New C-ent Tabloid Snaps Show Gorgeous Rising Stars He Yu and Liu Xie Ning Still Happily Dating

I’m still wrapping my head around it being 2024 and netizens angry that their fave star got married at a marriageable age to a long standing relationship?!? I’m talking about Wu Jin Yan and her recent bombshell news but it could be any star and any era and it feels like the para-social standards haven’t change much. As such, it’s sweet that this week rising C-stars He Yu and Liu Xie Ning (Sally of Gugudan) were pictured still happily together after two years of rumored dating. He Yu often goes to Hengdian studios to keep his girlfriend company when she is filming and the two are often spotted going back to each other’s residences like you know normal dating couples do lol. The recent pics are tabloid shot and include one that is clearly the two kissing in their own condo half behind curtains. While it is absolutely an invasion of privacy C-ent is does this shit, and if it gets their fans used to their relationship then I’m all for it because these two are adorbs.

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