
C-netizens Shocked that Wang Yibo Nominated for Best Actor at the 2024 Golden Rooster Awards Over Movie Male Lead Veteran Huang Bo — 97 Comments

  1. Honestly,i dont think he’s gonna win,i feel like he was only added to nominations for publicity. The Golden Rooster will lose its credibility, althought they have some questionable choices they still award respected actors. The only Wang Yibo drama i have watched so far is War of Faith and he impressed me with his performance. He will have more chances in the future, he just needs to stop doing random side quests and start shooting projects.

    • Of course he won’t win. That is for sure. Being nominated is an affirmation that he is accepted into the circle which is already good enough for a nation who cares about face more than anything else.

    • Of course he won’t win. Being nominated is already good enough affirmation that he is accepted in the circle for a nation who cares about face more than anything.

  2. He won’t win but getting nominated for such a prestigious award is already an achievement. Good for him and his fandom👍 His haters can suck it up.

  3. His fans attacked Wanyang and wife before cause yibo is the main lead and more screentimes now if reverse they said yibo is acted better than the veteran actor, unrelated matter now they’r trying to attack another actor whom always compared to yibo but never won/nominee by prestigious award like wang yibo. I guess his fan always like attack everybody.

    • I heard it is not about screen time but whose acting impressed the audience more. Obviously for people who have seriously watched both drama and movie, the two veterans actors acting did not make an impression on the audience.

      From reading the comments here, I gather there are not many commenters here who have seriously watched both drama and movie.

      • Ive read his fans posted about magnolia award on weibo they think wyb deseved the nominee than wy because he is main lead, more popular and more screen times and now they close their eyes when many people questioning same thing about his movie award.
        I saw war of faith, his acting not got any better than wanyang but his fans will say otherwise and will praise him till the sky. You can see who more get job after the drama. Wanyang got more the offer not wyb, of course his fans will saying wyb has another project but let be honest what more important than get an offer movies or drama unless he waiting the offer to be a man central drama and top production movie which its gonna difficult for him cause he need passed the audition.

      • I agree, Wang Yibo was superior in War of Faith with no question, and he was the lead actor, not Wang Yang. It is not a matter of seniority. In One and Only, he is also the main lead, the story is about Chen Shuo, and he was superb!! Deserved nomination!!!

      • @Mio did you watch the movie?

        Since you watched war of faith, which is your favourite Wang yang scene? I kept seeing scenes of wei ruo lai such as the drunken scenes, the speech scenes, the tortured scenes on socmed but seldom seen any Wang yang scenes on socmed.

        I don’t like red theme dramas since they are political based so I refrained from watching them but I have watched the movie and would be interested to discuss the movie as per who should be nominated instead of all these names calling in the comments.

      • My favorite from WoF is the emotional scene between wangyang and Liqin. I havent watched the movie but maybe i will.

      • @Mio ok thanks. Let me search on socmed to find this scene. I like LiQin because she is very pretty.

    • The million dollar question is why did WangYang”s wife comment in the first place to get in the fan fight? Everyone knows if you work with traffic stars, you will get all the bad things that come with exposure, so why get into the mess abd then cry foul? I mean look at the fan pressure that made directors change makeup of top actress, first billing war between Ml and FL etc etc, it’s part of business why get into it

  4. Yeah, I wonder how this happened lol literally everyone knows, netizens have been mocking him since this came out.

    He hasn’t joined any film crew in over 500 days. Yuehua is getting desperate. They are trying to boost him with this. It won’t work of course, he is still getting rejected.

    • Wow! You are really lol!
      What about the 2nd movie with Cheng er?

      You know anything about it since you know how to count to 500 days.

      • @Rofl

        There is no second movie with Cheng Er yet. You have been crying that it has been filmed since April only to have Bona publish in their official financial report in July that the movie is still in preparation.

        Your bagel is picking his feet. Deal with it.

    • Oh lol but I heard that Cheng er himself said in the discovery documentary that Cheng er worked with him for the 2nd movie and Cheng er caused him a lot of pain.

      Didn’t anyone tell you when they tell you that it was 500 days? Lol?

      • @lol sorry I don’t understand. English is not my forte. Dictionary says bagel is a dense bread roll in the shape of a ring, made by boiling dough and then baked. I don’t think I have eaten it so y u say my bagel, do I have a bagel?

        So did I get the meaning of bagel correct? Cos why you say it has feet and what is picking feet?

    • Netizens have praised his acting in China and in all the countries One and Only was released, currently a big success in Japan. It also got several international awards. Netizens in China love Yibo, and you dare say he is rejected? You are repeating haters nonsense without checking. Are you part of his team or Yehua? How can you talk about his schedule or his agency feelings?

    • How much of a power do you think Yuehua has? He should have won several awards till now by that standard. Why doesn’t everyone accept that the guy is improving with his every project and is hete to stay. Also, he has an eye for projects. All of his movies got nominated, even the dud, half cut movie this summer was the highest grosser.
      @koala – I really like reading your blogs, and most of your posts focus on news but when it comes to WYB, do you always have to be mocking and insulting? Don’t post about him if you don’t like him dear, there are other popcorn worthy gossips too.

  5. the wang yibo criticism is valid but i feel bad for li geng xi. im not familiar with her but it sucks that her work is being marred by this as collateral damage. it just feels really mean to throw rocks at her for failing the college entrance exams multiple times as if that’s any indication of her quality of acting

    • Everyone knows these awards go to whoever pays the most. Wang Yibo has Yuehua to buy him all his award noms. They bought him a nomination as supporting actor last year. And guess what that got him? Nothing. He hasn’t joined a film crew in almost 2 years. It’s so embarrassing to snub veteran actors for some guy the industry won’t even employ anymore. Those judges don’t care to throw away the reputation of the award as long as their pockets get filled. Awarding a bunch of talentless nepo capital pets is the reason why no one takes c-ent seriously and why netizens can’t even be bothered to watch award shows anymore. A failed industry full of water and fandom fights. 🥴

      • I agree with most of your comment but i dont think no one wants to employ him. There so many dramas being produced he is not so unpopular that he can’t find a job. Probably a case of team and artist arrogance thinking they are bigger than they actually are and only considering top projects. In his case it seems he wants to do movies and this nomination could be a boost in that direction. I’m not sure if it was deserved or not since i didnt watch it.

      • @Lizzy8

        He is being rejected even for third leads. It’s not a secret in China, everyone knows, it’s even known which movies he auditioned for. He has tried and tried and everyone is saying no. Some very publicly like Chen Kaige and some not, still the same result.

        Why, well it is not actually that difficult to figure out.

      • @Nah that just means he wants to do movies and yehua has poor movie resources or his acting rep not that great. Love him or hate him WYB is popular and could easily get drama roles. His team need to be realistic and choose dramas because doing documentary and racing games wont do much for him to get movie roles.

      • @Lizzy8

        Nope. Nobody wastes a year and a half if they can get at least one thing to fill up the time. Nobody. If they could have gotten it for him, he would have joined a drama. He tried there too. The reason he filmed that embarrassing “documentary” is because there was nothing else.

        He is picky, waiting for movies, etc are all just excuses and they are excuses whether they are being used by Wang Yibo, Deng Wei or someone third.

      • @Nah what is so embarrassing about the discovery documentary? Tell me Tell me pretty please 🥺

      • You do tealise that you are insulting everyone who got an award earlier. Because it means they paid the most. Huang Bo was in Fengshen1 too, he did not get nominated there too but no fuss happened.Keep an eye, his contract with Yuehua gets over in a couple of years. What will you blame when he keeps winning then too. Also, when other actors get limelight for their affairs and scandals, he runs for Olympics, saves wildlife, dives into extere sports and even brings car racing to limelight, the guy is literally everywhere. How will you ignore his contributions. Also he hates limelight, no interviews, no greasy talks, how does he get all this without actually being good at something. Did yuehua drive his racing car? They climbed 5000 meters of snow mountain for him Let the kid enjoy his life

      • @ilovekdramas

        I thank you for the laugh. I think I laughed five minutes straight. In fact, your comment was so hilarious I took a screenshot of it. I will take it out whenever I am down and laugh myself sick.

        Ah, best comedy of my life.

    • @Nah, another one who falsely claims knowledge about Wang Yibo career and is evidently a hater.
      Wang Yibo give high quality works in every field, is very successful and in demand, and is loved by gp.
      His last released work, the ETU documentary, was top 1 above dramas, during weeks after it ended. It is very good and inspirational, and has captured the hearts of gp of all ages.
      One and Only movie, for which he is nominated, is also a gp favorite. I recommend you watch it!!

  6. Veteran actor Chen Baoguo had previously made a suggestion for actors and actresses to submit an essay about their roles to get nominated for acting awards. C-netz think he had known about this list of Golden Rooster nominees already and was shading them.

    • Lol..did he ask? so funny. Chen Baoguo is one of my favourite veteran. I enjoyed Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine because of him… along with many other projects

      • Go watch his works and judge for yourself. No one can tell you whether blue cheese taste good or not unless you tried it yourself.

    • For those who don’t know Chen Baoguo, he is one of the top senior veteran actors, having won numerous acting awards and accolades. For some reason, C-ent has this great respect for actors who can take on the roles of famous powerful emperors (projects where that emperor is the main lead and the story revolves around him/her), and still come out well. Chen Baoguo had acted as Emperor Wu of Han and Emperor Hongwu of Ming and left a deep impression on the Chinese audience.

      Apparently there is some Chinese beliefs that if your fate/fortune is not strong enough and you take on the role of historical figures with extremely strong fate/fortune like Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Emperor Wu of Han and Emperor Wu Zetian, you will be cursed and receive drastic bad luck. For example, Liu Xiaoqing and Fan Bingbing had taken on the role of Wu Zetian and they’ve both gotten into serious troubles later on.

      • Oh…I read about that belief before… But never really connected with anyone… One of my best Wu Zetian is Fung Bo Bo. She can carry that role really well…

      • @HL I don’t think much of the curse, but I do think that there are valid reasons for C-ent and C-netz to hold such high respect for these actors who portrayed the famous and strong emperors well. Actors usually will be more convincing the more similarities he has with the role. So if an actor can portray a strong emperor very well, it means he has the aura and qualities similar to that emperor. And people tend to admire strong people.

      • @Lilith, I definitely agree with that. I have my share of veteran actors/actresses I admire who portray strong historical figures. I will add Nie Yuan to the list.. I have afew Korean veteran actors I admire too.

      • Wow that is such unique theory… fate… now I gotta read chinese novel about fate. It seems interesting

  7. wang yibo getting nominated with possibility of even winning is the best testament why Korean and Japanese entertainment are better than Mainland ent.

  8. I feel bad for idols turn actors. Due to their fans and being idol, the effort and hard work the put and improvement are always being neglected.

  9. I am not a fan of either Wang Yibo or Li Gengxi (though I don’t have anything against them either), but I don’t understand why having a university degree is important for actors (or dancers, for that matter). Do people think big Hollywood stars are all college professors or something? Who cares as long as they can act?

    • Wang Yibo can’t act. Or write.

      And why must your social norms apply everywhere? Who made you the arbiter of how other countries will behave? In China, education is valued and as idols are looked at as role models , certain things are required. Like being able to write. Or form a coherent sentence when you are asked a simple question about your role.

      You are just going to have to deal with the fact that if you choose an illiterate for your idol, he will get called out on it.

      • Well, I don’t have “idols” as I am older than 13. Are you suggesting “having idols” is also a social norm? Or being rude and attacking people online? Do you consider any of the nonsense that is posted online for or against an actor as “how China behaves”? 🤪🤪🤣🤣

      • This nonsense doesnt deserve a reply. It is obvious you are just a hater of a hardworking,talented and successful artist. I guess your discernment is lacking.

    • I suggest you to not take to heart or seriously whatever comes from fans of Chinese celebrities. Take it as a child’s play. They’re all mentally vulnerable people being manipulated by their “idols”. In fandom’s culture it’s normal to behave worse than rabid dogs in fanwars and competition of whatever kind. It’s clear Lol is a fan of celebrities who are competing with WYB so the fandoms are competing with each other besides fighting in fanwars too.

      I must say that When it comes to acting, China is not known for good acting from their popular celebrities.

  10. Claiming that Yibo is a second male lead in OnO movie is too stupid and only shows that someone didn’t bother to watch the movie. Yibo may be the second billing (exactly out of respect for Huang Bo), but he’s the male lead. It’s a youth sports movie centered around Yibo’s character, the director himself confirmed that the idea wouldn’t exist without Yibo and the script was written while looking at Yibo’s photo. The only people mad about this nomination are yxhs and fans of a certain actor who can’t get any nomination lol

  11. The lesson veteran actors can learn from this is to avoid WYB like the plague as he and his hysterical fandom are trouble either way.
    There is absolutely nothing in his acting which would justify the attention he generates anyway. It’s all hype.

  12. @Rofl I saw first 30 minutes of this movie I can’t find his acting is worthy for nomination so I asked what’s your problem? 🤔

  13. Being an outsider, I am appalled at all the names calling that is happening on weibo. How can a country be considered as a civilized nation when their people have to resort to labelling and names calling. I guess that is why K dramas are so much more popular than C dramas. Sorry friends, not watching C dramas, I will continue to watch K dramas.

      • @Lilith, what do you mean? Jan? I’m confused 🫨

        Do you mean I should say something on both sides about the movie?

        Ding Lei is so funny when he put plastic bags on his feet when in the sports car.
        Ding Lei is vulgar when he vomited in the restaurant after giving the money to Chen Shou

        Chen Shou cries so helplessly when his mom replaced him at the wedding banquet
        Chen Shou is a fool for believing Ding Lei

        Anything else I need to write here?

      • No, hun. It means you are a WYB fan. And a Chinese one. Seeing as you don’t even know this famous meme.

      • @Lilith, wow! We have a mind reader here. So what are you then?

        The oracle? 🥶

        I am Judge Dredd: I am The Law
        I don’t like labels and names calling.

        The commenters here including you are weird. Instead of focusing on the subject of the movie one and only and discussing it, you all prefer to diss each other and be know it all about C entertainment and talk about people personality and characters🤦

        I only watch dramas and movies for the characters and I don’t bother about fans and real people.

        I just don’t like names calling and labels without a basis.

        @lilith so you got a weibo account?

      • @Lilith

        Bukan semua manusia di Dunia ini adalah Dari Dua negara yang besar itu. Jadi bukan semua orang tahu tentang meme Brady Bunch.

        Tajuk rencana ini tentang anugerah ayam emas. Jadi sepatutnya diskusi aktor Dan cerita one and only. Tapi semua orang sini suka marah marah sahaja. Tak tahu kenapa.

        Sungguh teruk.

      • Lmao who are you to dictate what we should be talking about here, when the stuff we say are still related to the entertainment industry? You don’t bother about fans and real people? Good, don’t get bothered about online comments then and stick to watching the dramas and movies only.

    • @Lilith

      Did I dictate? Where?
      Are you writing my character for me? So interesting, just like in a drama or movie. Honestly this is just like Kevin Kline in disclaimer drama doing online.

      Wow! Thanks for letting me experience what online western c-ent is like.

      thank you also for letting me live rent free in your mind for however much time it took for you to read and reply me.


  14. The movie IS good. The story is simple and predictable but I think it is getting recognition for the culture shift it is bringing. The Chinese movies primarily are known for fantasy or martial arts. This movie dives into youth interests in things other than traditional dance and action. Also, I watched the movie several times with my family (on not available platforms in my country) and it is enjoyable. The whole drama about War of Faith was not for WangYang being nominated but for main lead role. He was Excellent but was a support role. Also if a movie does great, everyone else gets the credit, if it fails, it’s Wang Yibo movie that flopped. Can you all give the kid a breather. I liked his pangolins documentary too. He did not just make a prefunctory vcr like other celebrities, he actually tended to the animals, made nests and bridges for them, Say what may, the guy never gives less than 100% in everything he does

    • I watched the movie too as I love Street dance. I am a huge Huang Bo fan so I watch the movie for him. This movie was written out of the back of Wang Yibo’s success in Street Dance of China. His fanbase is huge…I call it abit of a fan service movie… But the movie is great and I enjoyed it. I feel Wang Yibo was being himself in the movie. He is doing what he does best. Wang Yibo does give 100% in many of the task he under takes. He is very well respected in the street dance industry.

      I saw 2 eps of his wilderness journey.. he clearly loves being in nature. I dont like Yibo enough to watch more thus will drop it. Does he deserve the nomination, I dont know and it is not one I care to comment.

      To be honest Huang Bo is a veteran, he knows the ins and out of the industry so well. he will not get upset over one award. He will just continue doing what he does best and producing equally good acting to all to watch. This award will not shock his popularity and status in the industry and his viewers.

    • @Ilovekdramas

      Wow! Personal attack! Kaboom! I ask whether or not they have a weibo account cos I don’t have one. I didn’t ask for the name, ok? Please read properly.

      I guess English is not your forte too.

      I love to watch Hellbound and I am watching No Gain No Love because I like Shin Min-a.

      My basis is this article is one sided which is a fact cos there are many good articles by cctv6 and other experts on weibo which my c-ent friends always show me.

      I like Jing Tian n Soso in Wonderland of love drama
      Wang churan n Zhang wanyi in Are You the One drama

      Both are on wetv app so please watch and support support 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

  15. I won’t be replying to anything else thrown at me here one by one because the main point is anyone can say anything online here since there is no law here and this article obviously just took the bad posts from weibo and put them here so I guess this is a place for haters and fans to diss each other to vent their frustrations.

    The basis is one and only is a good movie by Da Peng and all players in it acted well and I like the movie.

    Not a place for movies and drama fans to discuss plots, stories, and the art.

    I will go back to watching Fallout series and Disclaimer thriller. At least Kevin Kline and Xelia Mendes-Jones won’t have this many haters as much of the world are not poisoned by C-ent fans circles brain washing bags.


    P/S I don’t have a weibo account ok
    And I am not from either two big countries. I am just passing through and notice my favourite movie being talked about here so stopped by for a chat.

    I am from a tiny place where no one cares about C-ent, so sad.

  16. tbvh WYB acting from his recent aired drama, War of Faith, got ‘better’ than before (from 0 to 1.5) but definitely not enough to get nomination or even win an award. But then wyb was always a golden eagle award’s favorite. If you follow Chinese ent you know what I am talking about.
    the criticism to WYB are VALID imo and international fans here should have at least basic understanding of the Chinese society, their tradition and culture as so to grasp the criticism towards these ‘undeserving’ celebrities. For reference, Celebrities were rumored to earned about minimum of RMB 50M/US$7.1M per appearance/drama or movie vs majority of working class earning only minimum of RMB 2,690/US$370 per month. Banned actress ZS was rumored to earned RMB 160M/US$ 26M per project. With this humongous pay-gap difference vs knowledge skills, the general public is demanding higher-tier of excellence in all aspects (physical, talent, intelligence, education, character, etiquette, nationalism, etc.) from these high-paid celebrities. Like are you gonna trust a surgeon your life and pay hefty amount for surgery if he cannot even write his own name?
    For LGX, even with decent acting skill, she still get heavy criticism for failing gaokao many times. Gaokao (or The Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges (普通高等学校招生全国统一考试) is THE MOST IMPORTANT EXAM in China that determine a person’s future. A nine-year compulsory education (primary school to high school) is FREE and funded by the government is required to be able to take gaokao.
    WYB failed to complete the 9-year compulsory education which means that he is not even eligible to take gaokao. WYB also had too many gaffes in public like having difficulty to write to not being able to write at all and even failing to read Chinese characters therefore got mocked as less educated than a junior high school graduates and got the moniker “Nine Escaping Fish/Nine Leaky Fish (九漏鱼 Jiǔ Lòu Yú),” short for “Fish escaping from the net of nine-year compulsory education (九年义务教育的漏网之鱼 jiǔnián yìwù jiàoyù de lòu wǎng zhī yú)”.
    When WYB was asked to write phrases in Chinese, he could only write “一 (yī)” in the common phrase “到此一游 (dào cǐ yī yóu, I was here).” He also wrote “一” from the phrase “一直以来 (yìzhí yǐlái, has always been)” as “已 (yǐ).” In both incidents it seems he can only write the character “一 (yī)” because it was the same as the first character of his name.
    For years this moniker ‘9-leaky fish’ was heavily associated to WYB that it became his middle name already (even when you search the term in Baidu the top search results are mostly associated with WYB). And if you think his reputation can’t get more downhill, just for him to commit another major blunder in public during one of the road shows promoting Tony Leung’s movie with WYB acting as one of the supporting casts. WYB got heavily criticized for his ignorance in various interviews.
    When one of the viewer (suspected to be one of his fan) asked about the most challenging part of playing his character in the movie, WYB went silent for a bit longer time, then he said ”to be frank I didn’t know how to answer (这个确实我不知道该怎么回答 zhège quèshí wǒ bù zhīdào gāi zěnme huídá).” When asked again what he gained from acting, he replied: “I learned what a film is…oh, I suddenly forgot what I was going to say (学到了什么是电影……哎,还想说什么突然忘了 Xuédàole shénme shì diànyǐng……āi, hái xiǎng shuō shénme tūrán wàng le).”
    After the clips went viral, his fans immediately got into defensive mode using WYB public persona (人设 rénshè) is “cool guy (酷盖 kùgài)” and a ‘man’ with ‘few words’ as an excuse for his blunders. But got shut down by the public because it was apparent that WYB was a empty-headed with nothing to say (脑袋空空,肚子里没货 nǎodài kōngkōng, dùzi li méi huò). Therefore, WYB got another moniker a “desperate illiterate (绝望的文盲 juéwàng de wénmáng).”
    Many major government owned official media like CCTV published a long-article of criticisms toward Desperate Illiterate celebrities and how they negatively affect the public and the society. This incident became a national issue and was even discussed during National Assembly. The term ‘Desperate Illiterate’ became a meme and a new internet slang. Similar with 9-leaky fish, when you search for this term definition in Baidu (google equivalent in China), the top results are associated with WYB and the origin of the word was also directly attributed to WYB road tour incident)
    The criticisms towards WYB are not focus on ‘academic illiteracy’ but about his lack of cultural knowledge, lack of understanding about his ‘acting’ profession therefore failing to understand his character, was suspected of having difficulty reading the script but earning too much money and receives high privileges when he was obviously inadequate for the job. Majority of the criticisms were coming from the general public compose of regular workers that has to meet requirements just to get a low-salary job and hassle to survive day by day. Some actors in Chinese ent also failed to complete the 9-compulsary education but still receive high respect from the public because they show genuine dedication to deliver a better version of themselves through acting, by connecting to their viewers through their life wisdom thoughts shared during their interviews and many more.

    • I understand your point but I do not agree with you at all… a person’s worth and value is not just based on academic education…
      I am glad there are people who can develop great skills thus hardwork and dedication doing what interest them. They can still lead by example for kids who are not academic.
      @tbvh, you sound like a person who is jealous a celeb can earn so much whilst he did not even do Gaokao.

      • @HL

        He doesn’t even have a high school diploma. Never mind gaokao, he doesn’t have the right to even take it.

        But the bigger issue isn’t that he can’t properly read or write. The biggest issue, and when all of this exploded, is that he is utterly incapable of analysing the characters he plays. If he can’t do that, how is he supposed to shape them?

        Plus as a stan, you keep talking about his hard work. What hard work when after years he is still the same bumbling illiterate? He only got where he is now because of his agency Yuehua that got him everything, in this or that way. If Yuehua dropped him, he would disappear in less than 6 months.

    • Thanks for taking the trouble to write this all down. Even though it feels like a mix of jealousy and bullying, as well as lack of interest on WYB’s side,it was very interesting to read all this, it sure puts things into perspective.

  17. Some people are looking for trouble again. From the filing to the official announcement to the opening credits, the film has two male protagonists. Even the posters for other overseas promotions such as South Korea and Japan only have Wang Yibo alone or Wang Yibo is in the front. A movie about young people doing street dance must have a young male protagonist.

  18. LOL this thread…..Ppl just believe what they believe. That justifies why WYB has a huge fanbase and also a huge anti-fanbase. He getting nominated or not, I’m not that much interested since my decision to watch a drama or a film doesn’t depend on award nomination, specifically when award nomination may be already lacking credibility in the eyes of people outside China. We have learned to take everything in China a grain of salt, C-ent awards included.

    WYB’s agency’s financial status intrigued me more though. I don’t know how a publicly listed ent companies advertising so much for such a high-profile celeb (who is reported to contribute 60% to company’s revenues) has had both asset value and stock price down 88% for the past year and since the IPO at HK stock exchange. The most recent financial data released by Hang Seng Index shows the troubling sign that Yuehua is barely above the water. There are many companies in China that are debt ridden but still keep their heads above the water because of their connections with the government and banks that continue to lend them money but have got the country into trouble. Real Estate is one such a good example. Eventually these companies will turn into bubbles and burst. Interesting to see how WYB’s career is gonna evolve to help the agency out of trouble!

  19. Please the information right people. DOES YUEHUA HAVE GOD LIKE POWER OR NOT? If yes, then why can’t it secure even a movie or drama for Yibo? If no, then the award is due to his own hard work.
    You cannot say the company is resourceful enough to buy important awards and the same company is unresourceful to get a movie. Sounds like sour grapes

    • no need to get confuse and get overly exaggerated about it because the answer is easy! award nomination and winnings are still very much cheaper and safer options than signing a risk agreement contract for one project. A risk agreement in which Yehua and/or WYB will be financially responsible in case the project will not air/completed bec the responsible party will be involve in any scandal. This is a must for risky artist (artist will scandals that can explode anytime)

    • I don’t really care if WYB deserves the nomination or not. Meaningless for me to evaluate actors’ acting based upon one award only. But I know per hard-coded financial data, his agency has been in trouble shortly since the IPO at HK stock exchange. WYB contributed 60% to the company’s revenues and the stock price/assets hasn’t been performing well that spelt out signs of trouble for both WYB and Yuehua. Now I see the reasons why Yuehua has been very aggressive promoting WYB, hoping recovering his past glory and popularity in the years (2020-2021?) right before the IPO.

      I’m giving some plausible speculation as an industry expert in this area, not a drama fan, about WYB’s career prospect and his agency whose financial performance hinges on WYB’s success. No personal emotions about WYB are relevant in my speculation.

  20. so impressed by the passion on both sides on the topic of WYB and some other celebrities. when I don’t like someone, I kind of just ignore them. I don’t write entire biographies on why they’re disliked. on the other hand, when I do like someone and I see negative comments, I mostly ignore them because if it’s valid criticism, people have a right to their opinions. I might engage in some minor civil debate, but some things are just subjective. and if it’s ridiculous accusations I completely ignore because the trolls are just here to get a reaction out of you.

  21. Before you speak about a topic you should do proper research instead of misleading people out of hate. Wang Yibo and Huang Bo are both male leads of One and Only the Director Dapeng even say on an interview the movie is tailor made for Wang Yibo and the movie is possible because of him, I suggest you go watch the movie and Dapeng interviews where is made very clear Wang Yibo is male lead of the movie. What happened with War Of Faith and Wang Yang it’s a completely different situation the only male lead of War of faith was always Wang Yibo and the female lead it’s Li qin. You can also go watch the director interviews and the writer interviews where it was made pretty clear from the beginning that the story is about Wei Ruolai journey and the only Male lead it’s Wang Yibo.

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