameo in two of his dramas so they had a good relationship and he asked her to take over the FL role in that difficult situation.

    • @Sunny you’re right and I agree that a failed OTT drama is hardly a resume dent vs a lowly rated drama aired on cable or national tv. So this is probably the best outcome to keep things on level ground for her career. It does well and she gets the high without the risk of the low.

      As for 8 Show, the issue is the budget and expectations vs the eventual outcome. It was a highly anticipated drama and was in production for a long time before it came out. It’s considered a flop in Korea, and looking at Netflix numbers, it’s pretty bad. But you’re correct it’s not at Hierarcy’s level of failure. As for the actors getting nominations, outside popularity awards they don’t need a big fandom. The actors in 8 Show is way stronger than Hierarchy so I understand why they have nominations. I don’t think it reflects the quality of the drama as a lone factor.

      • @Lily: Yes. I’d still rather she wasn’t in this but I think as long as GYJ serves visuals and outfits and gives a decent performance the risk will be minimal. The real test for GYJ will be Wise Resident’s life when it finally airs.

        Fair point about The 8 Show. It did fail to meet expectations. I wonder if it would have fared a bit better in terms of viewers if IU hadn’t dropped out? I haven’t watched it but from what I have read about Chun woo Hee’s performance I really can’t imagine IU playing the role .

  10. Useless at this stage to write up lengthy analysis and speculation of what the drama may turn out, successful or a flop !!! LOL. I’ll give this drama a shot given that I do like GYJ given her performances in two hit dramas that I like very much. I couldn’t even tell she was the same actress in Moving when I watched AoS later. That’s decent enough for me to see her potential even she’s not considered a seasoned actress YET. Unlike certain famous actors who has always given me the same vibe and aura in their recent projects for years even though they are considered good (or even great) actors in the acting department. They are getting boring! It’s not boring yet for me to watch GYJ.

    I know nothing about the ML, KSH. So I won’t judge him based upon ppl’s opinions here.

    Thanks Koala for the information. Please keep us posted for any update.

  11. One person in this comments section is entirely too obsessed with KSH and the love he gets looollzz. It’s not the first time I’m seeing it and most of the time it’s funny no on even responds. Btw, it’s not Kim Sunho I’m taking about.

    I hope the drama does well if only for GYj who has had some bad luck with her resident drama being pushed back indefinitely. She has some good momentum but a long break followed up a bad drama would be such a pity. She’s very promising.

    • LOL pretty sure the regulars here just sees the same username, skips the comment and moves on. Not worth the time or brain space at least for me anyway. In my understanding Resident Playbook is scheduled for early 2025. I doubt they would push it back further than that. Romance in the Midnight which was the replacement for that time slot did so poorly, part of me thinks they should have just gone ahead with the OG plan.

  12. I’m not fond of acting both of leads, and not a fan of them as IT people, so because of this not sure if together they will be better than separate.
    But I watched last Hong sisters drama without a fantasy trope, The Greatest Love (it was aired more than a decade ago, but anyway), and it was good, Cha Seung Won was very good portraying comedic role, he got MBC Best actor award for that, and Gong Hyo Jin won Baeksang (although her role wasn’t so impressive for that big award for me).
    And talking about age gap is hilarious, as many other k-dramas have age gap between actors, no matter whom is older. It never was a problem for good chemistry or acting.
    So, Sisters Hong can do it, to write a good romcom drama, fingers crossed for their script and cast.

    • She’s the one who chose to act with him. He was first choice, so she knew who will be a male lead. So by saying “save her” you don’t care about her opinion.

    • Tired of you all faux-feminists infantalizing women. “SaVe HeR” LMAO. Was she held at a gunpoint to take this project? Was she forced to do this? It’s HER decision to act in this project and you’re disrespecting her decision just because you dislike him 🙄

  13. I will go against the grain. I really like KSH who is a strong actor outside this personal situation. He worked hard doing supporting roles for years before landing Start-up. Unfortunate that the image he carried from that break out was perfect guy so he fell down harder than he’d have otherwise.
    Meanwhile I don’t care for GYJ’s acting but I did only see her in AoS. Found her acting slightly wooden and lacking of facial expressions.
    Based on the photos they look ok with nothing special to point out but also nothing sticking out like a sore thumb either. The age difference is obvious due to both of them looking like their ages so I hope there is a narrative reasoning behind the casting choice. Afterall, HS were after an older actor even before KSH was cast.

    • I totally agree. thats why i feel nervous for any actor who breaks out after playing a “green flag” or “good boy” type character. Now fangirls have unrealistic expectations about these actors being “perfect” with absolutely no flaws. Once they show any signs o being a human being, these fangirls are also the first to turn on them

      • the flaw in question relates to him being a certified A hole. but i guess celebs can really get away with anything in life

      • @del
        Lol, not only celebs, but any other can get away with your A hole declaration.
        As long as he’s not criminal your personal opinion about him doesn’t mean anything. You can’t fire someone just because he’s “certified A hole” for you, and you dislike him. He has a lot of fans who thinks otherwise, and as long as he’s not criminal he can works anywhere he wants.

  14. Dumbass thinks I’d ever care about if ppl read or respond to my comments or not. LOL. Stop overstating your self importance, gymnastic queens! LOL. Everyone here online is a perfect stranger to one another. Who do you think you’re? My boss or my clients or my significant ones? LOL. Koala’s blog is just one social media among many like Youtube where anyone is free to say anything and entitled to personal opinions. That’s your petty business to be hungry for attention seeking anyone to read and respond to your comments. Not me though, as if I had no real life but latched on keyboard as many visitors of this site have been doing so without real business to work on in real life. SMH. LMAO.

    I’ll say what I want to say and respond to what I feel like to. None of your nosy business! LOL.

    It’s so amusing to read so much mental trampoline gymnastics going on among quite a few commenters. LOL. What a circus!

  15. Kim Sunho looks like an asian Kris Jenner to me lmao. GYJ is far too pretty to be coupled up with him onscreen. Hard to take this pairing seriously

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