
Written and Video Preview for Episode 19 of The King 2 Hearts — 43 Comments

  1. OMG can someone translate the preview??? Thank you so much Ms. K!!! why is JH leaving the ship without HA??? I agree with you episode 20 sweet moments for our 2 OTPs!!! They can show us 2 weddings and time jumps. 🙂

  2. oh dear…. it’s really ending…wahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you madam K for the goodies….. now back to chewing my nails and crying….wahhhhhhhhhhhhh

  3. More importantly, is that uri Jae Ha…I mean, Seung-gi, the person in the background photo above? The one HJW was smiling so beautifully? 😉

    • Your comment above makes me missing the “Ah stress” lines and lots of donuts…. 😀

      @Miss Koala, big thanks,as always! Have my finger crossed that Shi Kyung is alive and kicking somewhere with the Princess.

  4. Ok, why do i have a feeling that Hang Ah is gonna do the noble idiot party? Noooooo!! Andwaeeeeee!!

    Pls don’t go there show! We’re at 19th!! 19th!!

    • Oh gosh… me too…
      Don’t tell me after the engagement etc. there is still doubt about HA as future queen?
      I also hope that the drama revelas why BG hates JH or the royalty so much…
      is it really just because he is psycho?

  5. I don’t think I’ll get ever tired seeing Ha Ji Won in action ~ seeing her in skirts with rifle in her hand is such a wonderful sight to see~ I really want to be like her when I grow up! LOL! 😀

    • i just noticed her wearing a skirt while wielding that rifle. How much more badass can Ha Ji Won get?????!!! and that smile…she truly is a goddess man

  6. Whoa in the preview I really hope it’s always misleading as always. Is the secretary asking HA’s credibility to be Queen? Hasn’t she proven herself enough?! I really hope they will end up together… Thanks Ms K!

  7. Why are you not doing any drama recap of Love Rain, This drama is also amazing and has very good story.

    Hoping you could make a recap soon now that King 2 Hearts is near to its ending.

    Thank you Koala

    • for me Love Rain the plots its too flat….seriously too much kiss scenes that unnecessary…too ordinary.thats why the ratings are also jumpin’ down.

      • agree!!! I stop watching it after 3 episodes.. so does RTP.. stop after 3 episodes..

      • Yea, the first few episodes are very boring but the story picks after the whole 70’s thing. i think at ep 5 or 6.. u should give it a try. try the modern part of the story . Love Rain is one of my fav Kdrama nw. 🙂

      • Yes Josie your right, after the 70’s story, Love rain story become more worth watching. @Moo please continue to watch the next episode and I think you will not agree to ifabebe that the story is flat.

        Love the modern day story so much….especially JGS!

  8. Why do I get the feeling that , due to Sec Eun’s questioning of who shd be the right queen , that HangAh will somehow try to back down & slip away for ‘greater good’ ?
    Thankfully , we say tiny-Jaeha or else , my mind will go crazy wondering .

    • Maybe…two hearts is about one heart at south korea and another left at north ..owh no..hang ah and the prince cant be left alone at north….huhu

  9. Thank you. Anxiously waiting for the preview for the past few days. And woa la… Here you are… Thank you so much.

  10. omo! did i see bon bon get shot at, multiple times?? *fist pump* it’s about damn time that bitch went down!

  11. EEK! Thank you so much… I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers so avoiding sites other than you and dramabeans, but an official preview is okay by me! I’m so sad that this drama is ending, but happy that it’s finishing strong.

  12. Aiiiiiish..what happen to Hang Ah for let Jae Ha go first.
    .look how the writer-nim keep playing so much tention with our heart
    Even in 2 last episodes..Hang Ah the sniper,AWESOME XD

  13. Oh noooooooo… I read at YouTube that maybe shi kyung really dies!!!? Coz someone mentioned that there’s a all soldiers attending a cemetary burial photo or something??!
    Please don’t let this be TRUE…

  14. Hello there.

    TQ so much for the preview upload and translation as well..
    Glad to see Bon Bon got shot and Bong Gu is being arrested. But I thing I am curious is that how could BG who is being detained by ICC is still able to create some mess out there for our King?

    Besides that, why is Sec Eun questioning bout HA’s status? Isn’t she already engaged with the King? I thought he already accepted HA as the future Queen since during the engagement ceremony, he showed the video recording of JK as well as addressing HA as the queen when HA called JH from the prisoner in ep 18?

    Lastly is why in the preview showed that our HA is crying? Could it be she overheard Sec Eun and JH’s conversation and that is why she asked JH to go 1st?? the last part of the preview showed that JH left in the car without HA who is alone on the ship.. Is she trying to stay away for JH so that can make the condition better and less stressful for our King???

    This is killing me despite I am happy to see that they have reunion in ep 18 and spoilers pictures showed them to have little JH… Cant wait for the last two ep!!!!

  15. I dont understand a single thing of the preview. So frustrating, cant wait for tommorow’s episode ‘sigh’.

    Smiling regardless of what happens, praying for a Happy Ending yaayyyy!!!

  16. Could the child potentially have only one parent as in the only one alive , they better not put that child as a token of rememberance of the dead parent no matter whether the kid is the king’s or less than no chance likely, the princess

  17. Sooooooo happy… Finally, at least there’s a happy ending for The King & his beloved Hang Ah. Guess what; Yes a Royal baby too!! He’s so very adorable.

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